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Let's do some memes! :D

I'm just gonna combine these two into one post, so, yah. So many things to get to! TT^TT Oh, oh, this IS one of them...XD

Stolen from harvestmoonluvr

[] Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
[x] Acrophobia - Fear of heights. (Unless it has good railings, I'm TOTALLY freaking out)
[x] Agliophobia - Fear of pain. (Don't hit me...TT^TT)
[] Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or crowds.
[x] Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects. (It's not that bad...I can pick it up, but for a moment I panic when I see them and I'm afraid of stepping on any....TT^TT)
[] Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car.
[] Androphobia - Fear of men.
[x] Anginophobia - Fear of angina or choking. (Which is why I hate cheese sticks....TT^TT)
[/] Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers. (I'm not really afraid of FLOWERS, but I'm just afraid of the fact that they might have bugs on them...TT^TT)
[x] Anthropophobia - Fear of people or society. (TOTALLY, mon...TT^TT But I still love you~! :D)
[/] Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched. (I'm not afraid of being touched, like I don't dread that moment, I just freak out when people touch me and I don't particularly LOVE it, maybe because of my brother...>.>)
[x] Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders (Yah, but not just spiders....)
[/] Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers. (Only a certain number between 3 and 5...TT^TT)
[/] Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightening. (Sorta, maybe...)
[] Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness.
[] Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection.
[] Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.
[] Autophobia - Fear of being alone.

[] Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria.
[/] Barophobia - Fear of gravity. (I HATE YOU GRAVITY!! >:0 But, that's not really a fear...But I'm kinda afraid that my shelf is going to fall because...well it's a long story...O.O)
[x] Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs or steep. (YES!! TT^TT I'm surprised there is a specific word for this fear, though. But I'm afraid because I keep falling down stairs ALL THE TIME...I really hate stairs...)
[] Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians.
[] Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
[] Botanophobia - Fear of plants.

[x] Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness. (Not MY ugliness, but people, you guys need to take care of yourself, I don't want to look at you...I think I was scarred by something that happened when I was little...>.>)
[x] Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed publicly. (Who isn't? Comedians? That's why I respect most of them so much...MOST of them....if they're bad and cocky, I hate them.)
[] Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
[] Chionophobia - Fear of snow.
[] Chromophobia - Fear of colors.
[] Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks.
[x] Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces. (I didn't think I was, but there are so many instances that point to my claustrophobia. It's not exactly panic, but I start feeling really nauseous and dizzy and then I panic...O.o)
[] Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns.
[] Cyberphobia - Fear of computers.
[/] Cynophobia - Fear of dogs. (Some's not like they're all nice and fluffy! TT^TT I think I'm especially afraid of small dogs...>.>)

[] Dendrophobia - Fear of trees.
[/] Dentophobia - Fear of dentists. (Fear of MY dentist, but I don't fear other dentists...I don't think...O.o)
[] Domatophobia - Fear of houses.
[x] Dtychiphobia – fear of accidents. (ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! BAHHH!! TT^TT)

[] Ecophobia - Fear of the home.
[] Elurophobia - Fear of cats. ('course not~! X3 But I can be afraid of my cat sometimes, but anybody would be afraid of anything that's going after them and pouncing and tearing them to shreds...TT^TT)
[] Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers.
[/] Equinophobia - Fear of horses. (THEY'RE HUGE! I'm afraid...kinda....but they're very pretty...just don't want to pet them...>.>)

[] Gophobia - Fear of marriage. (No, just don't think it's important)
[] Genuphobia - Fear of knees.
[] Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public. (Surprisingly, no...O.o)
[] Gynophobia - Fear of women.

[] Heliophobia - Fear of the sun.
[] Hemophobia - Fear of blood.
[] Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles.
[/] Hydrophobia - Fear of water. (Isn't there one for BODIES of water...? I'm not sure if I should x this...let's just put a half mark)

[] Itrophobia - Fear of doctors.
[x] Insectophobia - Fear of insects. (YYYEEEESSSS! And I have no clue why!! It's absolute paranoia! TT^TT)

[] Koinoniphobia - Fear of rooms.

[] Lekophobia - Fear of the color white.
[x] Lilapsophobia - Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes. (Yup...I mean, why aren't you afraid of them, mon!? >:-)
[x] Lockiophobia - Fear of childbirth. (Oh, yeah, mon...TT^TT)

[/] Mageirocophobia - Fear of cooking. (Not exactly, just I'm afraid of what I have to use...knives and ovens and hot oil...bleh...TT^TT)
[] Melanophobia - Fear of the color black.
[] Microphobia - Fear of small things.
[/] Mysophobia - Fear of dirt and germs. (I just don't like dirt on my food or utensils...)

