- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
C-ute - Dance de Bacoon!
Haha, the name sounds like dance of bacon....XD
The video is bad quality, but at least it's like the only video out...XD I'd like to see the whole version! But we'll have to wait...The place where they're seems really fake...O.o Not like the others have never been like this. Just, again, GO OUTSIDE OR SOMETHING!! I want to see a dance shot outside like in Morning Musume's newest PV. Or go to a mall. Yes, GO TO A MALL! That's THE PERFECT place for a H!P group. And it doesn't have to be a real mall, just make something that looks like a mall...O.o
The song is ridiculously catchy, though. I'm already singing it in my head~! :D And I really love the dance! ^ ^ I always love C-ute's dances, they always have the best ones. But it looks really hard with all that jumping 'n stuffs, you can even tell that they get kinda tired towards the end. Nothing that'd ruin it or anything, but their energy isn't as high as it was when they started. And you can kinda see them in a bit of pain. Y'know, after jumping a lot or running a lot you get a pain in your side, they're probably feeling that. And you can kinda tell...O.o
I don't really like their clothes...I mean, I guess they look cool...buuut....all the parts where they point up and you see...whatever is under their shirt....I don't like that. I wish they'd wear more clothes. I'd feel really uncomfortable wearing that, well, not exactly....More like, if I see myself in the video and things like that happen. It's weird and seems uncomfortable...O.o
I almost completely forgot that C-ute was going to have a new single! XD But I'm glad they did anyways! This was a really good new single! They've been doing way better than Berryz (in my book). There have been less and less disappointments! Go C-UTE~! :D
*tap* *tap*
Tapping finger on table...
I'm bored...TT^TT I mean...I've been bored, and I've been thinking (not just today, but for months or more) if I should join one of those drawing sites like tegaki e or something...But there are so many of them, I don't know which one to choose.
Does anybody know of a really good drawing place like that? I forgot what they're called...'orz Sorry...
I have so many accounts on so many different sites...My brother criticizes me for that, but I like having tons of accounts on things so that whenever I'm bored I can get on them~! :D And to me, I don't seem to have THAT many accounts.
Bye-bye~! :D
Ohhh....that's why my pants kept falling off...
Need to find an emoticon for following something with your a cat...O.o
Anyways...Haha, sorry...the title is so random! XD Well, not so much, since today my pants kept falling off and I wondered why because they weren't really that loose (or that tight), and then I went to the bathroom and realized they were unbuttoned...XD Nothing that anybody would notice, plus I was wearing a belt, it was just that when I sit down (I sit slouched...I have such bad posture...'orz) they'd fall off and I had to keep getting up to pull them up...>.>
I solved the mystery of the falling off pants~! I'm the next Sherlock Holmes! :D ...Just kidding...XD...'orz
My darn dear friend (that sounded weird), well, my dear friend...close friend...darn you friend...*trying to explain friend* the point, to the point (why do I keep repeating things!?...Sorry, sorry, I keep rambling...'orz). My friend was telling about Quizilla and how she wants to post a good story on there because there are so many crappy ones on there, but she's kinda nervous. So she started telling me her ideas and I started telling her my ideas. Her ideas were good, but a bit cliche. She just needs to add a little spice or twist into it, which she knows she needs to do (she told me so...XD).
Well, because of her now I want to write a story. Because of her and my English class I really want to write a story...'orz Blehhh...
I don't like writing stories because they always end up really stupid. I like writing manga, though. I've learned how to make those less...stupid...O.o
My idea is kinda like a mixture of all my ideas of stories I've been wanting to do. I've been wanting to do an oriental kind of story (all of my ideas are in another world because it doesn't feel right writing a story about a place I've never been...O.o I mean, I can kinda do that with manga, but writing is a totally different thing), then I wanted to do one based off of the Roman Empire, then I wanted to do with based off of Ancient Greek, then I wanted to do a Medieval Fantasy one, and it goes on...>.> So I've decided, since they're all old, ancient, have to do with gods and mythology, and are fantastical, why not make them all the same? Also, they all have to do with war...O.o I really want to write a war story...'orz
So I've decided that I'll make a big world with cultures similar to ones on earth (though with my own kind of twists on them 'n stuff) all at war because of something. And I don't want the main character to be a hero or anything, just somebody who sees a lot from other people, and knows what is going on. I might make him a spy or double agent (more than double...XD He's on his own team, but he goes for all of the countries...XD)...I'm not really sure...I just don't want him to be the stereo typical kind of main character and I don't want him to be a totally good guy...
He goes on an adventure and goes all over the world trying to figure out the outcome of the war while meeting with the gods 'n stuffs...if I made him a stereotypical hero character...Wouldn't that kinda be like...The Odyssey? In some way? Not exactly...but still...>.>
Maybe I should write it...seriously write it...O.o That'd be nice, to publish a novel. It'd probably be in a series.
