Finally I reached the Kami Oka, to find Ayu impatiently waiting.
“Lin Ling-san! Where have you been? You’re late! What kept you?”
“I lost track of time while in the park, and then on my way Mr. Timiha stopped me to give me a package for my father.”
“Oh, Lin Ling, what will I do with you…” Said Ayu while shaking her head. “So what’s inside the package?”
“I don’t know. I’ll just have to wait until my father opens it...” I said
“Aw… What a shame… Oh well, let’s eat! What do you want?” “I’ll take some maguro sushi Mrs. Toobeta.” Ayu said to the waitress.
“Alright, and for you Miss Nakashima?” Said Mrs. Toobeta.
“Um, I just want some aesoba.” I told the waitress.
“Okay, it’ll be out in a few!”
“So, Lin Ling-san, what new poems have you written? I’ve been wanting to hear one lately.” Ayu asked me
“Well, I’ve only had time to write just one… It’s named ‘Sweetly Deceived.’ It isn’t much, but I think it makes a point.”
“Oh! Let me hear it Lin Ling!”
“Okay, Ayu-san. Just for your ears only, got it?” I told her.
As I reached for my notebook, my book fell to the floor. I went to pick it up, but a boy beat me to it.
“Thank you…” I said.
“No problem, pleasure was mine. You read Nishiko Kogami?” Said the boy.
“Yes, you’ve read ‘Into the River’?” I asked him.
“Yes. I find his mythology very intriguing.” He replied.
“My exact thoughts! I never thought I would meet another person who has read Nishiko!” I said astonishment.
“Well, I guess today is your lucky day, huh?” He said with a smile.
“Yeah, I guess…” I said.
“Well, I must be going. I have things to attend to. So I bid you adieu.” He said with a quick bow, which I found very cute and funny at the same time.
He was different from all the other guys. He was so intelligent and charming. He was kind of cute too; pin straight brunette hair (that went to about the end of his chin), gorgeous blue eyes, and a style like no other. Why is it once I find someone I really like, I can never be with…
“Well, he was certainly different…” Ayu said.
“Yeah…” I said with a sigh.
“Oh, don’t tell me you like him?” She said.
“Well, he was nice.”
“Lin Ling-san, yes, he was nice and all, but you don’t even know him!” Ayu said.
“Yes, I guess that is true. But oh well, I probably will never see him again.” I said.
“Hmm… maybe… Anyways, Lin Ling, weren’t you just going to read a poem?”
“Oh, yes! As I was, ‘Sweetly Deceived’…
One summer’s day, I am with you again…
Here in your arms, O’ how you smell of the ocean…
Oh, how I’ve miss that smell; so vigorous and charming.
In the summer’s gaze, I am speechless, resting in your arms.
I am happy… in this moment… I am yours…
There are flowers blooming all around us and they are blooming for us.
In this small but happy moment you caress me from my head to my arm, whispering, ‘ I love you so’
As you look into my eyes, you gently touch my lips with yours…
Kissing me softly, I fall to you, not noticing that you have complete control…
You move your hand from my arms to my breasts…
Then you start taking heavier breaths…
I am so confused, I don’t know what is happing but I know this isn’t you…
Wait, oh no, you have that look in your eyes, it is not the love I thought I knew…
I try to push you off, but you keep going, down…
You are no longer on my hips; I try to pretend this is not you…
I fell for you’re lies… crying… here, on the blooming flowers,
As the flower inside me dies…”
“That… is… so… BEATIFUL! How did you get so good Lin Ling-san?”
“I don’t know; it just comes to me. I guess it is just… well when I read, or hear stories, it inspires me, from there, my pen just takes over.”
“Wow, that is a gift. You are so lucky, Lin Ling!”
“Thank you, but you have gifts too, they just haven’t revealed themselves.”
“Aw, thank you Lin Ling-san…”
“Here’s your food girls, enjoy!”
“Thank you, Mrs. Toobeta.” I told the waitress.
“So (munch, munch) have you gone out with that guy out yet? What (munch) was his name?”
“(Munch, munch) You mean Reo? I don’t really think he’s for me… Not the guy I thought he was.”
“Aw, why not? He is cute! Who cares if he’s not your type!”
“Alright, alright. (Munch, munch) All I’m saying (Munch) He’s good lookin’.”
“So are you ready for mid-terms?”
“Yup! I hope I do better than last year…”
“I bet you will. You’ve study way harder for them this year than you ever have. So there is not doubt in my mind you wont!”
“Thanks, Lin Ling. You are a good friend.”
“Thank you… Friends ‘til the end?”
Ayu and I have been friends since we were four and have been inseparable since then.
Later, after me and Ayu did some “serious” shopping at the mall, we went home. Ayu spends the night over my house at least once a week. We are practically sisters.