[x] Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead things. (Ermmm...sorta....yeah...kinda...I'm afraid of dead humans, but I'm alright with dead anything else...>.> Humans scare me...TT^TT)
[] Noctiphobia - Fear of the night.
[] Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals. (Why am I not afraid of this?! O.o)

[/] Obesophobia - Fear of gaining weight (Kinda, not really, just like the size I am...But my friend is afraid of gaining weight...O.o)
[] Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
[] Ombrophobia - Fear of rain.
[] Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes. (ADORABLE~~! <333 I LOOOOVE SNAKES!! <333)
[] Ornithophobia - Fear of birds. (My friend is...I'm not REALLY, maybe I tiny bit, I'm just afraid of being pooped on...)

[] Papyrophobia - Fear of paper.
[] Pathophobia - Fear of disease.
[] Pedophobia - Fear of children. (Not fear...just negativity...dislike...)
[/] Philophobia - Fear of love. (Maybe? Yes? I'm not exactly sure, but I'm afraid of some forms of love and stuffs like that...Don't know why...O.o)
[] Phobophobia - Fear of being afraid. (Why? I don't get it...I like being afraid...sometimes...XD)
[] Podophobia - Fear of feet. (HOW CAN YOU FEAR FEET!? THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL!! TT^TT Well, some of them...)
[] Porphyrophobia - Fear of the color purple.
[] Pteridophobia - Fear of ferns. (Ferns...O.o Really...Is it because they look pointy?)
[] Pteromerhanophobia - Fear of flying.
[x] Pyrophobia - Fear of fire. (OH, DEFINITELY! O.O)

[/] Scolionophobia - Fear of school. (Ehhh...I just don't like the stressfulness or anything....I get tired a TON at school...)
[] Selenophobia - Fear of the moon.
[] Sociophobia - Fear of social evaluation. (Not exactly sure...but I don't think so...not sure why, though...O.o)
[] Somniphobia - Fear of sleep. (No, I just don't want to be woken up, LILI! >:0)

[] Tachophobia - Fear of speed
[] Technophobia - Fear of technology.
[/] Tonitrophobia - Fear of thunder. (Not really fear, I just jump a bit...O.o)
[] Trypanophobia - Fear of injections.

[] Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women.
[] Verminophobia - Fear of germs.
[] Wiccaphobia - Fear of witches and witchcraft.
[/] Xenophobia - Fear of strangers (Fear of creepy strangers...I'm okay with some, not so much with others...Like adult strangers...)
[] Zoophobia - Fear of animals

Hrmm...21 fears...not that much. There's a lot of missing ones...XD

This next one is stolen from Kitty K.O.

[ ] Both of your parents are from Asia
[/] You use the term “Azn” (Nooo...O.o it pronounced Ei-zee-in? Then yes...XD)
[x] You think DDR is fun (Totally, mon! >:D I love dancing and that kind of music...kinda...O.o)
[x] You’ve watched lots of anime (LOTS OF ANIME...TT^TT)
[ ] You like Korean dramas (Ermm...I don't like dramas...can't take 'em seriously...Not that I've seen any Korean dramas...O.o)
[ ] You have stuff hanging on your phone (Don't have a phone...O.o)
[ ] Your parents want you to marry within your own race (They could care less...XD)
[x] You drink lemon tea (Lemon sweet tea! >:D But what exactly is lemon tea?...O.o)
So Far: 3 1/2

[x] You style your hair , NOT with gel ( some ways...O.o I do have Japanese styled haircuts...XD)
[ ] You have a meebo / myspace / friendster / face book (No, but my friends keep bothering me to make one...'orz)
[x] You speak languages other than English (Oi, yah, mon! :D)
[/] Your parents are strict (Stricter than other parents...And they yell a lot...O.o But not THAT strict)
[x] Your parents have high expectations of you (Yes...>.>)
[x] You always get A’s/B’s on your report (Always...O.O)
[ ] You do Chemistry/Biology/Physics/Accounting (As a job? Nu, I do not have a job...O.o)
[x] You know your multiplication table (Of course...O.o)
[x] You play badminton or table tennis (We have a badminton thingy in my backyard...One of the only sports I play...XD But I'm terrible at it..."orz)
[ ] You’ve seen the Asian version The Ring and/or The Grudge (I want to...but I don't watch many horror movies since they're apparently 'terrible')
So Far: 10

[x] You own an Asian car (HONDA...Isn't that what it means?)
[x] You’re not the only child (Confuzzled...O.o But, yes, I have two older brothers...)
[ ] You’ve gotten little red envelopes around February (I don't get anything around February...XD)
[x] You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwon do. (Dur, mon...>.>)
[ ] ( girl ) You prefer white guys over asian guys( guy ) You prefer asian girls (I prefer asian guys...But I'm not really picky about ethnicity, I just like pretty faces...X3)
[ ] Your mother/father tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted (Dunno...why would you bargain at Walgreens? Hold on, what? O.o)
[ ] You can do the rubiks cube (I WANT ONE! TT^TT But nobody's every let me I don't know....TT^TT)
[x] You play video games (All meh life...)
So Far: 14