I want to write something so I can be on Colbert or The Daily Show! XD Maybe fantasy isn't the right way to go...they usually have non fiction political stuff....buuuut I'm a little girl, mon (in the biological meaning, yes, in the chronological meaning, I'm a teenager and no longer a little girl...'orz) gotta give some kinda props for that! XD Haha, no, I shouldn't expect anything...XD
It'd be nice if it were made into a movie...though I doubt they could do it...and I won't be very nice to them, how other writers look over what they're doing for the movie, I'll be very strict...XD Liike I'll criticize a bunch of things if they do something wrong...XD
I feel like writing it right now....buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut......At the same time I don't...>.>
I'll do ze commission thingies tomorrow or something (though, I think I'm watching Invictus). I think my schedule will be like this:
Monday-Thursday - School, focus on school, doodle occassionally
Friday - Pick up on any internet stuff I've missed, maybe draw something
Saturday - Watch movie, if not fried from watching movie, draw somethin
Which kinda bothers me....because I'm not going to improve from drawing occasionally through the week...I AM taking art...but still...TT^TT
My teacher said I could probably do some work on the computer! :D But then I asked her would I could do on the computer and she was like 'Uhhh...I don't really know...' XD Well...if the opportunity does come, I will take it.
*falls over* This movie my parents are's REALLY good (dunno what the name is), but it makes me want to write a really deep romance thingy some place with really intricate, gorgeous, and elegant clothing (who knows where, I'm not pointing to one specific place, there are tons of places that have had that kinda stuff)...'orz Fairytales...
Too many ideas! TT^TT
I should read some more of Grimm's Fairytales...I'm only on liike 37...O.o Maybe more or less...I don't remember...'orz
I want to buy the movie, the book, watch the anime, watch the original version...I've never loved something so much!
The first time I saw it, it was just bits and pieces, and I was bored...But then the second time I saw the WHOLE thing (actually, I didn't see the beginning, but still) I fell in love.
The story is...awesome...revenge! >:D The clothes are awesome...I just love it! *melts*
Now I want to draw a Frenchy picture! :D But 9 minutes until meditation...and not that much time afterwards...'orz
I've noticed I keep repeating words very often in my speech. I don't mean just comes out...Like I say the word and then I breathe it out again...O.o
...I don't know what to do....I want to do something...'orz
Today in Chemistry we were going over the states of matter (I think that's what it's called...I can't remember...'orz), and she started talking about plasma. And all day long (since then) I had that stuck in my head. I kept thinking 'PUUUURASUMAAAA!!' XD
Ahhh, so many things about Goemon's Great Adventure...*shakes head*
We've started reading/studying The Odyssey in English...'tis awesome, of course, but now all I have in my head it looking up stuff about Greek Gods and stuff....TT^TT Gahhh...I want to write so kind of story so bad...
Unfortunately, I don't think we will be doing ANY creative writing this year...>.>
I think they should do it (at least in my school) where after reading some story, then you have to write your own kind of story that somehow relates to this one. I'd totally do a Greek story with Gods 'n Goddesses! >:D And liiike if we read The Scarlet Letter (which we're bound to read...>.>) we'd have to write about some other social taboo or immoral doing or whatever...O.o That'd be fun. I'd write about homosexuality~! :D Or something....XD Which, I don't know WHY it's a taboo...O.o Society is so strange and annoying...
I don't understand how people can disrespect other people so much. Where'd the get the kinds of personalities where they do bad things and then lie about it and think that's okay? That's what happened in my Chinese class...O.o There are a bunch of delinquent kids in my class...actually...all but 3 are delinquents (in my book)...And a few days ago they were throwing tennis balls in the room. There were tennis balls on the bottoms of our chairs (not sure why, but I do see those a lot) and they took them off and threw them. So my friend went and told the vice principal, who came down and yelled at us about the hand book and yadda yadda...
Then the bad kids started arguing about it always say 'I ain't dun nothin'. Whatever he said was a lie. Don't you be snitchin'' and went on and on about snitching. Which SOMETHING needed to be done, those guys are OLDER THAN ME, by a LOT and they're behaving like that, especially in front of our Chinese teacher, who's only been here for like a month (in America, I mean) and doesn't deserve such rude behaviours in her classroom...They also said stuff like 'You better not be touchin' my stuff. Trying to act all cute....wearin' such a short skirt, I'm not even allowed to do that, you better not be wearin' that again.'...O.o That was incredibly rude, she had no reason to say that in front of the teacher. Of course, she ignored her and went back to teaching us...>.>
But I've been ignoring them ever I haven't been noticing that they've been doing anything bad...still...they're bothering me a TON. And my friend keeps saying how he wants to change classes...I can't change any classes, and I don't want to (this is the longest period I have and I'm very lucky to have Chinese over something like Geometry or something) then I'll be alone with a bunch of delinquents...
