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Heyy everyone!! Somethings about me:
I love Twilight
I'm obsessed with Twilight
I like movies
I'm shy except online
Fictional vampires are awesome
I'm a band geek
I play the clarinet
Naruto is my fav anime
I don't read much manga
Thats about it...
I don't know why I'm still listing crap
Well, there is some info bout me. This world is just what I do in my daily life/what happened and crap like that. I love you all, danke for coming to my site!!
I know I haven't been on in a while/a long time but no ones PMed me or commented on anything! GOSH! Anyways. I took a quiz and got this [URL=][IMG][/IMG]
[URL=] And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble? if it doesn't show I got paine...
My life sucks right now. No one is commenting so that means no one is reading my posts but I'm still posting.
Friday I had permission to go to my friends house and go to the dance but I got in trouble Friday so I didn't get to go to the dance and see me friends () and I won't tell you what I did cuz it doesnt matter but I'm "grounded". I have no ds or cell phone but I still have my GBA, CD, IPod, and I can watch TV whenever and my computer and playstation time is limited and my friend got in trouble about the same thing I did and she probably got everything taken away. I'm so lucky. My dad said if it was him he would have taken more away.
I'm sad I didn't go to the dance but this is a funny video. I hope it showed. It's a song from Avenue Q and those songs are awesome!! If it didn't work than it will be at the end of the post. Which is here! LOL!! I luv ya'll. BYe!!
Sometimes posting on this thing pisses me off soo much! Yesterday I posted a lot and I didn't fill in all the stupid spaces so it didn't frickin work! Gosh! Anyways. I might ride the bus home with my friend Ashley then we will do each others hair and make-up and go to the Spring Dance friday then I'll spend the night at her house BUT this guy asked me if I would go to the spring dance with him and I said if I'm going with Ashley I yep.
I'm at school and totally bored. We got road runner at my house now and videos load really fast and I mean really fast its sooo awesome! I luv it! I'll be putting vidoes up more!! WHEE!! Sorry bored. Well, the bell will ring and I have other things I must help me neopet who is probably dieing. Not kidding he would be died if they could die!! LOL! Bye everyone! Talk to you all later!!¤t=miley-cyrus-bra.jpg¤t=cyrus.jpg
OMG I can't believe if those are really Miley Cyrus! It's weird!! She's such a good actress and singer and those look like her. It makes me sad
Out of that. My friends Greedsdoll came over and gave me a mix CD for my birthday and it has the song Domo Arigato and I was like "OMGosh, this was to be expected" and on the CD it also has Low, Kiss Kiss, Crank That Soulja Boy, and Cyclone and my sisters like "play all the black ppl music"...okay w/e.
I don't know what else to say. I'll talk to you all later! Bye bye!!
I'm depressed. My friend and I were going to write I story...okay I was going to write the story but she was gonna give me ideas and it was a naruto story and she wanted Naruto and I'm like "Sorry Lizzy gets him" and she started yelling at me in her reply and then I yelled back and we got in a fight but we are better now and friends again. And even tho she was the one that started yelling her parents hate me so does Casi and Conor (her brother and sister) and Britney (her other sister) who is friends with my sister who comes over every fucking Wednesday to watch Americas Next Top Model and they all hate me now so how the hell am I going to talk to Britney when we used to like each other? What the fuck am I supposed to do!? God, this sucks.
one is a diamond heart the other is a wolf, asking who will Bella choose: Edward Cullen (hottie hot hottie) or Jacob Black (*throws up*)