- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
Feh, feh, what a disappointment...
I could see myself in a Phoenix Wright game...*cough*
Umm, yeahh, I beat Apollo Justice. It's a very disappointing game. Though I really loved Wocky, and I don't know why...I say it's his jacket...*.* CELL SHADING! OMIGGGGOOOOOSSSHHH!! *.*
None of the trials made a certain impact on my like with the other games...and the last one wasn't as was...buuut..hrmm...
I liked it relating to the other games a whole lot. If it's going to relate back to something, I'd like it to have something to do with Edgeworth or Mia or something...>3> I don't like it when they relate to other things...but, feh, what can ye do? It's the 'final stage' so it's gotta cover everything.
Justice for All KINDA having Fanziska and Edgeworth in there talking about Edgeworth coming back and all...not that it related too much to the other games, but I thought that was DEFINITELY the awesomest one with the best story and the best trial. It was really boring at first, but as it went towards the end, it all came together in a VERY subtle way.
I think that's what it is about Apollo's just not subtle enough. I mean, I know for a fact that there are rarely any questions left after each trial, yet there were many questions left unanswered.
The best one to tie all of the cases together was Trials and Tribulations (well...I haven't played the first game, so I don't know). The first trial ended, I personally had no questions, we didn't know who her boyfriend was (but we knew by the second least I did...O.o;) and we didn't know what the 'other' case was.
Then when we got to the other case...still didn't have any questions left unanswered...because the first case answered them...Except anything pertaining to Mia's boyfriend. And then it was all answered in the final one...IT WAS MAGICAL~! <333
Yet I like Justice for All's cases better...except for the second one...that was...painful 'cause of the music! TT^TT And the whole Trials and Tribulations was painful 'cause of the Kurain family stuff...I hate the Kurain family...except Mia.
Also, the BIGGEST disappointment was that when you go back to the case files to choose to do such and such case again, all the cases usually have pictures on them of each character. That made me want to complete the games even more to see who's picture would be on the case file (So I can stare at them like I do for every game...not just Phoenix Wright)....but...NO PICTURES!!
THIS IS BLASPHEMY (no it's not)!! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!! TT^TT And the sound effects weren't the same when the characters got 'Psyche Locks'...that was my favourite didn't sound as realistic, though, but it was a fun sound. The sound in this game was very sharp (sharp stab to my heart).
Ah! Ah! Compare! Compare! (Ummm...don't watch it all or read it...*panic* They're all EXTREME spoilers...sorry, but I can't really think of any unlocking parts that could possibly not have spoilers...except with what's-her-face Oldbag...but I can't find that video):
Now all I need to do is beat 999 or as I like to call it, Triple Joe ('cause in Chinese 9 is...well...I'm lazy...but it sounds like Joe....actually...more like Jyo...but whatev')
Oh...ummm...since I saw this while I was posting this....(time for a long post, gaiz) I'll do it now~! :D
Tagged by Kitty K.O.:
5 Things Meme
5 Nicknames:
1. Chibi-chan
2. My name + ie (well...drop the e and replace it with ie...y'know, y'know)
3. A pokemon name (which I will not say...Ah, mysteriousness...)
4. Everybody (Umm...I forgot's a running joke in my family...O.o;)
5. ...I forgot..."orz
(There are more, but I forgot)
5 Best Friends:
(Umm....I'd rather not say their I have too many...'orz)
5 Enemies:
(Same here....except for the too many part...)
5 Generic Things About You:
1. I'm female
2. I'm very pale
3. I have a petite build (or as many call it 'short')
4. Small hands
5. Long fingernails (I'm proud of this one on my ring's REALLY long...*.*)
5 Features About Your Face:
1. ...Umm...surprised looking eyes (somebody said about mine...that I always look really surprised...O.o;)
2. Brown hair (not really on my face except for my eyebrows....but y'know what I'm talking about)
3. Dark-ish green-blue-gray eyes (Mystery color)
4. Skin
5. And a mouth
(I don't know...O.o;)
5 Physical Features you like about yourself:
1. Small Hands
2. Pale Skin
3. Small build
4. Bony! :D
5. Flatness~! :D
5 Physical Features You Hate About Yourself:
1. Back
2. Posture
3. Dry skin
4. Opened looking nose...(it's also painful...O.o;)
5. Forehead (I don't like foreheads! >3>)
5 Random Facts About You:
1. I over analyze some things
2. I'm afraid of almost every videogame (I say 'almost' 'cause there could be ONE game I'm not afraid of...but I can't think of any)
3. I really like idols for some reason
4. I like the big polluted cities for some reason (but I don't like pollution...O.o;)
5. I don't like to play in the snow, but I like looking at the snow
5 Things About Your Personality:
1. 'Shy' Apparently...*shrugs*
2. 'Sensitive'
3. LAZEH/Procrastinator
4. I have a 'complex' personality, so says a few friends of mine and a personality quiz!
5. 'Timid'...? Or is that the same as number 1?
