- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
Oh, yeah!
I joined Tegaki e. I really like it....I mean...I like drawing on it...
I still have no clue how it works, but I really like the system it's so fun and easy! ^ ^
It kinda reminds me of corel painter 'cause of this one tool has the same effect...kinda...
And I ran out of corel painter trial ver.....TT^TT I only went on it 3 times...>3> They should make trial versions of things last 30 days of YOU BEING ON THERE. Not 30 days of just having it.
And for Kuroi Hihane...I'm TRYING to colour your picture....buuuut...I can't seem to colour it...I've tried like 10 times to colour it, but it always looks really bad and cheap...>.> I don't know why I can't colour it. But I'm not going to post it until I colour it right! >:D
I have no clue what to draw....
I keep wanting draw shota boys or something...who look like Ciel (yes, eye patch and everything....I don't know why), but I get to drawing the outline and I just stop..."orz
I also want to draw a Flapjack picture, Shirokuro Kitan picture, Necromansters picture, picture of my new OC (which I've actually drawn on tegaki's just a profile and not very good...O.o;), and fanart of visual kei bands...But I can't think of HOW to draw the basic outline of the picture...>3>
Maybe I should just read some manga...
Yeah, before I had an art overload, now I have an art block...I think it's because that Diamond Head manga I read was soooooo bad....I mean, unsatisfying...Blehh....>.>
And I need to write more of Necromansters and draw more of it...but I don't feel like drawing more of it until I have a better grasp on my characters...I'm still looking for stores...or just pictures...I mean, I can't find anything for Number (N)ine except for pictures, which is just fine. I actually really like some of it, and some it is just....UGLY...TT^TT
Well...gonna go read some manga, adios~!
Random emoticon...XD Okie, Meme-y-deemy I stole from moonlit dream's world 'cause it sounded/looked fun:
1. Type your full username.
Wakusei Aoshi
2. Do you have other accounts? If so, what is the name(s) of it/them
On...theO? I have other accounts on SEVERAL other websites...'orz
3. What do you submit on theO?
CRAP~! :D Ummm...random stuffs. I rarely post fan art....I mean, I post in the fan art section, but it's not actually fan art....XD
4. Out of what you submit most, what is the most popular piece?
Uhh...out of what I submit most of? I guess those random pictures coloured on SAI for pose and colouring practice.
5. Are you surprised? was a very ugly picture...O.o;
6. Who is your best friend on theO?
I have too many to list! TT^TT I love so many people on here~!
7. Who is your enemy on theO?
I actually do have one (actually maybe more than one), but I don't want to say their names because I might insult them and they might read'd be unneeded drama. They might be nice people, I just don't click with them, though...>.>
8. Who do you admire on theO?
Chel the Bell, MaCheriexx, Viviane (not that they get on anymore...TT^TT), pink-pineapple, MescaBoogie, Sweet Lullaby, ultimatewp, nightmaya, vee209, geikou, cherryblossom24, and there are probably many more, but these are the ones that I can remember right now...O.o
9. When did you join theO?
I loooong time ago...Uhhh 10/04/06 to be exact. Wao! That was like 4 years ago! O.O Hold on....I joined when I was 11?...O.o;
10. Do you like theO?
11. Have any nicknames on here?
Aoshi-chan (I think, I don't remember), Chibi-chan (though person doesn't get on here to call me that anymore), Waku Waku (this is my favourite one! XD), and I can't remember anymore....O.o; Usually I get called something and I just forget that they didn't call me by my username! XD
12. Belong to rps? If you do, names?
No...don't know how to...'orz
13. What do you usually do on here?
Look at all the art for 1 week, comment on the ones I really like and have a little bit of something to say about it, look at all the updates from people I subscribe to and comment on their stuff is it's interesting (and I'm not being lazy), spam you guys with posts on this world (hehe...XD), and post some fanart occasionally...
14. Do you know anyone on theO in real life?
Shydust and kagomehanyou...but neither of these people ever get on theO and are usually on DA...And I actually don't talk to them anymore in real life because I moved and the other one changed schools....sooo...>.>
15. Is a family member on here?
I-I don't think so...O.o;
16. Do you comment often?
Eh, not really....
17. Is there anything you wish you could take back involving theO?
Kinda, maybe...
18. If yes, what?
All of my art that I said wasn't traced, but was obviously traced that I did when I was younger to get more popularity...*shakes head*...Why did I do that? I think a lot of people did that when they were beginners in art or something...
19. How much of your time is spent on here?
About 12 hours a day...except on school days, then it's about 3 hours...
