
I feel so disconnected from this place xD i was about to update myO when i thought "will anyone look at this?" so here i am updating theO. hopefully someone will come around and see me ^^ i still have no idea how to make friends on theO

So, work is great for me, my boss has been hiring a whole buncha people and im training a new hostess soon. In fact, the new hostess may actually be my potential roomate!

She recently asked if i was interested in moving in with her, and i am very much! I havent been able to talk to her since then about it, her dad recently went back to iraq so i honestly havent wanted to bring it up because she's been so sad ^^ i would love to move out though, you all know how my family is, i want to get away for them, at least for a couple of months to get my head clear and find some peace of mind within myself.

oh! and at work i got a raise! only 50 cents but still ^^ i was excited, i feel like i do really well and work really hard and deserve it

So i got a haircut on saterday. it looked ok, but i thought i needed to dye it darker...so i did! heres a picture:
