Merry Christmas! :3

Hey all! Merry Christmas~ I hope all of you are enjoying your holidays thus far; I know I am! It's been great, being able to sleep in til noon everyday! Not to mention all of the gift-giving! I must say, my favorite gift would have to be Ginny's wand (authentic, real-deal, Harry Potter-ness right there), which I received from the fabulous MiseryMiss! *glomps Squishy* Other than that, I just got a lot of money. XD I'll be going to my aunt's house later to be with my younger cousins and watch as they play with all their high-tech trinkets. *laughs* I don't remember my gifts from Santa ever being that expensive... or complicated. But, what can you do? I also got a kindle, which I am going to try to figure out... eventually.

I still have many Christmas cards left to make and dedicate, so if you haven't gotten one from me yet, never fear!! ^^ As for all the Secret Santa's I am in, I only have one left to tackle (the writing one, predictably), so hopefully I'll be able to get that done by the end of the day, as well. ^^ Hope you all are having as much fun as I am!!