5 Colors You Like:
1. Mint
2. Pink
3. Black
4. Red
5. White
5 Foods You Like:
1. Chocolate
2. Ramen
3. Salmon
4. Muffins
5. Seaweed
5 Bands You Like:
1. AAA
2. H!P
3. Kra
4. Super Junior
5. Alice Nine
5 Scents You Like:
1. Mint
2. Mint
3. Mint
4. Mint
5. Mint
(I'm not very fond of most smells...O.o;)
5 Movies You Like:
1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. Atonement
3. Curse of the Golden Butterfly
4. End of Evangelion
5. Apocalypto
5 Celebrities You Like:
1. Maki Goto (I DON'T KNOW WHY!! TT^TT)
2. Heechul
3. Show Luo
4. Saki Shimizu
5. Gackt
5 Things About Your Best Friend:
(Hrmm...which one...hrmm...Let's just go with this one:)
1. Has big eyes
2. Reminds me of a Raccoon or Opossum...*.*
3. Likes inappropriate manga
4. Wants to be a boy
5. Is currently being partially stalked by somebody who sits next to me at lunch...*freaks out* (He scares me 'cause he gave her a cookie and then she gave it to my friend and he got really mad at her...She's also dating somebody whom she really likes and he thinks that he has a chance...O.o;)
5 Things About Your Crush:
(Ehh...I'll leave this blank...*shrugs*)
5 Hobbies:
1. Drawing
2. Dancing
3. Reading manga
4. Watching anime
5. Playing video games
5 Talents:
1. Drawing
2. Watching Movies...yes, I believe it's a talent
3. Dancing
4. The ability to suck at every game~! :D
5. Learning Languages
5 People You're Gonna Tag:
1. It
2. Does
3. Not
4. Matter
5. Who
Should I say more...or what...neh...I'll go have lunch already...*shrugs*
Feh, feh, what a disappointment...
I could see myself in a Phoenix Wright game...*cough*
Umm, yeahh, I beat Apollo Justice. It's a very disappointing game. Though I really loved Wocky, and I don't know why...I say it's his jacket...*.* CELL SHADING! OMIGGGGOOOOOSSSHHH!! *.*
None of the trials made a certain impact on my like with the other games...and the last one wasn't as was...buuut..hrmm...
I liked it relating to the other games a whole lot. If it's going to relate back to something, I'd like it to have something to do with Edgeworth or Mia or something...>3> I don't like it when they relate to other things...but, feh, what can ye do? It's the 'final stage' so it's gotta cover everything.
Justice for All KINDA having Fanziska and Edgeworth in there talking about Edgeworth coming back and all...not that it related too much to the other games, but I thought that was DEFINITELY the awesomest one with the best story and the best trial. It was really boring at first, but as it went towards the end, it all came together in a VERY subtle way.
I think that's what it is about Apollo's just not subtle enough. I mean, I know for a fact that there are rarely any questions left after each trial, yet there were many questions left unanswered.
The best one to tie all of the cases together was Trials and Tribulations (well...I haven't played the first game, so I don't know). The first trial ended, I personally had no questions, we didn't know who her boyfriend was (but we knew by the second least I did...O.o;) and we didn't know what the 'other' case was.
Then when we got to the other case...still didn't have any questions left unanswered...because the first case answered them...Except anything pertaining to Mia's boyfriend. And then it was all answered in the final one...IT WAS MAGICAL~! <333
Yet I like Justice for All's cases better...except for the second one...that was...painful 'cause of the music! TT^TT And the whole Trials and Tribulations was painful 'cause of the Kurain family stuff...I hate the Kurain family...except Mia.
Also, the BIGGEST disappointment was that when you go back to the case files to choose to do such and such case again, all the cases usually have pictures on them of each character. That made me want to complete the games even more to see who's picture would be on the case file (So I can stare at them like I do for every game...not just Phoenix Wright)....but...NO PICTURES!!