20. Do you keep in contact with anyone on theO that you don’t know in rl? mean on other websites? Yes, with a lotta of people! >:D
21. Something you LOVE about theO?
EVERYTHING~! :D I don't really know, but I'm sooo attached to this place! X3
22. Something you HATE about theO?
...not really anything that I HATE...just little things that I don't really like, but they don't bother me too much (the stupid post boxes...TT^TT)
23. Something you wish you could change?
Submitting things should be simpler and have a wider range. Like give us more freedom. I want to submit big pictures that are of png format! TT^TT
24. How many subscribers do you have?
25. Are you fine with that number?
26. Do you call people on theO with “Chan”, “Kun”, “San”, “Sama”, “Sensei”, etc.?
27. Do you know what any of those even are?
Yush, yush. I call Gackt-sama, Gackt-sama, see! :D
28. Who do you talk to on theO the most?
Kitty K.O., pink-pineapple, imouto chan, Sweet Lullaby, moonlit dream, Paulini, nomad009, Spirit of Water....and many many others...that I can't remember right now...'orz
29. Does theO have a influence on your every day life?
30. What did you think of this 30 question meme?
Fun~! Needs to be longer! :D *shot*
I figured out how to make the expression I had when I watched Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds opening this morning...;n;
I was watching DBZ, realized why I loved it so much ('cause of the ridiculously powerful characters and comedy)...then it ended, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds came on...and I was like 'Oooh, is it gonna be the Japanese opening!?' which if it was then it would've been Kra's Kizuna, and I would've squealed because it's KRA ON MAH TV!! X3 was a VERY VERY terrible English opening...UGGGHHH!! TT^TT I want this song:
Not this crap:
I mean, Kra's song was MADE for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds and the opening was made for that just seems TOTALLY wrong to not have it. I think they should do something about that. About how the two are supposed to be together, and it's illegal to put in your own music and sell that or put it on TV because you just take BILLIONS (totally exaggerating! XD) away from Kra and their company! >:0
I wanna hear my face bands on TV....but NOOOO, 4Kids has to take it all away from us...>.> I didn't even like 4Kids when I was a KID...>3> They butchered everything...
I mean, I liked DBZ (but I don't think the one I watched as a kid was by 4Kids), but...I mean, come on, it's DBZ!
On another note, WIPPIES! >:D YESSS!! I just need to colour some commissions and then I'll be done with them, but then I have other things to do...O.o; like that Shirokuro Kitan picture and a Flapjack picture and a picture of the main character of that story thing (which'll be incredibly hard because he has curly golden hair...I have NO CLUE how to do his hair...but sometimes he has very straight black hair...I want to do both) and something else...>.> A new picture of Necromansters because I'm gonna redo it because of several issues with the looks ugly...>.>
WIPs: right one is actually a Pokemon OC...I was actually just going to draw a quick picture...but then I got bored and I haven't finished it....>.> The one below it is just a picture inspired by Half-Life's new PV and Kaori Mochida's new song Green (both so pretty!).
I want to do a new Necromansters picture with better clothing and better poses and me doing a better job on their faces etc....because I drew ONE good picture of Takeru! :D So that might mean I've improved since I last did that! XD
And I just got a genius idea! O.O I can just look up clothing brands and give each of them their favourite brands based on their personalities 'n stuffs...That way it'll be SOOO much easier to draw their clothes.
Umm...maybe you were thinking that's what my whole thing about clothing brands was last night...'orz I just now realized that I should be doing that with my characters...
I'm gonna try to find some online stores that have Japanese brand clothing.
Oh! Oh! Let me continue that 'most addicted to songs at the time'...or whatever I call it (not currently using MY brain right now...XD):
I totally forgot about this song! O.O I listened to it this morning and my expression was exactly like this: ;w; It made me so happy and touched me and I felt all nostalgic~! ^ ^
I listen to this song...practically everyday...since I was really little...I don't know where I heard it before...probably the same place where I've heard any other song that gives me nostalgia that's not from an anime...O.O I remember I didn't like this song at first, but that happens with a lot of songs I can't stop listening to! XD
This song makes me SOOO happy, but then it makes me sad because then I remember that they disbanded because one of the members took meth...which is REALLY stupid...>.> I don't understand meth users...I mean...I can understand some other drugs, they don't make your life living hell or anything, but meth, meth is....what are the good points of it? What makes it wanted...?...
There was so report of some guy who came in to bust a meth lab, but he accidentally inhaled some of the fumes and had to be immediately hospitalized...
Soooo...why would somebody want to take meth?...
I've had a SuG overload over the past few days...XD I really do like this song I'm always listening to it! I love the PV, too! X3 It's one of my favourite SuG songs. I dunno what my favourite is, though...I rally like 39GalaxyZ and Alterna...hrmmm...I can't decide...
