Meh... My life, my blog, and not my wonderings. How successful!

I know I can over-react, but all the same!

It's my birthday soon, so I have to think of something. I've gotten close to an old friend again, and we went swimming both today and Sunday.
These guys were harassing us, but my friend played the game, while I just scowled. These guys were at least 22, and dickheads to say the least. I think that it's sad how my friend is so used to being harassed by guys, and the worst thing is that we were swimming IN OUR SWIM SUITS when being annoyed. It's primarily because my friend has a big chest. They really were wastes of space!
I've been alright otherwise. I am doing this workshop, and I'm going to Big Brother's Little Brother to be in the audience, so I won't be on tomorrow, but this is getting rather boring on here. I've got my anime shows though!


I went to the theatre for this workshop, and I've got quite a handicap! The others all study drama and were confident, not that I am not saying that I'm not, but they were. All the peeps who came from my school didn't study drama at all! They all seem nice.
The group is to see a play and then make one inspired by it. 'Twas called 'The Revenger's Tragedy' a tragedy by all accounts, and about lust and revenge (wouldn't have thunk it!). The director, I have to commend! The stage was flat, and then there was a moving circle comprising of 3 different sets. The beginning had the most effect, and now I wish I remembered all of it! I don't know why, but I wsan't sucking in ALL the information I could as I would usually do.
If I were to explain the entirety of the play, I would be here forever, but Vindice wants revenge- wouldn't guess it by the name, and he eventually gets his revenge.
The stabbing bits I loved (a bit too much) but there were the bits with sex and the grinding which were a bit too graphic for me!
I was sitting next to a boy who was from another college, and he was falling asleep. The thing is, because it was all 'thee's 'thy's and 'thou's, I dont' think it inspired him- I assumed he was dragged along by his teacher, and he was snoring so loudly, that it endeed up being louder than the people on stage!
For the music, it was trance music with a man singing very high- even higher than the notes I could hit, and I'm a soprano! He's a countertenor anyway. Very high. He was singing over the trance in Latin because it is Italian.
It was a gritty play, and when it hit the climax/ time for the interval, the lying wedding dress of his dead lover, and when the stage was spinning, a female filled the dress, and the boy who had woken up by that time squawked how that wasn't real or possible to which I thought- the beauty of drama. He told me not to laugh at him in a sulky fashion, and I retorted how he was asleep previously, and he told me not to say it so loud, or his teacher would here.
INADVERTENTLY I didn't end up with my school mates when watching the performance!! Oh me oh my! *mocks despair and shock* I was on the other side of the row of seats, and then the two boys who sat next to me moved up to be with their friends, so I was all by my lonesome in every direction with a beautiful view!
It so inspires me to go to the theatre again! I need to reinfuse those creative juices which fade away as I have scholarly English Literature, French, Theolgy and Sociology! (The melodrama continues! :D)

The recurrence of those old disdainful feelings

I'm feeling low again, and I can feel the good old cycle, but there is utter despair because I can't seem to break it. I feel like I go through depression time and time again, and the feelings feel haggard and almost like an artform in themselves; I wrote a poem about it, but it's in my diary, so I'm not going to copy it out because I'm at school. A tiny little thing like putting too much water in the rice to make it all soggy sent me into a rampage of crying and being careless and harsh with things, to add insult to injury as well, my mum wasn't even at home because she was out at a job, but I spent the whole day with her, so I didn't mind so much, but the fact that it was all over-whelming is quite severe because it has begun, and these kinds of things don't wear off until the end of term, which is 18th July where I can have sufficient sleep. I think the root cause is sleep-deprivation, because things get to you when you're tired. I hate the fact that I know how, when and where I'm going to fall to pieces because I can do nothing to stop it from happening. I'm retreating into my dark place, and I just need to be pulled out.
*sighs* I hate having the knowledge but being powerless.
Here's to me clutching to everything sad and holding it inside.

Prolonged warmth

Yes, it is still warm here. I've got Sociology as a test tomorrow; not sweating it, as it's fairly simple. One problem for revision today: the library is closed today, and I need to revise by myself in silence but I cannot when there are so many other people making noise. *sighs* Looking forward to it though.
The bulk are next week Mond, Tues and Wednesday. After that 3.6.08 (English dating) Wish me luck!

Why and how incompetance can fuck you up.

Ah yes. The abhorration which is my local library.
Now, I had reservations in- 'Death Note' volumes 4, 5 and 6. Now, I had a book which was reservaed, so I needed to give that back, ON TOP OF an overdue fine of 40p. Now, the things is, I wasn't emailed this, neither was the online system EVEN WORKING on Thursday, so I had no clue.
So, in the sweltering heat, I had to walk home and give it back. Now, I couldn't pay 40 pence on card 'because it costs them more than the fine itself' (Like I give a damn). So I had to go to a cash machine in order to get money out, but the smallest amount you can get out is £10. What a pain. It turns out that I can't pay the fine UNTIL I give the book back. Did I add about the fact that I had booked a computer because the internet is NOT working on the home computer. It has a twenty minute grace of waiting, but that expired, because it TOK 15 MINUTES TO GET HOME AND COME BACK WITH THE BOOK!
Ah, but I did not cuss (too much) and went home. The shoes that I am wearing- sandels, I have not worn in a while, and have now given me the heavenliest blisters that I have had. BLiss! So I only got 30 minutes computer time if I wanted it immediately, of which I only have 19 minutes now, out of the 90 minutes I COULD HAVE GOTTEN if this library was competant, but far alas, WISHFUL THINKING! *grunts*