- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
I'm 76% Cute...I'm average~! :D
Stolen from Kitty K.O.'s DA journal:
[X] = You have blue/green eyes (they're majorly in between...O.o; if that makes any sense...turqoise grey?)
[X] = You blush a lot (No, not when I'm embarrassed...So my blushing actually doesn't point to any particular emotion...O.o;)
[X] = You giggle (Giggle and laugh~! :D)
[X] = You're quiet (...kinda...O.o;)
[X] = You say random silly things (All ze time, mon! Sometimes I don't mean, too! TT^TT I was being serious! TT^TT)
[X] = You have a baby face (I guess...?)
[ ] = You wear a more down to earth style of clothing (Nope, I actually either wear sweats or 'professional' looking clothing...)
[X] = You don't wear halter tops or anything too showy (I would...but I don't think my school allows that...or myself...XD)
[X] = You're under 5 feet 6 inches tall (Woah! O.O That's TALL! O.O)
[X] = You're a virgin
[X] = Just thinking of sexual things makes you blush (Sometimes...if I think about it too long...then after that I start gagging...)
[ ] = Your idea of a date is really romantic (I'm not a romantic type of person, so no...)
[ ] = You sleep with a stuffed animal (...I'd say makes me sad...)
[X] = You like to cuddle (*huggles*)
[X] = You've never played the Nervous game (Oooh? What's that? Sounds fun~! X3)
[X] = You don't even know what the nervous game is (Yes, now tell me! TT^TT)
[X] = You like the color pink
[ ] = You tend to wear bright/girly colors (Nope! I wear dull or dark colours...and no, I don't pick out my clothes...)
[X] = You can be ignorant/oblivious (Yes...>.>)
[X] = You'd consider yourself shy (Yes, but I'm trying to get out of that block. First path acceptance!...?)
[X] = You like happy upbeat music (YESS~! X3 I hate sad songs unless it's catchy or has very good singing.)
[X] = You like "Cutesy" music (Yuss~! X3 But sometimes I get bothered by listening to it...O.o;)
What YOU think is cute:
[X] = You like small animals (Except small dogs...>:[)
[ ] = You like babies a lot. (I REALLY don't like babies! *gags*)
[X] = Small/mini versions of things make you go "Awww <3" (Yes! X3 But lots of things make me go 'Awww <3'!)
Multiply how many you got by 4
Repost as: "I'm __% Cute"
19 X 4 = 76%
I'm 4% less than Kitty K.O. ...I feel bad for her, though...TT^TT You are sexy! >:D
*ish being lazy*
I don't wanna do anything...TT^TT
I post this just to tell you guys...I'm tired of trying to finish my projects today...but one of my pictures is due in two more days...bleehhhh...maybe I just won't enter that challenge.
I'm having lots of trouble with My Myx....I just want to draw something on my own...have my own project...I'm tired of all these challenges...No more, no more...TT^TT...
Hehe...probably once I stop doing challenges then I won't draw anything! XD I have to keep kicking myself...maybe after some lunch then I'll want to do some stuff...O.o;
Just telling you guys my frustration with being lazy and procrastination and bleckkk...
How do people look like anime?
I showed my friends my yearbook and the pages with pictures of me on them (sad, they only cared about that...I wanted to tell them about all my friends, though, I'm still going to tell them...not done looking through it all! >:D).
Strangely they BOTH said that I looked like an anime character, but at different times, because I showed them at different times (because one went to the doctor so I showed the other one, and then the next day I showed the one who went to the doctor, and they bot said that same thing)...
I know how anime characters can look like real people...but how do real people look like anime characters...
I say that, and...I absolutely do not think I look like an anime character. I'd like to...but I don't...O.o;
I can't think of anybody who looks like an anime character, even cosplayers...Even if they're RIDICULOUSLY good, they still don't look like an anime character to me.