I listen to this song a lot during art...well...actually not on purpose, my mp3 player keeps playing it a lot since it's always on shuffle...O.o; But I do like it! ^ ^ I keep trying to listen to it over and over again (but I can't actually do that)...and I never knew it was by Dolly...actually, I had a feeling it was, but I didn't know it actually was because all of my dolly songs are REALLY quiet and terrible quality and this one didn't even have a name, it was just gibberish...>.> But I figured out what it was called!
Well, that's all that I can think of right now...that I don't remember putting before...
My current expression! X3
Oh do I love finding things about my favourite groups~! ^ ^
I found a French fan site for SuG and it had a list of SuG's likes and dislikes and the ages of Masato and Takeru! YAY~! I've always wanted to know that! ^ ^
Takeru is 23 and Masato is...21 or 22?...I can't remember (I closed out of it..."orz)...darn...I wish I was older...>.> But, Masato is around the same age as Daichi Miura! ^ ^ I never knew Masato was so young! O.O
It didn't say anything about the ages of the other members...>.> Oi, okay, I found that Shinpei is 20...O.O WAO! 20!! Holy crap he's young...Holy crap...they're all young...
I heard that Shou was like 30 or something...O.o Not that I'm suprised, that's actually not that old...
I mean, you look at my Spanish teacher who's liiike 36 or older, somewhere around that age, and she still looks like a student! O.O And, no, she's not Spanish or anything...>.>;
And Takeru and Urata Naoya like the same clothing brand! It must be very popular in Japan. I actually kind of like it, too! XD
I want a favourite clothing brand! TT^TT XD Haha...wanting to fit in....XD I don't go shopping that much....but I really hate those popular brands like Hollister and...Abercrombie?...Well, the brands here are...ALL THE SAME TO ME! And that means they're all ugly. Though I kinda like victoria's secret (ooh, that's a secret)...but not to wear...I draw people wearing...O.o Because the store's black and pink, mon! >:D
I should do some actual clothes shopping online or something so that I can buy coolah clothes and draw clothes better....>3>
...crap is very holy, isn't it? :D
I like saying holy crap~! ^ ^ It sounds pretty...Ummmm...I just like how it rolls off my tongue, especially if I roll me tongue on the r part of the crap! ^ ^ And crap is also a fun word to say because it sounds funny!
Hrmmm...what kind of stores can you look for...liiiike every clothing brand?....O.o There needs to be convenient things like that, that way we don't have a bunch of useless websites that only give you a bit of information about things...
I wonder how visual kei groups by their clothes? I mean, Quaff says that they buy it on their own, but I find that hard to believe...that and there could've been a translation problem on that part! XD Liike, they might have meant that they like to go shopping and they get to choose their own clothes, not that they buy it with their own money...O.o; I wonder if companies give them lots of money so they can buy cool clothes 'cause visual kei is very expensive.
When I get into college and/or live alone I want to stop buying normal clothes and only buy visual kei clothes. 'cause I'll have left over clothes to wear to be comfortable, but I'll look for visual kei clothes that are cool and comfortable.
I don't want to look 'cool' or anything, it's just that whenever I draw somebody wearing those kinds of clothes...I'm very stuck...and I have to look at a bunch of pictures and it's just really hard and complicated, but if I wore them then I'd know what I'm doing. Also with clothing combinations, I have no clue what I'm doing when drawing, but I bet it's much different in real life. I can just take my clothes and put them into my drawings or something...
Well, not strictly visual kei, just my kind of style of clothes...Liike shibuya kei mixed with visual kei...what would you call that? Shibuya visual kei?...Visual shibuya kei? XD
Okie, okie, I'm done~! I'm done~! ^ ^
My hands smell like metal...
They do! O.O I think it's because I've, yet again, broken my head phones/ear buds...TT^TT Ah, well, they still work...>.>
Because we're studying more and more about The Odyssey and I've finally gotten a REALLY good English teacher who doesn't just say 'write it like this, only' or something, she actually tells us how you make certain scenes intense and what words or things we can use to do that...Well, I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but I REALLY love the way she teaches and the things she tells us. Though she's a bit boring...but, I'm learning so much!
But she keeps saying that 'creativity' in writing isn't the same as in art...WHA!? Really? But I can find so many things that writing and art have to do with each other. I think they're very similar! Writing is like painting a picture and you have to use certain colours (words phrases) to make certain moods and stuff like that. There are certain creative techniques for both writing and art.
...Haha! XD Wow, I started with 'because' to get to something else, but then I just started going on about my teacher...well....
Because we're studying the Odyssey and I have a really good teacher, every day I keep wanting to write this story...About a spy or agent guy who keeps going from society to society and slowly destroys them so that 'life will make more sense'. Ehh, it's hard to explain...But I'd really like to write it.
