that feeling you get when you realize you're alone in this world, no friends, you have family but they don't understand anything about what goes on in your life even though you live with them, yeah, i had that feeling today, i'm not a weepy person, but i cried, i couldn't help it, when you don't have friends to talk to about your problems, and you most def can't talk to your family about them, it's just....pfeh, i'm a little better now after talking to my crush for a little while, he's letting me call him papi xD *he's mexican btw* buuuuut anywayz, i still feel a bit pfeh, but not so much now....he's the one person it seems that i can count on, even though we don't talk all that much at work, but when we do talk, a smile comes to his face and then i can't help but smile and it just feels right to me, to me at least....anyway, i reckon i'm done for now, figured i'd do a little post about my life now and how it's been for me recently, hope you all have been well, have a good one you guys~
emo post is emo