60 Facts~ ^^

Got this meme from Asu-chi(: If you have a question about the facts, ask me 'bout them, below!

1- Brooke's username comes from her previous favorite color (blue), and her ethnicity (Hawaiian)
2- Brooke has gotten straight A's since birth, and is deathly afraid of getting anything less
3- Brooke has self confidence problems
4- Brooke relies heavily on tutorials when in need
5- Brooke deeply fears the health and safety of those around her
6- Brooke acts much differently around different people
7- Brooke has many nicknames, including "Cookie"
8- Brooke has always wanted a more exotic name
9- Brooke finds it easier to befriend boys than it is to befriend females
10- Brooke has always dreamed to be a singer, but would be happy with being an author or news reporter
11- Brooke wishes to be one of the best card-makers on theO, although her changes are slim
12- Brooke cries easily--very easily
13- If Brooke knows a song, she can't not sing along to it
14- Brooke prefers the winter to summer
15- Brooke has no idea how to work Mini Tokyo or Anime Paper
16- Brooke started getting into graphic design when she was 13
17- Brooke hates it when she's wrong
18- Brooke is much nicer online than she is in real life
19- Brooke lies if it's to protect someone she cares deeply for
20- Brooke sucks badly at acting, and can't tell a lie for her life
21- Brooke hates to be told what to do
22- Brooke loves plushies of all sorts, and sleeps with them, too
23- Brooke's idol is Lady Gaga, even though most people she knows are not fans
24- Brooke's lucky number is 32, after winning a contest with teh number
25- Brooke loves the color pink
26- Brooke is terrible with word pronunciations
27- Brooke knows a lot about perverted Japanese terms
28- Brooke eats fast food almost every day
29- Brooke eats a lot of junk food, but is still "thin"
30- Brooke doesn't have any allergies
31- Brooke can't wait up any earlier than 10 AM on the weekends
32- Brooke hates trolls, especially those on Youtube
33- Brooke doesn't believe in true love
34- Brooke has banned herself from ever dating anyone ever again
35- Brooke is extremely stubborn, and has argued for a week about something with a friend
36- Brooke is very trustworthy, and will never tell a secret
37- Brooke has made many other accounts on this site, mainly for RPs
38- Brooke loves dogs will all her heart--much more than cats
39- Brooke has no talent in the kitchen
40- Brooke spends most of her online time on theO--or playing Touhou games
41- Brooke can't make graphics unless she's inspired or motivated
42- Brooke is extremely lazy and hates working hard doing something she hates
43- Brooke is obsessed with bokeh when it comes to cards
44- Brooke reads more than 12 hours a day if possible
45- Brooke loves to please her online friends, especially those she looks up to
46- Brooke rarely listens to music, except late at night
47- Brooke's favorite sports are football and dance
48- Brooke is in a band, called im[PERFECT]ions
49- Brooke is uncomfortable giving others her real age online
50- Brooke spends an unhealthy amount of time reading
51- Brooke has many "enemies" or people who hate her for no reason
52- Brooke is an only child
53- Brooke has had a mouse, a snake, and two turtles
54- Brooke really wants to learn how to vector, but fears she will fail epicly at it
55- Brooke loves to be in charge
56 - Brooke tried to learn how to play guitar once, but gave up once the guitar broke
57 - Brooke has cried while reading a book before
58 - Most of the guys Brooke truly like, tend to like her back
59 - Brooke wishes she was as talented as her peers
60- Brooke feels weird when referring to herself in the third person

DONE. XD I have no idea if that's how I was supposed to do it, but I had fun coming up with all of those! And they are all true. <3 If ya want to do this, go for it!

