- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
What is a sport?
There was an argument in one of my classes about if cheerleading and dancing is a sport. The person who said it wasn't was just I guess it didn't really count as an argument, but not everyone knew this.
Even the dancers in my class said that it wasn't a sport.
Well, all you have to do is look up the definition of sport:
Webster Dictionary definition:
an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
a particular form of this, especially in the out of doors.
diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.
This is the confusing part.
Is dance a sport based on that definition?
Dance alone is an art form, but it is INCORPORATED with sports. And, y'know, if you put purple dye into water then it turns the water purple. So plain old dancing is now a sport, like that. Also, it is a form of recreation in some instances. So it really is a sport.
Now cheerleading is obviously a sport since it doesn't INCORPORATE, it actually REQUIRES those flips and tumbles etc. or else it's just moving around...
What people seem to think sports are are what competitive sports are. Sports don't have to be competitive to be sports.
I've actually heard some board games or simple games like that are actual sports...O.o;
I don't like it when people say that dancing isn't a sport...>3> If that's the case then I guess I don't really like any sports...I guess...*shrugs*
Just pointing that out, though I do think you guys probably already know all this! XD You're all very understanding people!
Spring Break! ^ ^
Finally...I finally have spring break...I've been waiting so long for this...TT^TT
Y'know what I'm gonna do?
No, actually I have a lot to do, and if I don't I've giving myself stuff to do.
I'm going to work on my Piko costume, my acrylic painting for class, probably another acrylic painting, and...that's actually all that I HAVE to do.
With projects stuff I'm going to try and finish a one shot! IF THIS IS POSSIBLE! I'm going to have to start pushing myself on that one (and yelling at my parents if they try and make me do something else...that usually ruins all my plans). Draw character pictures for my OCs. Pictures that kind of explain my characters a bit. Draw at least TWO pictures per day, they can even be sketches, as long as I keep them (because I delete all my sketches...).
I wanna learn Thai...
...I just like the pronunciation of the's a very interesting language. Not only that, but the writing is really pretty! *.* I say the same for Korean! XD Add both of those to my list.
I'll probably buy a Thai and Korean book sometime...and Chinese...and Russian...and Romanian.
Why doesn't anybody teach Romanian stuff? They just completely ignore Romania. I hear nothing from Romania except stuff about O-zone...>3> Romanians and their music...*shakes head*...It's all so wonderfully catchy:
I got this stuck in my head for a long while. It's a very nice song to get stuck in your my opinion...O.o; Well, it's better than that Friday song...the one that's be going all over the internet...well, actually, I haven't seen it on the internet, but everyone at school is singing it...>:[
I should get back to whatever it was I was doing (killing time). I have a terrible habit of posting on here everyday. I feel if I don't then you'll think I'm's a strange kind of paranoia...O.o;
Tutorial or World?
I'm thinking of making a world for tutorials...or should I just make a big tutorial or random crap?
Lately I've been learning new things from drawing and stuffs...
Today I was studying manga panels! And by studying manga panels I mean analyzing each page of some of my manga. I just looked at my seinen (I can't freaking find my Death Note manga and that's my favourite...TT^TT) manga and I'll look at shoujo manga to see any differences.
I made lots of notes even on little things.
Ughhh...I just remembered that I have to make a music video for my Spanish's soooo stupid...and the teacher didn't even assign was this terrible student teacher. I say she's terrible 'cause she can't pronounce the Spanish words. I understand it was her first time teaching, but I can't tolerate not being able to actually speak the language you're going to teach...>.>
Then again, I can probably pronounce Chinese and Japanese pretty well, but I don't want to show off so I pronounce it wrong in public...Then again...I can't pronounce some words in Chinese...but I can pronounce bu cuo! BU CUO!
I want that as a motto...BU CUO! Meaning 'not bad'...XD Bu cuo is liiike my favourite word right now! XD Cuo kinda sounds like you're going 'pooh' in it makes sense that it means bad...
I painted for the first time today~! :D
I was so scared! TT^TT And my buddy wasn't at art today...actually, my other one was, but she wasn't helping 'cause she's done acrylic for a while and I've never painted before but meh buddy has just painted this year so she knows what it's like to start for the first time.
