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Kiki & J.kill

It's a Chinese cover of Davichi's Love&War...which...I'm disappointed in 'cause usually official covers are kind of remixed and their own version, but this is exactly the same. At least the video is funny...XD

I like the background music...and this'd be good if they weren't rapping faster than the main rythm...O.o;


My parents bought a hotel for me to stay out for MTAC which I'm going with the rest of my Anime Club, but the hotel is just for my parents and I...

But I'm nervous...'cause I feel like something is going to go wrong...TT^TT We're going to stay there all Saturday and maybe some of Sunday...O.o;

Hopefully the cosplay contest is NOT on Friday...'cause usually it's the rave or something on Friday and then random stuff on the other days...lemme just check the schedule from last year to see...TT^TT

...O.O I think it's just a SKIT. We've been practicing Love and Joy...which is not a skit...but what do I know about Cosplay Contests?

Goshhh...procrastination...I wrote some more things on my arm. I'll just list all the things on my arm anyway:

IT'S TUESDAY! : 1-18-11 (this was to remind me what day it was 'cause I kept thinking it was Monday)
Find Vocaloid characters for Kim (my friend who just told me she can't buy a wig, so I have to find a vocaloid or utauloid with her hair style or she's just going to make something's really hard finding light brown haired vocaloids that aren't Meiko...>3>)
GSA (I actually have this written twice in different places)
Piko (as in Piko Utatane....which I need to show my mom so she can help me on my costume)
Look up art (for inspiration on the following)
AP Portfolio Concentration (this is what my teacher is leaving us to do alone so I have to think of something to do as concentration...I was thinking of doing something surrounded by 'POP' 'cause I love pop and dancing and stuff associated with the word, usually)
Non-objective (our current art project which I needed to fix up)
Still life stuff (crap! need to go do this...TT^TT We're doing a still life tomorrow and she's letting us bring out own items...I wanna do shiny things...*.*)
MTAC registration (what I will do after hearing what days I'm registering for)
Academic Team (it's almost gone away...not that I need it anymore...>.>)
Super Junior portraits
practice (practice art)
Math HW (which I don't have anymore 'cause I finished it...O.o;)
manga (as in to write some manga)
read manga
cosplay (work on my cosplay)
Anime (...this could mean anything...but it's just a random reminder....O.o;)
Japanese (I have some notebooks that I put next to the laptop that my mom keeps using that I meant to use to write down vocabulary...>3>)
Chinese (to get more vocabulary...we mostly learn grammar, also to organize my messy notes, I just write whatever she writes on the board on what scrap of paper I got from a worksheet or something...'orz)
Korean (start learning Korean! I have a big journal thingy...compared to the little notebooks I had for Japanese and Chinese that I'll use to write grammar and vocab for Korean)
OC Designs

Yep...all that is written on my arm...just not the stuff in the parentheses...XD I think I should go do some of this stuff now...O.o;

TT^TT Nuuu...Bunraku....whyyy!?

I knew this'd happen..."orz Bunraku has some pretty bad reviews. They're not saying it's a terrible movie, it's just boring. But apparently the acting is very good and it looks very interesting and the action scenes are very creative. But there is no substance.

But that is the shred of hope. Even though there is no substance, it's hard to pick that out while the film is going (hopefully) so I can maybe enjoy the movie more. But I just want to see it for Gackt! TT^TT

I say it'll be released in the summer, 'cause it doesn't seem like an Academy Award type movie, but more like a summer movie that'll get lots of attention. Which I HOPE it will...TT^TT

Which is why it wasn't released last year because they didn't start promoting it until after summer, so they couldn't go back and make it a summer movie.

I see it as an inspiring movie...which is okay, and worth my time.

I hope Gackt isn't embarrassing at acting as his dancing...TT^TT If I see any of that...I'll go crawl in a hole...'orz Though, apparently he's pretty good at acting...O.o; But I've never seen him particularly act...but he does really well in his music videos...but then again he has serious sounding songs and he always looks serious...