[x] Every time you’re going out, your parents ask you where you’re going and what time you’ll be home (Yes, not that I tell them, and not that I go out that much...But I don't know when I'l come home...O.o)
[x] You have karaoke at home (Lots of different karaoke things...but I don't like to do them anymore because my parents start singing...I hate that...and they're all American songs that I hate...>.>)
[x] You know BoA/Gazette/Ayumi Hamasaki/Gackt (OF COURSE! >:D)
[ ] You’ve been to a LAN more than 3 times (Don't even know what that is...)
[x] You have incense sticks in your house (Yush! X3 We light them when we doesn't smell that good, though...we use some kinda bland kind....)
[x] You own a gaming console (A ton of gaming consoles...)
[ ] You play a musical instrument (Piano? Maybe, not I'm not X-ing)
[ ] You get nothing if you do well in school (Haha, no, I get money! XD But I used to not get anything...don't know why it changed...O.o)
So Far: 18

[x] Your parents won’t let you go out if you have school the next day (I don't let myself go out if I have school the next day...But, yeah, they REALLY refuse to let me go out...unless it's a field trip...they have no control over that...XD)
[x] You have Asian Songs on your computer or iPod (It's all Asian...Except for like...5 Euro-pop songs...O.o)
[x] You don’t like football (HATE FOOTBALL...Wait, are we talking about American football or regular football? I dislike both, but I'm okay with regular football...kinda....O.o)
[/] You have a curfew (Not exactly...I have a bed time...but I don't really have a curfew...XD)
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means (...Hrmm...I feel like I know...but I got nothing...'orz)
[x] You know what purikura is (Purikura~! :D I think it's overrated, though...>.>)
[ ] You like bubble tea (Never had it before...)
[x] Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can “grow into it” and wear it for years to come (Sometimes...but I think I'm done growing...)
[x] You’ve played final fantasy (Didn't like it, though)
[ ] You believe in fortune cookies (Haha, no! XD)
So Far: 24 1/2

[ ] You get mostly “No“‘s when you ask your parents for permission for something (Ermmm...I get "Yes"'s , but if you hear the questions I ask...the only answer is 'yes'...O.o)
[ ] You’ve heard the song “Got rice?” (...O.o)
[ ] You have a tutor
[x] You’ve had pockys or yan yan before (Oi! Yes! X3)
[x] When you seek for your mother’s permission she replies “Ask your dad” (Yup, and the other way around...Doesn't always happen, though...usually it's "Ask your mom"...XD)

( 1-10= Southerner)
(11-20= American)
(20-30= European)
(31-40= Azn Boy or Girl)
(41-50= Super Azn Boy or Girl)

Ahah, of course I'm European! XD I'm 100% European! XD 'cept I live in America...O.o Hrmm...Well, my origin is completely European...>.> to do more things...

HOLY CRAP!! O.O HOLY CRAP!! Chuck Close is on COLBERT!! <333 Must WATCH! O.O (and then get some spaghetti...X3)

Chuck Close's paintings:

(Chuck Close before)

External Image

External Image

(Chuck Close now)

External Image

He's one of my favourite artists...I love human portraits and shading and colours...and he's...just...amazing at it all...O.O


Waahhh...I got a lotta comments on that band thingy one so I can't reply to all of them! TT^TT Bahhh...somebody reply or something so I can comment on the rest...TT^TT

Anyways~! :D I FINALLY got my laputop back and it's FIIIIXXXEDD!! WOOOOT!! >:D

I's soooo happeh!

Also~! I had my first day of school...two days ago...O.o

'Twas interesting...and...I made a friend on the first day. She's from New York. Strangest thing is that my neighbor is also from New York, turns out THEY'RE RELATED! Small world, small world. Like I said before, really is.

Annnnd I got a lot of schedule changes. Before I had TOO MANY history classes, now I have NONE! XD And I've skipped an art class level so now I'm in the AP-ish class so this time I can express myself more and focus more. Which I've been wanting to do.

Our teacher was showing us past portfolio pieces and showing us the good ones compared to bad and what-not and there was one with figure poses, but they were like sketchy outlines. She told us that the judging people really like those kinds of things, but they're really hard to do...

WHA!? REALLY!? Holy crap, mon! I do those all ze time! XD Well, that sure made me feel more comfortable in the class! ^ ^

And there was some kind of block system on my 3rd period class so I had Chinese for one semester and English for the second and it's 80 minutes long so we can get all our credits in there. Turns out the Chinese class is a university (?) kind of class so it's supposed to be all year. So I had my English changed to where Art 2 was and then since my Art 2 class was HUGE my art teacher moved up the kids who she thought had the most potential or something like that and I was one of them. So that makes me happy! ^ ^ And I HATE my history teacher so I'm glad I don't have her anymore. Her class was like an elementary school class. I mean, it's easy, but you have to do a ton of stuff...TT^TT


I forgot what I was talking about. This happens a lot...'orz

Well, I really love my Chinese class and the teacher is INCREDIBLY nice~! X3 But it's really hard to say the words right. There's this one guy in my class whom I REALLY REALLY hate, he's the kind of guy in the world that I immediately hate, no chances. He's the kind of guy who thinks he's better than everyone...hrmmm...he's like a teacher's pet....>.>

For instance, he bows whenever he asks the teacher a question. But the thing is that he doesn't bow right. I mean, I might be picky picking out that thing, but you don't bow so low and close your eyes...>.> It's a quick nod. I keep accidentally doing it...TT^TT But I think I do that in all my classes, not just this one.