I painted clouds. I was making a sunset. I actually think I can paint now 'cause it's actually pretty fun. I'm....just afraid of doing the skin...I need to get a REALLY light colour...
And what's this about acrylic drying DARKER than you first painted!? TT^TT Rip off man, rip OFF...
I wrote an excerpt of one of my manga ideas for my English's a bit violent. It's the prologue or background story of Maiko, my Goto Maki character...I was thinking of making another character like Goto Maki that's more of the positives of her...XD Maiko is like her devil, all the bad things that happened in her life, and I want to make a better side.
Oh! My idol manga! I actually haven't made any of the boy characters yet except two, Kiyoshi and this minor character...I'm debating on if this minor character should be in the idol group...I was thinking of having him be the more successful younger brother of one of the members of the idol group...putting him with Kiyoshi or something...O.o;
Why do I always have the luck of accidentally downloading the wrong songs...but they're GOOD songs...and...they're does that happen!?...Wow...they're all japanese...and I could've sworn this last one was American...O.o; It's not the band I was looking for (these are not the droids you're looking for) but it's really good...
Lemme see if I can find them on youtube..yup:
(Okay, Se7en is Korean, but the song is in I'm still right! >:D)
(It had the wrong title, but it is THIS song...I always get Kotoko songs for some reason...O.o; )
(Wow, Asian Kung Fu Generation...just my luck)
This was the ACTUAL song I was looking for:
I just gave up and downloaded Half-Life's albums...>.> Well, my search wasn't going so well...I think maybe they should've named their band something else...but then it kinda^TT
Bye bye!
Oh, no, I'm losing it again...TT^TT
I don't know why this seems to happen every a sacrifice to...I don't know...O.o;
But every time I get too in love with an manga idea I end up hating it.
I'm pretty sure this is because I'm growing and getting tired of certain things...I don't know, but I'm tired of being tired...TT^TT
I'm beginning to lose interest in JUSTICE. Not my characters...just that none of the characters I want to put in there have any correlation with each other. They don't complement each other...O.o; It just doesn't work...>.>
How did this begin? Well, I was confused at first with it...and just now I thought up ideas for it...but they sound too much like .hack//sign or too much like Summer Wars..."orz I thought going with an mmorpg or video game kind of alternate virtual reality -ish-ish kinda thing could work because my characters are so diverse...but I don't think that'll work...
But I still really like my fighting tournament manga idea. If I could make it so it's not just a tournament, then that'll totally work...but maybe if I make it a straight tournament manga it could work...O.o;
And I still like my idol manga. I will never hate idol manga! >:D And I will never get rid of Kiyoshi! HE IS GOD! No, I'm just kidding...but I just can't seem to kill him or throw him away...O.o; As bad as that sounds...
He's like a gary-sue, but lately I've been toning him down. Where he is a decent singer, and by decent singer I mean he's not crazy good like Han Hong, but he's okay to where if he was just a singer people would still listen to him. He's at...maybe Taegoon level...but he's a really good dancer, so that makes him SEEM perfect. Not that Taegoon is bad, he's just not amazing, just pleasing. My jaw doesn't draw when I hear his voice, is what I mean. And Kiyoshi is also still full of himself with famous celebrity parents. He's also pretty sensitive.
...I don't know what kind of manga to do anymore...I want to do something that's modern with a slight sci-fi kind of flare or fantasy kind of flare, but it stays in modern times and doesn't go to another world (maybe that's why I keep throwing away these manga because they always go to another world and I just don't like it when that happens even in the manga I like to read unless they do it in a breathtaking way...*.*). Kind of slice of life feeling...but something actiony about that. Kinda like persona or something. It just makes me feel more relaxed when it takes place in a sparkling city. Code Geass is also nice. And they all take place on earth even if it's been edited...I want to do something like that. Which Justice was PARTIALLY...
I was thinking of taking Justice outside or something...I don't know...I'll have to do some thinking...and editing of my characters...once I get a good setting then I can play around with my characters better. It's usually that I start with the characters, then go to the plot...and then I get stuck..."orz
Quick question:
What kind of anime/manga do you guys like to watch/read and for what reasons?
