100 Things About Me (Bored and stole from Moka)

1) Name: Kitty

2) Name Backwards: Yttik

3) Were you named after anyone?: Nope

4) Does your name mean anything?: apart from the obvious, no.d

5) Nick Name(s): Sakura, Kat, Kassy, KitKat, Crazy Woman (Idiot Friends..-_-), Coconut/Cake Maniac, K, DoodleBot

6) Screen Name(s): Sakura, Maerad, coconutmaniac

7) Date of Birth: May 13th, 1996

8) Place of Birth: Richmond Hill, Ontario

10) Current Location: Aurora, Ontario

11) Sign: Taurus

12) Religion: Anime (heh)

13) Height: 6'0

14) Weight: 150 lbs

15) Shoe Size: 11 1/2

16) Hair color: Varying shades of blonde (natural, i don't dye my hair)

17) Eye color: green, blue and all in-between. (changes due to mood, weird right?)

18) What you look like: a tall person thats wants cake...

19) Innie or Outie: Outie

20) Righty, Lefty, Both: Both!!! except i can't draw with my left at all...

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: Straight

22) Best friend(s): In real life: umm none really (thats sad... :( )

23) Best friend you trust the most: see previous answer

24) Best friends {your sex}: see previous answer

25) Best friends of the opposite sex: see previous answer

28) Crush: umm none in real life. in anime, well then...prepare the endless lists!!!

29) Parent(s): mom and dad

30) Worst Enemy: the other me 0.o

31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): umm I'm still new...

32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): see previous answer

33) Funniest friend: all of them.

34) Craziest friend: see previous answer

35) Advice Friend: non-existent :(

37) Person you cry with: non-existent :(

38) Any sisters: one. four years younger than me. annoying...

39) Any brothers: Nope!

40) Any pets: :( i wanna pet...

41) A Disease: cake and tea addiction

42) A Pager: nope

43) A Personal phone line: yup

44) A Cell phone: yup

45) A Lava Lamp: i wish

46) A Pool or hot tub: are you trying to make me jealous!!!

47) A Car: possibly in the near future... >:D

Describe Your...

48) Personality: twisted.

49) Driving: -_-

50) Car or one you want: i want a motorcycle

51) Room: average size with my anime/manga style art all over the walls

52) Mmh: ?

53) School: almost through sophomore year...

54) Bed: umm bed-like?

55) Relationship with your parent(s): unrelenting pressure and arguments

56) Believe in yourself: haha i wish

57) Believe in love at first sight?: no clue. first, make me believe in love...

58) Consider yourself a good listener: on occasion

Also 59 is missing. yes, i can see

60) Get Along with your parents: no

61) Save your e-mail conversations: yeah

62) Pray: only when really desperate

63) Believe in reincarnation: possibly

64) Like to make fun of people: No

65) Like to talk on the phone?: not really.

66) Like to eat: CAKE!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

67) Like to drive: not really

68) Get motion sickness: *barfs* yes. severely.

69) Eat the stems of broccoli: i hate vegetables. >:(

70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: why would i?

71) Dream in color: yep

72) Type with your fingers on home row: umm sometimes

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: my bunny. his name is Usagi-kun. he is fluffy and will eat your soul if you don't love him!!!

74) Right next to you: random doodles of Ed spazzing from FMA.

75) On the walls of your room: art. everywhere.

76) On your mouse pad: Laptop. heh heh.

77) Your dream car: MOTORCYCLE!

78) Your dream date: no clue. (my inner self is yelling at me. I'm almost 16 and have no romantic interest or relation whatsoever!!! what's wrong with me!!!?? never mind, i like life with no drama..)

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: see above

80) Your dream wife/husband: see above

81) Your bedtime: when i finish my ass-load of homework. (9:30-12:00)

83) The single most important Lesson: cake = happiness

84) Your bad time of the day: mornings. don't even look at me in the morning because i will go ballistic. (true...)

86) The weather like: hot.

87) The time: 10:30 PM

88) The date: March 21st, 2012

89) The best trick you ever played on someone: convinced them that i had a twin.

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: coconut,banana,kiwi,strawberry,mango,orange smoothies.

91) Theme Song: Myself - Valshe

92) The hardest thing about growing up: finding pants and shoes in my size... -_-

93) Your funniest experience: watching the video of me waking up after surgery and still being on the drugs

94) Your scariest moment: screwed up the tendons and ligaments in my arm while hiking.

95) The silliest thing you've ever said: (to parents while half asleep) I am God! Obey me or perish!!! *collapse and fall back asleep*

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex: i haven't done anything...

97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): we though we lost one of them but he was just too short. :)

99) The best feeling in the world: eating cake

100) 5 people you tag: anyone!