Our teacher goes by us individually and makes sure we pronounce the words right (which is BRILLIANT, but then again, there are only like 10 of us...O.o), but when she goes to that guy, he pronounces it wrong, closes his eyes (AGAIN) and says it wrong, but in a Chinese sounding accent...or fake Chinese accent. Like how people think it's all Ching-chong Ding-dong...>.> I find that offensive. So I really hate it when he speaks Chinese. The other people pronounce it wrong (including meh....I can't help it! TT^TT The pronunciations are REALLY hard! TT^TT But I think I'm figuring it out), but they don't say it as weird as he does...Blehhh...I don't like him...and I don't know how to explain him...

Then there's this other guy in my class mean, he has a beard and wears shorts and sandals EVERYDAY with a jacket EVERYDAY...O.o And I'm actually very surprised he's in my class and that he WANTS to take Chinese because he's one of those preppy 'I could care less about other cultures' kind of guy...BUT, he likes Chinese? WAH!? And then I think back to it now that one day during lunch I brought a big picture of a bunch of Jpop singers and Visual Kei singers, etc. (I have a picture of them in my portfolio as a wallpaper) and I remember he just walked by when he was throwing away his trash and when he came back he kept staring at my pictures. Nobody else did...O.o this a secret weeaboo we have on our hands?

I find that really interesting. I want to find more secret weeaboos! >:D have a ton of tabs up...

I missed a TON of stuff lately so I REALLY want to go back and comment on things I missed. It'll probably take me forever, but I'll try my best. I just...don't remember when I last left off...was it Thursday?...O.o

I'll go do that now. And I want to write that manga I've been telling you guys about. But I finally got the names of the characters so now I can finally write it...

Oi! Bye-bye!....Ermm...Zaìjiàn~! :D

I like 2 out of 104 bands...:D

[ ] Breaking Benjamin
[ ] Paramore
[ ] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
[ ] Linkin Park
[ ] The Academy Is…
[?] Coldplay (Uhhh...O.o I don't like them, but then I kinda like them...but I just can't actually like them. As in, I really don't like them, but I like how some of their songs sound and the singer's voice, but that's about it...don't like the singer himself...>.>)
[ ] Three Days Grace
[ ] Yellowcard
[ ] 30 Seconds to Mars
[ ] Rise Against
[ ] Nirvana

[] Rascal Flatts
[] Carrie Underwood
[] Leanne Rimes
[] Garth Brooks
[] Dixie Chicks
[] Kenny Chesney
[] Tim McGraw
[] Faith Hill
[] Shania Twain

[] Hawthorne Heights
[] Panic! At The Disco
[] From First to Last
[] Senses Fail
[] Underoath
[] Something Corporate
[] Hit The Lights
[] Silverstein
[] Dear Whoever
[] Chiodos

[] The Hush Sound
[] Eisley
[] Death Cab for Cutie
[] Dashboard Confessional
[] The Killers
[] Yeah Yeah Yeahs
[] Hot Hot Heat
[] Gym Class Heroes
[] Franz Ferdinand
[] Modest Mouse

[] Slipknot
[] System of a Down
[] Disturbed
[] Metallica
[x] Guns n’ Roses (Welcome to the jungle...~!!)
[] Lamb of God
[] Slayer
[] Atreyu
[] Killswitch Engage
[] Avenged Sevenfold
[] CKY

[ ] eddy Geiger
[] Ashlee Simpson
[] Kelly Clarkson
[] Jesse McCartney
[?] Avril Lavigne (Used to be my favourite singer, but I no longer like her...>.>)
[] Pink
[] Natasha Bedingfield
[] Mcfly
[] Jonas Brothers (THEY'RE POP!? Oh what has the world come to!? TT^TT)
TOTAL SO FAR: 1 (They're missing somebody...O.o)

[ ] job for a cowboy
[] drop dead gorgeous
[ ] blessthefall
[ ] the devil wears prada
[] bring me the horizon
[ ] dance club massecure
[ ] preschool tea party massecure
[] Scary Kids Scaring Kids

[ ] nas
[ ] Paul Wall
[ ] 2pac
[ ] mims
[ ] Ludacris
[ ] Lil’ Jon
[ ] Outkast
[ ] 50 Cent
[ ] birdman
[ ] three 6 mafia
[ ] lil wayne
[ ] Eminem


[ ] Rancid
[ ] The Aquabats
[ ] Sublime
[ ] No Doubt
[ ] Reel Big Fish
[ ] Mustard Plug

[ ] Taking Back Sunday
[ ] All American Rejects
[ ] Motion City Soundtrack
[ ] Angels and Airwaves
[ ] Evanescence
[ ] My Chemical Romance
[ ] Drowning Pool
[?] Green Day (Used to like them, now I hate them...>.>)
[ ] Blink 182

CLASSIC ROCK (I don't listen to much classic rock, but it's definitely better than the rock nowadays)
[x] The Beatles (OF COURSE, MON~! <333)
[?] Led Zeppelin
[?] Black Sabbath
[?] The Rolling Stones
[?] The Who
[?] Pink Floyd
[] Meat Loaf
[?] Queen
[] Poison
[?] AC-DC
[ ] Journey
[ ] Fleetwood Mac
[ ] Tom Petty
[?] Iron Maiden
[?] The Police


Yes, see, I do like SOME American bands...just Guns&Roses...And maybe the ones with the question marks under 'Classic Rock' because they sound familiar to me, but I can't remember if I like them or not...O.o Hrmmm...