THIS IS BLASPHEMY (no it's not)!! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS!! TT^TT And the sound effects weren't the same when the characters got 'Psyche Locks'...that was my favourite didn't sound as realistic, though, but it was a fun sound. The sound in this game was very sharp (sharp stab to my heart).
Ah! Ah! Compare! Compare! (Ummm...don't watch it all or read it...*panic* They're all EXTREME spoilers...sorry, but I can't really think of any unlocking parts that could possibly not have spoilers...except with what's-her-face Oldbag...but I can't find that video):
Now all I need to do is beat 999 or as I like to call it, Triple Joe ('cause in Chinese 9 is...well...I'm lazy...but it sounds like Joe....actually...more like Jyo...but whatev')
Oh...ummm...since I saw this while I was posting this....(time for a long post, gaiz) I'll do it now~! :D
Tagged by Kitty K.O.:
5 Things Meme
5 Nicknames:
1. Chibi-chan
2. My name + ie (well...drop the e and replace it with ie...y'know, y'know)
3. A pokemon name (which I will not say...Ah, mysteriousness...)
4. Everybody (Umm...I forgot's a running joke in my family...O.o;)
5. ...I forgot..."orz
(There are more, but I forgot)
5 Best Friends:
(Umm....I'd rather not say their I have too many...'orz)
5 Enemies:
(Same here....except for the too many part...)
5 Generic Things About You:
1. I'm female
2. I'm very pale
3. I have a petite build (or as many call it 'short')
4. Small hands
5. Long fingernails (I'm proud of this one on my ring's REALLY long...*.*)
5 Features About Your Face:
1. ...Umm...surprised looking eyes (somebody said about mine...that I always look really surprised...O.o;)
2. Brown hair (not really on my face except for my eyebrows....but y'know what I'm talking about)
3. Dark-ish green-blue-gray eyes (Mystery color)
4. Skin
5. And a mouth
(I don't know...O.o;)
5 Physical Features you like about yourself:
1. Small Hands
2. Pale Skin
3. Small build
4. Bony! :D
5. Flatness~! :D
5 Physical Features You Hate About Yourself:
1. Back
2. Posture
3. Dry skin
4. Opened looking nose...(it's also painful...O.o;)
5. Forehead (I don't like foreheads! >3>)
5 Random Facts About You:
1. I over analyze some things
2. I'm afraid of almost every videogame (I say 'almost' 'cause there could be ONE game I'm not afraid of...but I can't think of any)
3. I really like idols for some reason
4. I like the big polluted cities for some reason (but I don't like pollution...O.o;)
5. I don't like to play in the snow, but I like looking at the snow
5 Things About Your Personality:
1. 'Shy' Apparently...*shrugs*
2. 'Sensitive'
3. LAZEH/Procrastinator
4. I have a 'complex' personality, so says a few friends of mine and a personality quiz!
5. 'Timid'...? Or is that the same as number 1?
5 Colors You Like:
1. Mint
2. Pink
3. Black
4. Red
5. White
5 Foods You Like:
1. Chocolate
2. Ramen
3. Salmon
4. Muffins
5. Seaweed
5 Bands You Like:
1. AAA
2. H!P
3. Kra
4. Super Junior
5. Alice Nine
5 Scents You Like:
1. Mint
2. Mint
3. Mint
4. Mint
5. Mint
(I'm not very fond of most smells...O.o;)
5 Movies You Like:
1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. Atonement
3. Curse of the Golden Butterfly
4. End of Evangelion
5. Apocalypto
5 Celebrities You Like:
1. Maki Goto (I DON'T KNOW WHY!! TT^TT)
2. Heechul
3. Show Luo
4. Saki Shimizu
5. Gackt
5 Things About Your Best Friend:
(Hrmm...which one...hrmm...Let's just go with this one:)
1. Has big eyes
2. Reminds me of a Raccoon or Opossum...*.*
3. Likes inappropriate manga
4. Wants to be a boy
5. Is currently being partially stalked by somebody who sits next to me at lunch...*freaks out* (He scares me 'cause he gave her a cookie and then she gave it to my friend and he got really mad at her...She's also dating somebody whom she really likes and he thinks that he has a chance...O.o;)
5 Things About Your Crush:
(Ehh...I'll leave this blank...*shrugs*)
5 Hobbies:
1. Drawing
2. Dancing
3. Reading manga
4. Watching anime
5. Playing video games
5 Talents:
1. Drawing
2. Watching Movies...yes, I believe it's a talent
3. Dancing
4. The ability to suck at every game~! :D
5. Learning Languages
5 People You're Gonna Tag:
1. It
2. Does
3. Not
4. Matter
5. Who
Should I say more...or what...neh...I'll go have lunch already...*shrugs*
*flails arms*
I didn't know Chemical Pictures had an American member...or is he Canadian...well...he has an American accent...sooo....I'm not totally sure...O.o;
Oh! Speaking of American or friend commented about how you can't tell Korean, Chinese, and Japanese apart and that they all look the same. I personally don't think so and I don't know if she meant the individual people look the same or it's just hard to tell what ethnicity people are.
