Hi guys! Been spending the weekend watching my recordings of this year's E3 Expo, and I must say I am thoroghly impressed. So far we have Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Street Fighter x Tekken, and.... FINAL FANTASY X-2!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED! Accoreding to Square, this game will feature no Lightning, But in her place is sister Serah and new character Noel. But AHHHH! Lightning is MISSING! Where did she go?!? As excited as I am to play as Serah, I can't help but be curious on where she went. The clips I saw, showed Light on her eidolin Odin, fighting a monster. But most of whatever they revealed was gameplay of Serah( equiped with a Moggle that transforms into a bow) and Noel(looks like he has a sword and some weird staff thing.
There is also rumors of an new PS4 in the making. WTF! I don't even have the PS3!! Other rumors include the new NGP (some weird psp) will include Metal Gear Solid on it. Strange right? Oh well.
What I want to know is when are they going to start working on KH3!!!! I want to see the suposed end of this "Xehanort Saga".
Well, time to sign off for now. When I learn more I'll be sure to post it. Bye for now!!!