Ack! Sorry O.

I've been neglecting my O blog. I got myself a tumblr and have been spending all my time there. I made two blogs on tumblr. One is my personal one and the other is this one! I rp Davepsite from Homestuck. (Drop me a question if you want! I'm pretty sure you can ask me something even if you don't have an account on there. :0 )

I've been spending most my time drawing homestuck fanart and responses to Davesprite. It's time consuming but really fun!

Today I'm really tired. Last night at 3 am my twin started talking really loud and woke me up. I left the window in our room open. She claimed that she heard crackling noises coming from outside and was FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT about thinking the trees were on fire and HOLY SHIT THE FOREST IS ON FIRE JEN AAAAAAH. WE HAVE TO STOP IT. I looked outside and there was nothing. I closed the window and she went back to sleep after I assured her that we are not play Sburb and we aren't gonna die. I guess she was sleep walking. 8I It was weird. Sometimes she sleep talks to me when I'm up drawing but she's really angry when she does that.
Um what else have I done this summer... I guess I've been drawing everyday (almost all day Orz)
Yesterday my dad walked into my room when I didn't notice and I was trying to figure out how to draw people laying down. He asked what I was doing and all I could respond with was "Uh.. well I'm trying to draw people laying on the ground uh just because..." I was drawing people dying. Opps. Dad. It's not what it looks like. I think he thought I was drawing pron or something. /crawls into a corner

Drawing with my tablet is becoming very very easy. I haven't noticed it til now. It's just like drawing with paper and pencil. (Granted my handwriting still SUCKS. = n =;;;)
I searched through my computer for other pictures I drew and I was like SHIT SON.
External Image

^ None of that is spoilers for homestuck BTW
Yup. I guess that's all I really have to say.