I want the main character, the spy guy (spyyyy guyyyy~! :D), to be very mysterious. They don't know if he's a girl or a boy because his looks are so androgynous and his age is unknown and even his race is unknown (because he's so weird....O.o I mean, he's obviously human, but his soooo mysteries that there are doubts about him being human).
I'd like to have the reader be on his side, but kinda confused as to what he is, but have that feeling that you know what he is (not that you actually do), so that some of his actions are kinda predictable, enough so that any twists I put in there will seem bigger than they actually are. If I think about what I'm writing enough, then I'll get something really good, I think. At least, with more of the help from my English teacher! ^ ^
Another thing to talk about~! I'm tired of people saying 'manga characters'...I mean, before I was tired of 'chinese people' so now they call them manga or anime characters.....>.> My art teacher is always saying something like 'maybe you can do a picture with one of your anime characters'...One of my anime characters? I don't have any anime characters. O.o; My friend keeps asking me about my 'anime characters' and often asks me about drawing them and what-not.
I'm are eyes so hard? My friends keep telling me stuff like 'Wow, you're so good, I wish I knew how to draw eyes, they're the hardest part,' H-how!? O.o What's hard about them!? They've always been the easiest for me. I just don't understand how they're actually hard. You draw two lines with a circle in between...then put a dot in the middle of that circle. There ya go, there's an eye.
My friend was practicing drawing eyes (during class, not paying attention, tsk, tsk) and they actually looked pretty good. But we both noticed a problem, they looked like 'shocked' eyes. So I gave her a few tips. At least she doesn't think drawing eyes are hard! TT^TT
Here's how I draw an eye if you're one of the people who have no clue how I draw my eyes:
But I found this girl who's also in film club who likes anime, and she draws manga-esque stuffs, so that makes me happy! I hope to see her at anime club! She also sits at the 'band table' so I can see her there. I yelled at her in film club, though, because somebody put 'anime' as a category of films for us to watch, but I yelled at everyone saying that there's a club for that, I don't want to go through the ridicule that anime had gotten last time we did the anime theme...>.> Bleh! TT^TT
And then I talked to her today suddenly, while she was talking about her drawings she was telling somebody that her little picture took her longer to draw than her big picture for some reason. I then jumped in saying 'it's because the pose is so good, that must've been really hard' and she just looked at me with a blank face....XD I wonder if she doesn't like me! XD I laugh that off because I don't think I'd care that much if she didn't, but she probably will once she realizes how much I love manga and anime and that I draw a lotta manga.
Oh! I'm drawing this picture of Maya in art for an art project thingy using only white charcoal:
I cut out Aiji...Sorry Aiji, you're expression isn't silly enough for me! XD I like his pose, though, it's just his face looks strange....O.o
I have some of Maya's face done and the outline for his body, and it's lookin' pretteh good! I's proud. But now I want to get back to art soooo badly! TT^TT For some reason I'm only good at realism (well, today) if it's with white charcoal...O.o What's happened?...'orz
Annnnd Shirokuro Kitan, I read the newest chapters...I CAN'T STOP LOVING IT! But it sounds like Kusunoki Rinka is just making it up on the way...XD I want to draw a picture of everyone, now! X3 Here's a picture I've found of them:
My favourite is the one in the middle at the bottom. I might want to cosplay him....O.O I forgot his name, though...I can't remember any of their names! "orz
I have lots of stuff to do, yet my friend asked me over to her house....I said okay...but now I don't want to! TT^TT My mom reminded me that we had nothing in common, and then I remembered that I actually have a BUNCH of drawings to get to that I've been putting off until the weekend...So I'll have to tell her that I'm actually very busy and I completely forgot...TT^TT
I have requests that I haven't even started, then my Necromansters picture which I'm inking right now (probably will stop because it's boring...>.>), now I want to do a Shirokuro Kitan picture (now that I know what colours everyone is...kinda...), and pictures that I'd like to do for fun.
I need to sketch more everyday...
Oh! Tegaki e! I need to join something like that!! I need time to start out on that website without worrying about having to wake up early to go to somebody's house...
Yep...I'm much busier than I thought...>.>
Next week is field trip time~! :D We're going to a Mexican Restaurant for Spanish class (we can only speak Spanish, I've actually done this in 5th was funny because nobody said anything! XD). And then for Academic Team we have an away match and afterwards we get to go to the mall~! :D
Buuut....they've taken the book stores out of the mall...WHY!? WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT!? I absolutely do not understand...Guess no new God Child manga for me...I'll probably just play DDR if it works when I get there...>.>
;w;...Emoticon I never make...but Jealkb's Hana is really touching....
How can comedians make such beautiful and serious music? Jealkb is truly a wonder! *.*
...I...I'll go look for a good drawing place to draw at and join...right now!
If it's tegaki e, Imouto chan, I'll tell ya if I join!