Hey everyone! Just wanna let you know whats going on here. It's pretty boring really. Marching band season (or football season if you will) is almost over. We have one last game (well, 1 home game then an away game) and one last competetion and marching band is over! I'm excited but I'm also really sad. I'm happy because, no more thursday night practice (which I just got home from) and no more freezing my butt off in 1st hour and also new music (not the same thing over again! I mean I luv the show but it gets boring after a while). I'm sad because some of my friends are in symponic band and I'm in concert, no more long bus rides to contests which I really liked because I would play Mario Party with my friends, and no more forgetting to do homework because I'm busy!
But yeah, I just got home from practice and we went outside for class today, it's 1st hour and my toes completly got feeling back in them in 7th hour so I couldn't feel my toes till I got on the bus pretty much and know my toes are frozen again. My fingers are still a little bit frozen but not as much and my mom got me hot chocolate which I've had 1 sip of cuz it's not hot it's on friggin fire! So I'm afraid to drink it cuz I've already burned my tonge on it.
I think that's it for now. I love you all and hopefully when I get under my heated blanket my toes will defrost.
Luv lots ~ pUrPlE rOsE/tHe CuLlEnS aNd ThE hAlEs