*thinks about it*...I wanna draw cosplay people...O.O Have you noticed that the REALLY REALLY REALLY good professional cosplayers have interesting soft faces ('cause of course they have a lot of make-up and probably edited their face on photoshop)...but some have really dark and sparkly eyes or really pretty noses are really pretty lips...And the colours of their clothes or hair (still isn't the right colour, but, again, how would you make yourself look exactly like an anime character?) are so strangely coloured...It's too pretty~! X3 I like looking at somewhat creative really good cosplayers because sometimes they don't really look like the the clothes aren't exact, but the picture and the model is GORGEOUS. And the ones with not so good pictures have very exact clothing, but it doesn't look that good...But the really good cosplayers have realistic looking clothing (most anime doesn't actually have realistic clothing...If you haven't noticed).
Ahh...cosplayers...~! <333
Ah, example of what I mean about cosplaying:
This IS looks ugly...TT^TT
Not entirely exact, BUT it's still gorgeous looking!
Ahh~! Cosplayers~! <333
Ohh~! I have some WIPs that I've done and I will work on tomorrow! Maybe I can draw something on my own then. NO MORE CHALLENGES after liiike 2 more pictures...*relief*:
Goodnight~! ^ ^
I woke up at 3...PM...O.o;
Yup....somehow I woke up at 3 PM...I wasn't even that tired and I went to be rather early...
So I've wasted liike 4 hours just sleeping...TT^TT
I have several pictures to draw. The pictures for the winners of my challenge, and the pictures I've been procrastinating on..."orz
I'm trying to work on those now, but I have no artistic juice in me right now...I slept it all off...TT^TT
Ohh! Because I'm taking this Chinese class and my teacher is from some college program she gave the people in my class some paper for some foreign exchange program which is kinda the same thing she's in. And I'm TOTALLY gonna take the opportunity!
You get to learn 'not so common' languages and go to those places to learn. I wanna go to Korea! Japan wasn't on the list, so the next best place is Korea!! >:D And I'm filling out the application and everything...there's a lot of stuff you have to do.
But they'll only pick certain people to go, so I'll have to try my best to stand out! >:0
That'd be sooo awesome to go! *.* I've always always wanted to go to Korea or Japan...*.* I could also go to China...buuut...I dunno, modern China just doesn't appeal to me. I could also go to Russia, Egypt, other places like that, but I prefer Korea...>3>
So I'm working on filling out that application and drawing pictures~!
Okie~! Not much to say, just that....I'm very lazy today..."orz
Am I going to get sick!? O.O
I ate a part of a boiled egg...and it was really old and it tasted like alcohol and I still have the taste in my mouth (even though I ate something else) and I keep tasting it every time I burp...I fear that I might get sick...TT^TT
Oh, yeah~! I got my braces off...onnn...Tuesday, yep. It feels the same as it did with braces on...that saddens me...because I thought I'd feel free and wonderful, but I don't. I also have a bar to keep my teeth aligned on my bottom jaw and I have to wear a retainer.
Ugg...I hate straight teeth! TT^TT Some people look good with them, some people don't...I don't think I look good with straight teeth. They're seriously overrated...TT^TT I didn't want to show anybody my teeth after I got my braces taken off because I didn't like how they looked, but only a few people noticed...which is kinda funny.
My dad said after he got his braces off he went home and made sure he had a huge smile on his face so that everyone could see that his braces were off and his mom started freaking out because she thought he was high! XD
It's strange how people don't notice...Maybe they do, but they don't say anything...I think it's REALLY easy to notice because they look almost completely different without braces on, it almost a shock. So maybe they just want to keep it to themselves...XD
None of my teachers noticed, and they're usually the people to notice those things...hrmm...The people who noticed best friend and some people in my art class.
Tomorrow is mole day~! :D Not the animal...that thing in science...y'know...measurement thingy...Well, in Chemistry we're having a mole day party and we're supposed to dressed up and bring food (well, dress up if you want to eat), but I have if 2nd period...I don't feel like eating that early in the morning...and I really don't know how to dress up for it, so I won't...So, yeah, I'll just do the activities...I'm not a party person..."orz
Well, it depends on the parties, maybe...Nah, I just don't like hanging out, I like doing things...
...I forgot what else I was going to say...O.o;
Bye-bye, then~! ^ ^