
The classic tale of es that sums up the Sango Miroku relationship in a nutshell. Sango had no interest in Miroku for the longest time but after all the constant grouping I think she got hooked on it. It started feeling so good. Then she started looking at the monk beyond his issues. That’s when she started calling him “Good Monk instead of Miroku”. Even if he grouped other women she would get mad but always come back to him. A key change in their relationship, even a significant voice change in how she addresses him is noticed. She used to be more strong voiced but now she addresses him in a soft and distressed voice.
Her love is so deep for him that she endangered hirshekio(sorry misspelled) her weapon and long time partner. Obviously she is the strongest between them and tries to fight for both of them when Miroku’s wind tunnel comes close to ending his life. On the other hand Miroku doesn’t want Sango to be said or see it so he hides the truth until she discovers it and runs away from her.
At the end even if not stated they sort of get married, don’t quote me on this and have a child. I think this is also the end of Miroku’s women grouping because all he wanted was a child of his own. Hence “Would you bear my Child?” His favorite quote as he grouped women countless and shamelessly.
