I did tell you guys about me possibly doing little voice memes or video recordings for me answering stuff right?
Well yeah, I thought about doing little recordings of me answering things or doing a request from y'all that you might wanna hear me say.
I can't remember if you guys wanted me to do it or not. So yeah, leave a comment if Ya want me to do it XD
So I got like... 3 people telling me to do it xD
I might do it if I get maybe 5 more people or something lol. If I get more, I will most likely do it.
If I do this, I will make each day a different theme. By themes I mean things like: Random Facts, Request(make me do something), Any thing Sexual(pfft), etc
So yeah.....xD
So I have been commanded to do this, I will apperiantly be doing this little thing then XD
Let this week finish, and the week after and I will get to doing all of this stuff okay xD