Oi! And pretteh picture which may or may no be by Shirow Miwa:
And a Devil Survivor stuff:
I'm pretty sure it's Shirow Miwa since the style is very similar to his and he has lots of Love is War Vocaloid art and his username is Miwa...well...the kanji for Miwa...(recognized it 'cause of Miura which has the character for three and the character for wheels...I don't understand chinese it would be Da Lun...and in japanese it would be I don't know...I don't understand...I guess because it's missing some part of the kanji for wheel that makes a wheel so it's Miwa...then how is San -> Mi!?). So in must be Shirow Miwa. And I've learned something from Shirow Miwa thanks to his step by step pics...*.* I love pixiv! XD I need to contribute to it, though...
Sorry for the spam above..."orz
Okay! Bye-bye~! ^ ^
Actually this isn't really an observation, more of a sudden realization...XD
Okay...using the points from a review I will explain what I've noticed.
Oh! These are observations on popular shounen manga. Why it is popular.
First off (before I get to the details). Since it's shounen manga it obviously appeals to BOYS. And by BOYS I mean little offense. It's just for the kinds of people who like action and magically cool stuff (y'know what I'm getting at, dragon balls etc.). This is why some girls like that kind of stuff and most of us when we were little or still getting into anime liked it...or still like it. Because lots of people like action, even if it's mindless. I'm not bashing anybody or anything, I'm just saying that shounen equals 'cool' action, if you know what I mean. Of course, there are a lot of deep shounen manga...but the most popular ones seem to be barely scraping the surface of deep.
Deep as in Monster deep. And by deep, I also don't mean poetic deep, I mean complex story deep.
Okay lets get to the details.
Most of the popular manga have lots of adventure. They also follow a pattern like a video game. The beginning, the climax, the first boss, second beginning, the climax, the second boss, and on and on in that pattern. Popular shoujo manga does that, too (*cough* Sailor Moon *cough*). Shounen manga has a RIDICULOUSLY wide range of plots. From a kid playing with some skates to pirate with stretchy arms...O.o; It's some crazy stuff...So shounen manga can have any kind of plot. The most popular ones seem to stick to a few traditional japanese things (this is why Big O didn't get off the ground in Japan so well because it seemed very American and low-stream, not all crazy) but have pretty original concepts (concepts, I say, most of them follow the same kind of pattern above, which isn't bad, Jpop follows a pattern, too, but it doesn't really get old, does it?)
I think this is the MAJOR reason why popular manga becomes popular. Their characters are too lovable and they create battles with fans and so much fandom. Naruto's characters...I mean, come on, Naruto looks like a fox or at least like a cat. LOTS of people like kitty boys/girls, so he was obviously popular for that, even if it was unconsciously (that's the first thing I noticed...he was like a kitty boy). One Piece, the characters are so wild that they're too catchy! Zoro is a RIDICULOUSLY cool guy and Luffy is too fun! They're very unique (not original, I say, unique! Zoro is obviously like Zorro...>3>). The characters for Bleach...I'd say they're you're typical shounen manga characters, but they're drawn more seriously, but they're still pretty diverse and stick out. The point that most of them are all in organizations is probably what gets most people. Sports of very popular because they're team sports while things like swimming etc. you don't hear about everyday.
I think this is one of the least important ones...however the artist does have to have at least a catchy style. They also need to be able to clearly draw certain scenes and I don't know of any shounen mangaka who's art is very stiff looking.
That's all I got for that...
I want to write a shounen...but I don't know exactly what I want to do....I might fix my JUSTICE OCs to be more consistent with the setting...but they're kind of serious characters...I don't know...hrmmm...
My dream manga is either a seinen or shounen...
Shoujo and shounen ai are for fun...except...maybe a jpop shoujo manga could be a dream manga...but I really want to write either a seinen or shounen...
Shounen are really popular, and I could adjust some things to make it not as mature...BUT I like the seriousness of seinen...>3>
I'm gonna play around with anime daydreaming....liike choosing voice actors for my manga and openings and endings for it...I feel like if I do that the manga will feel more whole and more fun. I always seem to get attached after I do that...XD
So you'll probably see my post some time next of my ideas for if my manga was an anime! XD
(I need to do some seiyuu research)