I finally decided to scan the sketches I did on my trip. They're all pretty crappy, though...>.> Makes me rather embarrassed to show you, but I promised! 'orz

1. I was going to draw a picture with an outline and make it all detailed and what-not, but I just couldn't draw anything! TT^TT I can't draw somebody in that pose while riding in a the road was really bumpy at the time...>.>

2. What is it? It's the only little picture I drew that was at my grandmother's house (the rest of my sketches I did in the car...O.o). was originally supposed to be Daichi Miura dancing...but now it looks like somebody doing some kind of martial art...O.o EARTH BENDAH! >:D

3. Ummm...this looks terrible...'orz...One of the characters for that jrock slice of life manga I was talking about. He's one of the more normal kind of characters...he's still not very normal...He's supposed to look like Chiyu from SuG. But I couldn't remember what he looked like...just that he had a strange kind of mouth...but I kinda wanted to mix his face with different people...and just failed all over it. That and his hair is supposed to look bad. So he looks terrible. I can't help it! TT^TT I can't draw in a car...>.>

4. That Tamaki-like character for that manga I was talking about. Another design. This one looks better because he was the first character I started designing and we stopped to go to the bathroom so the car wasn't moving and it looks much nicer. He's based off of Mai from Kra. And he also started a very similar way...So the story is mostly based off of Kra because they seemed to be on the only visual kei (oh really?) band to not be so secretive so they said basically EVERYTHING. And since Mai was apparently really weird to Keiyuu and Yuura at first (they were like 'Oh, wow he has long hair, he must be popular wtih the girls' and then they realized 'Woah, he's such an otaku'...'orz)...But he's not completely based off of Mai! XD He's not an otaku...not exactly...XD And his hair isn't blonde it's a very light peachy pink...Which he obviously he's suspended from school, also because he pierced his ears and so many other things...O.o He's an idiot...*face palm*

5. Yet another picture that I wanted to draw well, but I realized I can't draw full bodies while the car is moving...O.o So she looks like crap and I didn't even completely erase the outline. That and my eraser is really bad...O.o (Didn't erase, just smeared)

6. Nana Kitade! I gave up trying to draw random characters so I just decided to draw whoever was singing the song I was listening to. So I drew Nana Kitade. I think I was listening to Kibou no Kakera which is why her hair looks like that...'cept her hair is more poofy in that PV...O.o

7. Erina Mano~! Based off of this picture:

External Image

But my brother was using the laptop so I couldn't look at it...and I couldn't remember anything about it...O.o Just that she was eating. And the car was moving so it was really hard to draw her hands and other things. Plus the pencil I was using was really crappy (it was a free pencil from Papa John's...'orz)...>.>

8. 'tis Maiko~! :D But it was originally supposed to be boy similar to Ciel...but then I started drawing Maiko's design...O.o

9. Ze shortie of the group for that one manga I was talking about. He's the keyboardist...Yet another fail of a picture...I have no clue what I was doing here...O.o He's supposed to be like a mixture of Shinpei from SuG and Keiyuu from airbrushed Shinpei with glasses...

10. Another member of that group I've been talking about. He is the quiet and dark kind of guy...ON THE OUTSIDE, but is actually really outgoing and loud...O.o He's like...well...most pointy-nosed members of visual kei groups...O.o Mostly like Umi from Vistlip and Saga from Alice Nine. Ehhh...mostly just like Saga with glasses...'cept he doesn't really wear his glasses all the time, kinda like with Umi...Those two were the two I had in my mind the most when designing him.

11. 'tis Gara from Merry~! :D Haha, no, it doesn't really look like him...'orz I just drew him from memory and I haven't really seen that many pictures of him...just remembered he had weird looking lips. Which you can't really tell that I drew them weird because I shaded them...O.o I drew him because I was listening to Merry songs...and had nothing else to do...XD

12. Kanon Wakeshima~! This is probably the only one that actually looks like the singer. I mean, it doesn't look EXACTLY like her, but it at least has something that make her look like how she looks. I went with how she draws herself (with the eyes). And since she likes drawing kitties a lot I drew her hugging a Luna-P-like kitty ball thing...X3 I actually kinda like this picture, it just looks cute...