Oh! I've learned that Gackt is really flexible! He doesn't look flexible at all...O.o; I'm guessing all that work out he does probably helps him become more flexible. I didn't know you could train yourself to be flexible...O.o; Maybe that's common knowledge, but since I've never had an experience of doing something to make yourself more flexible I didn't know that was possible. I've done yoga before, but even the yoga instructor wasn't that flexible...maybe we're just not good at yoga...or something. I don't the yoga poses require that much flexibility...O.o;

I'm apparently very flexible, but I can't even touch the floor while standing up. So I'm not as flexible of Gackt! XD

I forgot what made me look up Bunraku...since I'm in the middle of doing a picture...O.o;

I should get back to drawing now...O.o;

Yay profile~! :D

I'm...really doing nothing today...But I drew my profile~! :D

I just drew random headphones. I was trying to think up a new DA ID...I dunno if I'll use this or not.

I actually traced my face, 'cause it'd be too hard to draw from memory or whatever...O.o; I only had a picture of a profile. And I don't like my profiles 'cause my nose looks blecky...>3> My face looks completely different from front view...O.o;

I doubt this is like posting a real picture since I didn't even colour it and it only kind of looks like I have a different hair cut and yadda yadda.

Sorry for so many posts...I'll actually draw something this time...*walks sadly back to drawing board* that's weird...

I-I...I can't comprehend it...I'm older than the some of Teen Top...O.o; Well, liike three members. They're all around my same age, but I'm older than them by a couple of months....But they're the youngest I guess it's not that big of a deal. But in my mind they look like they're in their 20's (I've obviously been looking at too many visual kei bands).

But now I can grow up with them! >:D So I'm finally around the age of most of the focus. Once you're 16-18 you're as old as many famous people.

Luckily I'm younger than the lovely Niel, who is abouuut...4 months?...Wow...that's not that much. I'm very close to all their ages...O.o; I could be in the same class as them! TT^TT It feels so weird, 'cause usually they're all older than me and out of my reach.

I wonder how you pronounce Niel...Is it Neeuhl or Nee-ehl?...I think it's Nee-ehl...but I keep calling him Neil...

Crap man...he's another sporty...Why do all the guys I like like sports!? At least it's football, though...but it's still kinda boring...>3> I prefer baseball! >:D

Harumph...At least Masato probably doesn't like sports. Look how he's built. Obviously Takeru does, but Masato looks too bony and fragile...

I like looking at people's builds~! :D

You can see who does what. The baseball players (have nice bodies...) have their certain build...which I can't exactly explain...but you have to think about it, the American football players are usually really big and muscular, the basketball players are usually tall and skinny with big feet, the golf players have big backs, the swimmers have kinda flabby-ish yet muscular build that's slender and kinda like spaghetti, and the dancers have flexible looking bodies and the girls usually have flat chests.

That's just what I've noticed from the people at my school. I don't know about football players...I guess they have big calves...yeahh...they have big calves.

I have the dancer build, kinda...mixed with the lazy do nothing build! XD

...fehhh...anyways...if this is how it is...I guess I'll have to start liking sports...I actually do like exercising, but individual exercising. I don't like being forced to do stuff. Like today I was lifting 10 pound weights up and down on my feet. That was fun...but nobody told me to do it.

Does anybody take the fitness test in gym? I hate that test. In fact, I hate gym class. We're supposed to start slow and gradually do more, but no, we start really fast and then I'm caught behind in the dirt...The people who are better than me already play sports, and I just don't feel like trying if I know I'm at a disadvantage...>.>

...But I don't understand watching sports...TT^TT's boring...TT^TT

Well, basically, I dislike sports more because in my area people are OBSESSED with it. And when it comes to a large mass of people all liking the same thing, my instincts are to stay out of that group. I dunno why...I just don't like popular things...I try to...>.>

I do like popular-ish music...well...nevermind...not so much for my area...

Sorry this was a completely random post...XD I forgot what I was doing...Oh, yeah...I was going to go draw something...XD