But there IS this really nice girl at the front of the class. She can talk to EVERYONE and doesn't insult anyone or act negatively towards anyone. I respect her, but I sit really far away from her...O.o I sit in the back behind this really big guy and I can never see...'orz
I can never see in ANY of my classes...There is always somebody much bigger than me in the way...>.> Buh....
Anyways, enough of zat rant! XD
About requests 'n stuff. I'll get to them over the weekend...though I've gotten stuck...'orz of imouto chan's I have the person and everything outlined, but I'm trying to figure out how to do the background. She's running on a roof...and...I'm trying to figure out how to do the roof...O.o Hrmmm...>.>
Then Kuroi Hihane's and Afterglow's...I can't figure out any poses...'orz But once I do (after forcing myself into some poses...XD I might just give you guys really strange ones or boring ones...) I'll finish them up pretty quickly.
imouto chan's the one I'm working on the most because it's a prize for her winning one of my challenges (from a LOOONG time ago) AND her request, so that's like double points, so I gotta make it good! >:D
And then about my manga thingy...I gave the printed sheet to my friend, and she's STILL not finished reading it, so I just decided I'll do everything on the computer. Which is working out better than I thought, since I seem to be better at drawing on the computer...or something...O.o
On the outline part I'm on page 5~! :D The next page has Shig on it...and I've drawn him a lot, but now I have to draw him without make-up or wild hair or it's kinda hard...O.o I'm not exactly sure what I'll do for the next page. I'll come up with something.
My friend says it's really long, especially for a first chapter. She said it's like a book! XD Well, it's supposed to be like 50 pages of the actual manga, and it's 6 pages on word, so I think that'll work out. It might be longer, but most manga are supposed to have the first chapter long. Then the rest of the chapters are like 27 pages long or something...O.o Y'know, every now and then they have the long chapter where a bunch of things happen after a big twist and what-not. So they sometimes have 27, sometimes longer, depends on what's going on.
But I'm writing the second chapter...and I'm a bit lost...O.o I forgot what I wanted to do, and I think I just skipped a whole big section...Well, I had them choosing their names...and...then I was like 'Holy crap, it's already 2 pages...WHAT AM I DOING!?' so then I went on to a big event thingy...and I's totally misplaced...
But then I thought about how I'm going to add in Masumi (little guy with glasses) who I'd really like to add in (for fanservice~! :D), I wanted to to go, he'd probably not come in until like...chapter 5....TT^TT I doubt I'll be working hard enough to get to Chapter I might skip some plans and it'll seem a bit strange and not very realistic, but I really want to start drawing Masumi! TT^TT
Oi! Oi! Have I already told you guys about this? That Nissy looks different in the picture of AAA's new single? I compared him to Shou, 'cause he KINDA reminds me of him in that picture:
No, their eyes, nose, mouth, aren't the same (not even the hair or clothes), but there is SOMETHING that makes them look similar...O.o
I think it's the eyebrows. His eyebrows are like Shou's, aren't they? And the lighting is similar to Shou's or just the visual kei genre. look so weird...O.O
Speaking of AAA, I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT TO WATCH GRUDGE 2!! TT^TT And not on the computer (already did, sucked the life right out of it...>.> not excited at all to watch it on the computer). I want to watch it becaaauuusee:
MISAKO UNO IS IN IT~! Okay, that wasn't at all obvious, you can rarely see her...XD She's the Japanese school girl who's with them! ^ ^
And I just missed the chance to watch it because in film club we were choosing what movies to watch for the category 'Modern Horror Films' and I completely forgot about it....TT^TT Darn! I mean, that movie was BOOOORING, but I'm dying to see it...
It wasn't scary...except for the part where the girl is trying to make a call or something, because she keeps trying to get away from it...that kinda scared me...'cause she was all out in the open and there was no escape. DUN-DUN-DUUUN!! O.O
Well, the movies were ARE watching, are pretteh stupid, as well as most horror movies. We're watching 'Drag me to Hell' which I watched last night and I was surprised that it was 'Drag me to Hell' because I heard that movie was really good...O.o It was soooo cheesy stupid, like every other horror movie...O.o
Why can't people just make REALISTIC horror films without all this hysterical screaming and random violence or things to make you jump. Stop making things so violent, that's not scary, and stop making us jump, just because we jump doesn't me we're afraid. And the screaming is annoying (and I don't know anybody who thinks it makes the movie or anything, unless they're making fun of it).
Changeling...that could go for a good horror film, but it's not regarded as one. If they talked about it like it was a horror film, maybe I'd like it better or something, since it's SUPPOSED to be a horror film. Gosh, that movie gave me nightmares...TT^TT *shivers*
And Psycho and Rear Window KINDA gave me nightmares, but I wonder if it counts that I actually got nightmares from Hell Girl and not from those movies...since I had seen Hell Girl before them, so it wasn't as suprising.