I asked her if she could tell Americans, Canadians, and Australians apart from each other and she said 'Of course not!'...but...then...I don't understand her argument anymore...TT^TT
She has a problem of generalizing people. She said that Johnny Depp is different because all the characters he plays are weird...Which...I don't agree with at all..since...most people play strange character. What character isn't weird? And then they started naming SINGERS who played THEMSELVES in movies...Well, who's to say they're not weird people...O.o;
And she also said that no guy on Earth would marry a girl who wanted to wear a Hello Kitty dress at her wedding...or would allow them to. She also said that no guy in the world likes Hello Kitty unless they're gay...Umm...there are SO many different and unique people in the world. I'm sure there's a hefty some of guys who like Hello Kitty enough to have a Hello Kitty wedding. If there are people like Sungmin who AREN'T gay...well...that opens a whole new world.
I'm tired of people making judgments, saying that so-and-so is gay because they're like this or so-and-so is girly 'cause they're like this and blah...>3> My teacher was on my side saying those things. That it makes us mad and confused how you could say that all Hispanics or whatever are Mexican, or people with dark skin are Mexican, etc.
Kids in my class can PICK OUT who's Mexican, or they say 'You look Mexican'...that makes no sense...How to Mexicans look? I have several Mexican friends who I didn't even know were from Mexico...O.o; I don't think there's a specific look.
For instance, Catherine Zeta Jones isn't Spanish...she's Welsh...O.o; And Athony Hopkins is obviously not Spanish...*cough*
...Wait...why am I on here and not doing any of my pictures!?...I guess that would be because I want to save them for the weekend or something...O.o; Well, my mom made me go shovel snow and I forgot to wear gloves and so my fingers were red and I was dirty so I wanted to take a shower and then they were least, in my opinion. My mom says they weren't, but I couldn't make a I think they were swollen...they also didn't look like my hands usually do.
Maybe I should SOME work while I'm still on here. I wanted today to be the day I finish my games, but I'm afraid of 999 and Apollo Justice just isn't as juicy as the other games...I don't know what it is...I thought it WOULD be, but it's not...Though I really did want to hear Machi Tobaye him speak...So that part was interesting...but that's about it...Now I really want to play the first game all because Ema Skye reminded me...*shakes fist* Darn ye Ema Skye!!
Sorry, sorry...I guess I should stop posting so much...
I wanted to watch this video...but it's awkward watching it when I'm not alone...but you guys can watch it (I was just listening to it and glancing at it). Ummm...guy do I point him out!?...Ermm...I guess whoever looks like the main singer guy (wearing navy...I guess...O.o;) is who Klan was based off the way...I need to work on Klan more...:
Ba-da-ba-ba-baa~! I'm loving it~! :D
...I...don't know why...but recently when I'm bored or doing something or just at random I sing that little jingle or go 'ba-da-ba-da-ba-da...' or something...O.o; I don't know why...I guess it's from music withdrawal since I haven't been listening to any of my music for a long time...Dunno why...O.o
AGAIN I haven't been on because I'm busy...still...Though I'm mostly playing lots of 999 and Apollo Justice...