13. Me complaining about how crappy my Papa John's pencil is...TT^TT It isn't a good pencil at all for anything because even if you don't mean to it goes really deep into the paper AND IT'S STILL VERY LIGHT...TT^TT Guhhh...evil pencil...TT^TT

14. Ahhh...'orz...Absolute fail...TT^TT This is supposed to be the really gorgeous lead singer. He's SUPPOSED to have bad hair...but I failed at his face....I really couldn't draw him at all because the road we were on was INCREDIBLY bumpy...TT^TT Also the turns were really sharp so I was leaning the entire time and my brother's books were sliding into me (those darn West Virginian roads!! TT^TT) He's supposed to be like Shou. In fact, the whole idea for that manga was started because of Shou (Shou from Alice Nine, mon)...'cause...he's seriously good looking...But he's not very good at I wondered if they just chose him because he was good looking or they just picked him up at school or if he was very popular and so many other things. I just wondered how he got to be where he was...O.o So I made a character based off of my wonders about him. And he writes OKAY lyrics...they're good...but they're METAPHOR after METAPHOR and the metaphors don't have anything to do with eachother but they're somehow telling a story...I think...O.o Just read some of Alice Nine's lyrics...they'll confuse the HECK outta you...what do they mean!? TT^TT he's like Shou (with his face, no with the hair) except he has a beauty mark on the top right part of his cheek. Dunno what happened with me drawing him besides the road...O.o

15. Ummm...I was playing Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow...ridiculously failed and got several game overs even before I beat the first boss..." boss (I think...O.o) So I decided to draw something and I drew this girl who looks very similar to Mina Hakuba...And then just played around with shading and stuffs...but it's REALLY hard to shade in a moving car..."orz

16. 'orz It was supposed to be Shou from Alice Nine's Rainbows PV...but...I...CAN'T REMEMBERING ANYTHING!! TT^TT So everything is off... And I didn't feel like drawing his other arm or finishing it because it was fail...'orz

Maybe I should've drawn Gackt-sama...O.o I've drawn him several times without looking at pictures of him and he looked like Gackt-sama...Gackt-sama, Yuya Tegoshi, Urata Naoya, and Nissy are REALLY easy to draw...Nissy is BY FAR the easiest! Because he's already a pretty boy, then all you have to do is draw his lips weird and try to make his eyes Nissy-is and there ya go...O.o

Ehhh, that's enough of this post, sorry. I have to go to bed early because tomorrow I start school (which I'm slightly excited for because I want to know WHERE THE HECK MY CHINESE CLASS IS! TT^TT It doesn't say the name of the teacher or where it is so I really wonder how I'm going to get there...O.o And I hope I'm on the roster and everything...TT^TT I've had so many nightmares about something bad happening with this). And my mom just wasted most of my time on here...while I was in middle of writing this so I can't even remember anything else I was going to say...>.>

So, bye-bye~! I'm gonna do a much things as I can before I go to bed! TT^TT

OH! BUT WAIT! I forgot this thingy since I commented on Zero Guardian's post:


1. Respond with something random about you.

2. Tell you which color you remind me of.

3. Tell you my first memory of you.

4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.

5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.

6. Tell you my favorite thing about you.

7. Tell you my least favorite thing about you.

8. Challenge you to post this on your journal

Haha, this plus whatever else you might comment on I'll give you a nice LOONG reply...XD

Okay, bye-bye~! ^ ^


I'm sleepy and dizzy...TT^TT

I wanted to go and look at all the artwork and comment on all the things I've missed, BUT when I got home and plugged in the laptop to charge THE INTERNET HAS ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION. Absolutely none...

So my brother has been trying to fix it all night and I'm on my parent's computer (technically, the laptop isn't mine, it's my mom's, but still).

So no internet on the computer I use means no updates and since my parents use this computer also that means less time on the internet and with school starting up.

I'm sorry guys, but I won't be commenting as much and I don't think I'll be commenting on that much artwork anymore...TT^TT

Until we get the laptop fixed or something.

My brother says it's a hardware problem so it can't be fixed...which...makes me cry...And I just stopped crying after bursting with laughter at a Flapjack episode...XD OMIGOSH!! TT^TT THE CREATORS ARE GENIUSES!! XD And Dr. But I think I'd have nightmares of him if I were a little kid...XD Especially when he was eating a strawberry jelly sandwich over a patient as if he were eating the patient...TT^TT

If my brother can't fix it then we're taking it to the specialists (who hopefully can fix it, but if my brother can't I kinda doubt it)...and then if that doesn't work...then...Hrmm...

Back ta traditional art for meh! No, I can draw pictures on the laptop and transfer them onto here. Just I won't have as many updates...or comments or feedback or that kind of stuff because I know my parents will be busy on here...

But that's kinda a good thing because of all that manga I've been wanting to do.

And...instead of drawing I came up with ANOTHER manga idea! TT^TT But I've actually been wanting to do something like this (yes, I say this as an excuse as to why I'm doing another one like I always do...'orz). It's yet another visual kei could be just plain jrock, but I like drawing visual kei stuffies so it's gonna be visual kei.

