almost 2009

I'm really looking forward to school and life again. Just one more week. I really want to get back to dance, hopefully work off my holiday pudge. :P

Well, I'm thinking I'm going to post now about my goals/hopes for 2009. I took some goals and combined them with some things from my bucket list I thought I could plausibly do this year. So here goes. Don't laugh at me^^

Adopt a manatee
pet a dolphin
write a song
kiss a complete stranger
do the splits
be in a quartet
get a 30 on the ACT
take pilates
get my YW medalion
read scriptures every day
save up to buy a new viola
take an art class
memorize Elegy (a piece I've been working on)
don't procrastinate
have a boyfriend
get closer to my family
rely more on God & myself
be a little slower to judge
be good
practice viola lots
pray lots

So that's my list so far. I'm going to try to do everything. Usually, I make goals, but they only last for a couple weeks. I figured if I had a list to cross most things off of, it would work better.
