Kai no Mao

Kai didn’t like mao. Why im not too sure. Mao liked kai and even disobeyed her Yakuza father to go after him. But he didn’t care. Kai was blind, too attached to saya. Mao went around the world with the news reporter guy Okamura to find Kai. Kai was being too much of a jerk with his ego to her. I still don’t know why. Ha always repelled her till she finally gave up and maybe got an interest in Okamura since they been through a lot together chancing Kai and news of Chiropterans. Mao finally decides to kisses Kai, but he doesn't respond and seems baffled by her actions. Realizing her love will never be returned, she gives up and begins to play matchmaker between Kai and Saya. She later accompanies Okamura to the Middle East. Poor Mao.
