xNU Update!

TIME TO INFORM Y'ALL ON MY LIFE~! Not many any care oTL

First off!! College is going well O v O
I REALLY enjoy going to my art class(its really 2 but im with one teacher for 3 hours so yeah) >w<! I like my english class too and I hate my math class oTL. Not that its bad or anything its just....I hate math....with a passion. I also dont have to buy any books for my classes either!! Just a shit tone of art supplies OTL

Second!! I got to meet up with the son of one of my mom's friend :3
He was sweet and Im glad I got the chance to meet him! He gave me a huge and OMG IS HE TALL!! Like he huged me and I only met up to his stomach!! Tallest ginger I will ever meet @n@'. But I like him and I hope we become friends OvO!! Lol look at me being social XD

THIRD AND MOST EMBARRASING! I finished two short animes today on netflix XD
I watched Noragami and Princess Jellyfish. Both were good UwU-b! But I perfer Noragami better cuz thats more of the animes Im into O u O

Fourth! I got some salt scrub!!
I was at the fair the other day and were were at a stand that was selling salt scurbs. When I got up to the table the dude asked me about my skin(i have Psoriasis, but its Dermatitis) and he was telling us how it was made to help people with skin issues like me. So we bought some and I've been using it everyday :3! I dont know when it will kick it but it smells good and makes my skin soft OwO

Now I must go look for a bag online that I could possibly shove all of my art supplies in!! NYOOM
