
well folksies this week will probably be my last week on here before we move which is gonna be this weekend so i'll probably be a few days without internet but that's okay...cause the place we are moving to has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths! gonna seem kinda big since i'm used to this trailer having only 2 bedrooms and 1 bath but it'll be a nice change...my lil sis will have a bedroom to herself now and so will i and we'll have another bathroom which will be fantastic lol well just thought i'd update about what's gonna be going on this weekend oh yeah...if all works out as planned i'll be going to see Saw VI with my step mom on Friday morning...which means i'll actually have to get up early -_- lol but come Friday night we'll probably start with the moving then so if i don't see none of you before Friday night i hope you all have a wonderful rest of week, and a wonderful weekend and i hope to see you soon after the move ^_^ laterz folksies~