It's a slice of life comedy about some high school students who want to start a visual kei band and get famous. Yup, that's about it. I can't help it with these idol things. I just have so many schemes! >:D

No, no, this was actually inspired kei bands...O.o I've always wondered how they got together and why they decided on that style and what-not so I've been constantly daydreaming about it...And then I finally decided I should just make something like it into a manga.

So I'll tell you guys everything that I got so far that I can think of.

It starts off with two guys in a waiting room realize that they're in the same class, but it's hard to notice after school (when they're all dressed up visual kei style) for an audition for a new band. Then it turns out the guy asking for auditions is the most popular guy in school (who nobody'd think would actually want to create a visual kei band...or that he could even play an instrument...O.o) who's kinda like Tamaki Suoh ('cept lazy and dumber and...well, he just has all of Tamaki's faults...XD). Well, he kept a lot of people waiting, they got pissed, they left, so the only two guys left were the guys who went to the same school so they audition anyways and since they were the only to people to audition they got what they auditioned for...'orz

So they have the drummer (the guy who asked for the auditions), the guitarist, and the bassist, and all they needed now was a singer. But none of the other members could actually sing or write lyrics (actually, the drummer could, but wouldn't that be hard for a drummer to sing and drum...?) so they go out looking for a new singer. So the drummer/leader notices a lonely (yet popular with the girls) guy who has a very beautiful face (but a terrible hair-cut) who turns out to be a very deep guy who writes really good poetry and is really good and school and all that jazz. But he's really quiet and shy and they don't even know if he can sing (but his face is GORGEOUS!! TT^TT) so the leader begs for him to be the singer even though he claims he can't sing and that he wants to become a doctor, not a rock star.

And you know how it is, then they somehow persuade him in and now he's the lead singer. And like how most bands do, they don't just go to the labels, they come to them, so they just decide to do covers and their own little concerts when I producer notices them and decides to put them under his label (360!!! Yes, mon, I'm going to use 360...>:D It'll be a big thing that's connected to all of my manga...>:D 360~!!), but after a lot of boring recordings, he notices that they're missing something so they get a keyboardist~! And he's really short and adorable, but he wants to be the cool cat and tall and stuff so he doesn't like being called cute or short, but he'll accept it under certain circumstances.

So there we have it, a visual kei band trying to make it to the top! With random comedic things on the side.

Oh, and they quit high school...>.> Just so ya know...I think there's a law in Japan that says that students must quit school if they are involved in entertainment or something like that. I find it a bit harsh, but I haven't really heard of anybody going back to school as a singer...sooo...>.> And I don't think Takeru graduated from high school...O.o He left when he was like 16, I think...Hrmm...>.>

I have their designs already...I'd like to draw it all up, though. It might work out that I just write random stuff and decide to draw it and upload it and I might actually make a long running manga this time! >:D I just find it to be really cute.

I was going to add romance or shounen-ai, but I decided...that'd just ruin the manga, I want it to be fun to write and fun to read with not that much drama...or no drama at all (but life has drama..."orz). And I guess people can make their own pairings of my characters if they want. I mean...I'm adding room for that, fan service, of course, mon, but it won't end up being anything. Only in your fantasies, mon.

And since I don't want to make another post I'm just going to steal this random meme from Kitty K.O. and post it in this post:

[x] - You like cheese.
[ ] - You hate peanuts.
[x] - You agree that this quiz is random.
[x] - You have farted today.
[x] - You have choked on something.
[x] - You are a writer.
[ ] - You smoke.
[x] - You like to swim.
[x] - You have farted more than once today.
[ ] - You like ice cream.

[x] - You have lied more than 10 times. (Probably, but I don't really remember lying about anything. But I'd probably be lying it I haven't lied more than ten times)
[ ] - You are an only child.
[ ] - You have more than 3 pets.
[x] - You prefer water to other drinks.
[ ] - You are an alcoholic.
[x] - You are under 20 years old.
[ ] - You are over 30 years old.
[ ] - You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[x] - You like jewelry.
[ ] - Your favorite music genre is rock.

[ ] - You weigh more than 140 lbs.
[x] - You like pirates. (Of course, me matey! >:D Don't I talk like a pirate sometimes? Jamaican pirate, mon~!)
[x] - You like anime.
[x] - You are a fangirl/fanboy of something.

[ ] - You take a prescription drug every day. (Heck no! >:-)
[ ] - You have a job.
[x] - You live with your parents.
[x] - You like to eat eggs.
[ ] - You have a religion.
[x] - You dress stranger than other people.

[ ] - You have had diarrhea in the past 2 weeks.
[x] - You have eaten something odd before.
[x] - You are bad at math.
[x] - You love electronics.
[x] - Someone/something has pissed you off in the past week.
[ ] - You cuss a lot.
[ ] - You believe in aliens. (ABSOLUTELY NOT!! All those 'proofs' of their existence are lies! >:0 I guess I'm just scarred for life for what turned up in my newspaper one day...>.> Idiots...>.>)
[x] - You play video games.
[x] - You have low self-esteem.
[x] - You carry a purse.

