A good old bit of reflection

I'm not too sure where this post goes, because it is a musing, but about my life specifically.
I've been getting to that age where I've been thinking about life, what is behind me, what is before me, and people.
We've all been wronged many times, and we are given this popularised idea of what our lives should be, what university/ college life is all about, and the grandest of all, relationships.
My mum says that many facets of relationships do not make sense, and I think though I have not been in one, it is true. I don't understand things, and I just about get my own emotions let alone try to learn someone else's. You can't learn everything about someone anyway, only what they want to reveal in most circumstances, and I know that as fact, but then again, I've got a friend who's scared to know the things that exist within my soul.

I know that you are meant to explore who you are when in uni/ college, and go down new avenues, etc. etc. disasterous relationships, meeting new weird people etc. but I cannot help but become muddled by all that we are prescribed to, what the media and other mediums dictate us to do with certain expectations, but is it not all a little base and seedy?
For me, I think I do not have many of the 'alternatives' for paths to go down, and is just the emancipation of becoming my own person as girl turns to woman? Sometimes I just find this whole muddle physically sickening to be honest.