I had nightmares on Tuesday about Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine was freaky...It was all because I went into Door number 2...which is to the torture chambers...TT^TT IT HAD A SHARK IN THERE!! And bloddy stuff, a SHARK! I didn't know what it was at first...but then when they said it was a shark I start hyperventilating...fehh...sharks scare the crap out of me...Especially when you don't know what it's like staring at a centipede really close only to realize that you're looking at a centipede...TT^TT
But it was a dream of my just going along with the game, then getting really excited so I open some door and some zombie guy comes out with an axe and kills me. I guess this was because I was waiting for the axe ending and I didn't know how it'd happen...and the knife ending was surprising! O.O And I realized that now I don't have to go through door number 3~! :D YAYYY~! 'cause I looked on an FAQ to see if I had to go through it for any of the endings and the only one I could find was for the submarine ending, which I've already gotten (by going through the evil of door number 2...though I do like Seven more...<333)...which was also pretteh freaky...O.o;
I kinda want to get back to the game...but I'm bored with going through the doors I've already been through to get a new ending...>3>
I need to go work on those pictures now...I finally figured out what I wanted to draw for each of them and so the load doesn't seem as huge anymore. I'm just afraid of pastels...Wait! What am I going to do with crayons!?...O.o;
Hrmm...I gotta go look at my list of likes...Ahh...lists~! X3
I can't enter any challenges right now...until I finish those pictures...fehh...and I even have pictures for challenges that I'm almost done with...I just need to figure out how to colour them....bahhh...>3>
Oh! I had a snow day today in case you're wondering why I'm posting today of all days! XD I had to wait out in the cold yesterday, though, 'cause we got out early, but my mom lives very far away so it took her forever to pick me up...Umm...wait...not just my mom...I live very far away...XD
I don't know what else to say here....O.o;
I'm gonna try finishing some pictures...maybe...O.o;
Brainstorming...and wow...*.*
I've been doing a...I guess...little bit...not really that much. My head started to hurt so I stopped...XD I dunno if that's a wise decision.
I brainstormed for my portfolio thing so at least I can tell myself that I brainstormed today. I remembered that I have crayons and that crayons exist so I will definitely do a picture with crayons! *.*
Crayons are love~! They're heavily underrated because most people don't really think that you can use them to do some really brilliant pictures. I like them more than pastels...I dunno why. They're just really fun to use. They're also really cheap and come in TONS of different shades of colours~! <333 I also like them a bit more than coloured pencils...but they're about the same in my liking...O.o;
I found some website called It's an EXCELLENT website and I think I'll make use of it by bookmarking it and using it for help. I originally used it for help on what kind of college to go to and then what kind of portfolios count as good portfolios (because the thing I'm applying for has no examples so I'm REALLY nervous). It inspires me and lessens the stress and it makes me want to work on my portfolio thingy. It also has lots of tutorials and the artists on there are, well, of course, amazing. I think the majority are professionals or close to professionals. So I think it's a really good website for learning stuffs.
I suggest you guys check it out also.
And there's this artist who I just LOVE on DA even though they do cartoon-y styled art...something about their art style...I like them more than most of my favourite artists:
And here's another artist who is really awesome at drawing things with lines! *.*
Just thought I'd show you guys that in case you need some inspiration or something. I like looking at people's portfolios on DA for inspiration...*.* They really make me want to colour or something! <333
Also this is really good for art blocks (I now always keep it in mind if I might get a block):
I want to draw something for New Years...hrmm...
My Chinese teacher gave us all presents for New Years. I got a book mark and I AM SOOOO HAPPY! <333 Why? Because I've been thinking about buying a new book mark or making a bookmark or something, but I don't need to anymore because I now have an awesome book mark! >:D And it's like a serious book mark. It's made out of metal and it's shaped so that it really keeps the page. It's great! >:D The design thingy on the end is of a Queen' thing....O.o; I forgot what she said it was, but it's in the shape of a shirt. My friend thought it was a cross and was very confused! XD
I also finally did the designs for one of my one shots. Here are well...probably the only slightly major characters in it...or the only characters...O.o;:
The main characters are the boy in the top right corner and the blonde guy next to him. It's obviously shounen-ai with me saying that...XD The old guy is the brown haired boy's father and the girl next to the old guy is his older sister. His older sister is bleck. She's a meany butt...>3> And the girl with the red hair is his fiancée. She's actually very nice, but a bit clingy.
The setting is in the victorian era, just so ya know. The girl with the red hair is actually the second cousin of the guy with brown hair and the guy with blonde hair is the son of the family's maid. There's a group of servants who've worked for the family all their lives and he's one of them. He's the brown haired boy's butler designated butler or something...O.o;
Well...I guess you could probably see where it's all going...XD
I'm gonna go check out that concept art site some more! XD