Uzumaki gave me nightmares...but that's just a manga...same for Emerging...See, why can't they make movies like those, and not base them off of manga?
I wanna make a good horror movie now...>.> Write the screenplay or something...But I always make it really cheesy...TT^TT I'll have to stick to trying to make it realistic and scary.
Make a movie of Elizabeth Bathory! They kinda did with Stay Alive, which was crappy and all, but I actually liked it, probably for the reason that they talked a lot about Elizabeth Bathory.
Don't know about her? Okay~! Scary story time~! :D
Elizabeth Bathory was a Hungarian Countess who cared about her appearance a LOT. She never wanted to age so she tried several things to see what would make her youthful forever. Then one day she came up with blood being the perfect thing to keep her youthful forever. And she had to get blood from beautiful, elegant, female girls. So she started up a school, kidnapped girls off the streets and killed them and bathed in their blood. Apparently she also forced her other servants to kill other servants and make her bath and everything. She tortured them in many other ways and sexually abused them. She is known as the most prolific female serial killer in all of history.
She is INCREDIBLY interesting! O.O Gotta make a movie about her, I mean COME ON! TT^TT Well, don't make a movie about her ghost or make her some kind of monster...she IS a monster, but don't make her a literal monster. Make her a seemingly normal person, but a monster inside. This is possible with good directing, script, and actors. But nobody wants to do that because it'll actually be a good horror movie...>.>
...Wooow...I wrote a LOOONG post...O.O
Oh! Tomorrow's Thursday! :D That means after that it's Friday and then THE WEEKEND! :D is so depressing...>.> I don't like routines...because then you start picking at the times and then you realize how short life is..."orz
Uhhhh...XD I should stop talking now! XD
I give you a cookie for reading the whole thing...though I may have posted loner things....O.o
Sorry for the ramblings! TT^TT
Haha, wow, I just found this out...XD
Eri Kamei, Junjun, and Linlin are all graduating from H!P. Junjun and Linlin want to pursue careers in China (GOOOO JUNJUN!! >:D I've been waiting for that!) and Eri Kamei has some kind of really bad rash...O.o That's a strange reason to leave...buuuut...I hope it gets better and she's able to sing again or something, because she's my favourite member! TT^TT
I'm pretty sad that Eri Kamei is leaving and not somebody else...actually, these three were the ones I didn't want to leave the most (well, Junjun...I wanted her to get a career as a soloist, so hopefully she gets it).
And since Morning Musume is now down to 5 that means AUDITION~!
But this time they're more strict and you have to be between 10 and 17...well, that rules me out...Wait a second...*looks at watch*...I'm only 15...XD
Well, I'm not going to audition anyways...XD I'm soooo super excited for who's gonna be new! >:D Eeee!! I've been waiting for this for YEARS!! Ever since Aika and the others came...>.>
*tries to imagine them*...I can't do it!! TT^TT Gahh!! Hurry up with the auditions, I want to see who it is! Or who THEY are...I hope there'll be a lot of new members! ^ ^ That or do auditions yearly so it can be more of a cycle instead of the same people over and over again...that's really boring...
Well, it is when it's Morning Musume. I mean, with other bands, I'm glad that they're staying that way, but with something like Morning Musume, it's nice to see new people every once in a while...
I hope they get somebody around my age! XD Well, somebody who's ACTUALLY GOOD AT SINGING...>.> Which they probably won't because Tsunku keeps picking random girls with somewhat talent in singing. I mean, Koharu isn't very good at singing at all, but Aika is okay...neither of them are made to be singers, though...O.o Then again, you look at the other people who auditioned and they're all TERRIBLE, except that one girl from AKB48...but I think there was some rule thingy that you couldn't be in another talent agency to get in...
And again, if I ever wanted to be in a talent wouldn't be H!P....for the reason...that it's so mainstream and you don't have much freedom. I like expressing myself! >:0
Oi, this is the link to the info about the audition if anybody's interested...though I think you have to live in Japan to do this...O.o Not that your parents with actually let you do this! Ohoho! XD
Only a few parts are televised, though, but that's good. And they say they'd put it on the internet, too...>:D Awesome~!! says you can apply ANYWHERE...though that might just be a propaganda thing....XD
Curiouser and curiouser....XD
Really, there are so many things I wonder...because I had never experienced a H!P happening while I was paying attention...O.O I wanna know so many things...TT^TT
It'd be interesting if I applied and never told anyone...XD I wonder if some people who apply, but don't make it, if they're notified that they missed or wonder if the person is gone, or just go on with it. I'd just go on with it, as harsh as it is, they can find another talent agency...XD
It'd be fun, though...