Several days earlier
They were walking to their 3rd block class together. They didn't have the same class but they still liked walking together. Plus, everyone got annoyed when 7 people walked down the hallways, clumped together.
He seperated off from the group and waved to the others.
"See you at last bell right, Drake?" A girl from the group called to him, speaking for them all.
"Pssh. Of course, Kaci!" Drake said back. They all smiled as he walked into the class.
As Drake strolled to his seat in the back, he prepared himself for his least favorite class... which was about to begin.
On his way, he gave 2 high-fives and one enthusiastic nod.
The teacher was a substitute.
And, it was the two days before Halloween.
Halloween was on a Saturday this year so tomorrow they got to dress up in their costumes. The substitute would be there tomorrow, too. And since the sub was new to their school, he didn't know any of them and their disruptive behavior.
This was also Computers Class so NO ONE would be doing their work. Everyone would be playing things like Tetris and Gaia and being on Facebook and MySpace-they all knew the cheats and proxies.
The class dragged on but finally, when the bell rang at 1:56, Drake darted for the door and made a rush to get to his locker so he could catch up with his friends.
While he was on his way to the bathroom, his best friend, Alecks [pronounced just like Alex], came up to him, grabbed his arm and spun him around into the bathroom.
"Hey, dude, wanna skip class?" Alecks asked, almost hyperventallating.
"Sure, but, what are we going to do? I didn't bring my PSP today." Skipping was a usual thing for them to do.
"Don't worry, dude. I got something to tell you that's, like, real important."
"... Okay?" Alecks sounded like he was high so Drake wasn't going to believe the story anyway.