March Break Hw, am i the only one?

It's torture! the teachers at my school believe that March Break is the perfect time to load us up with homework. seriously, this is the entire list of my march break homework. (all of it assigned at beginning and due at end)
- Term Paper on The Odyssey vs Oedipus Rex, ten page essay
- Law Project, find a fairy tale an create a 20 minute presentation on the criminal charges (and a paper)
- Complete an acrylic self portrait
- Complete an accurately sized sculpture of a flat hand in soapstone
- Create a 20 minute presentation on Toxoplasmosis (science)
- Build and write the code for a functioning, moving robot with a controllable arm and wheels
- Write a 7 page essay on French-Canadian separation (history)

OHMYGOD!!! If this doesn't kill me i don't think anything can!!! grr. yet i still procrastinate and doodle. if anyone has a god way of beating through this, tell me!! i should probably just pull a couple all-nighters and finish it in a few days.

Let the torture begin!!