[x] - You like flowers. (Who doesn't?)
[ ] - You are bisexual or homosexual
[ ] - You are a Capricorn or a Scorpio.
[ ] - You have used tarot before.
[ ] - You believe in ghosts.
[ ] - You think *The-Fun-Group is awesome.
[ ] - You like ~Fotus9's horoscopes better than
[ ] - You thought today's funny saying was really funny.
[ ] - You have gotten one of the daily riddle's right.
[ ] - You have gotten in/came close to being in a fist fight.

[ ] - You like fire. (I'm afraid of fire)
[x] - You have fainted or passed out before. (Almost about to right now! XD Seriously, when you faint it doesn't even seem like you did, but you did...O.O)
[ ] - You have a high school diploma.
[x] - You live in America.
[ ] - You use hand sanitizer a lot. (Used to...but then my hands got really dry and started bleeding and that really hurt to put hand sanitizer on...TT^TT)
[x] - You consider yourself a nerd. (:D Oh, yes, mon!)
[ ] - You have tried chewing tobacco.
[ ] - You are a conspiracy theorist.
[ ] - You sleep in the nude.
[ ] - You will tag people to do this. (The poor people...TT^TT)

[x] - You have imagined yourself being famous. (Like everyday...wasn't I just saying that above? XD)
[x] - You own a stuffed animal.
[x] - You like watermelon.
[ ] - You live in Europe.
[x] - You have a fetish for something.
[x] - You fidget a lot.
[x] - You agree that this quiz has nothing to do with anything.
[ ] - You won't re-post this quiz.
[ ] - You have your own personal computer and don't share one. (If only..."orz only thing close to it isn't working right now...TT^TT)
[x] - You have a brother. (I have two~! :D)

[ ] - You can cook well. (Not at all! :D)
[ ] - You like to party. (Of course not!)
[ ] - You are a bad dancer. (I don't think so...TT^TT)
[ ] - You are a professional dancer. (No, but that'd be fun~! X3)
[x] - You have crossed paths with a black cat. (I...used to have a black cat...O.o)
[x] - You have a friend that you think is crazy.
[x] - You have under 10 good, close friends. (I don't really know...I have SOOO MANY 'best friends' when I say my 'best friend' who have NO CLUE who I'm talking about...XD But I have a few friends that I just call 'best friends' but I think they're closer to me than that...but there's only like 2 or 3 of those...>.>)
[x] - You are anticipating your answer to this quiz. (YAH~! :D)
[x] - You have run away from something. (From my friend trying to steal my L card...TT^TT)
[x] - You have watched the movie: "X Men 3". (HOLY CRAP MAN!!! TT^TT THE ENDING IS EVIL!! Are they trying to give everyone a heart attack!? I've not jumped so high in my life! TT^TT I actually watched it while Maple Story was downloading...then my brother deleted it...TT^TT)

[x] - You like to mix soft drinks together. (I like to put Sprite with Coke to make it look like beer! :D)
[x] - You have done an odd experiment (Of mixing drinks together! :D I mixed milk with strawberry sauce (from a snow cone that melted), coffee, chocolate milk, a whole bunch of other stuff, then orange juice and apple juice and then drank it and it tasted like apple juice...O.o And some other weird things like that...XD)
[x] - People have stared at you oddly in public. (I think...O.o)
[x] - Your grandmother(s) are still alive. (I just slept at her house for 3 days, mon...but the other one is dead.)
[ ] - You have a step-mom or dad.
[ ] - You hate to be tagged.
[ ] - You have been a member to dA for under 3 months.
[ ] - You have a dA subscription.
[x] - Your hair is brown. (TT^TT I wish it was a weird colour...brown is REALLY common it seem...>.>)
[x] - You love to eat candy. (YUSH~! X3)

[x] - You have dressed up for Halloween. (Not anymore, though)
[x] - You love cats. (I love all animals, but cats are my favourite~! X3)
[ ] - You have a quirky personality.(I dunno...Am I quirky?)
[ ] - You are a coffee addict.
[ ]- You live near a body of water.
[ ] - You have had a toothache. (Umm...well, it usually goes away after a couple of minutes...but I don't really think that counts as an actual toothache)
[x] - You currently have to go to the bathroom. (To brush my teeth and get ready for bed...but now that you mention it...TT^TT)
[x] - You like reading others' answers to "What would you do?". (Haha, yes! XD)
[ ] - You use the term: "Epic Fail". (No way, mon, 'tis lame...XD After having class with a guy who say nothing but 'That's Epic' 'Epic Dude!' 'Epic Win!' Epic Fail!' for a year in several other to you...orz)

0-25 = A spaceship.
26 = Corn.
27 = The Chosen One.
28 = A donkey.
29 = Flashlight.
30 = Weed.
31 = Stalker.
32 = Poodle.
33 = A turd.
34 = Pacifier.
35 = Chili.
36 = A continent.
37 = Bamboo.
38 = A Nissan Skyline.
39 = Pedophile.
40 = A rather large and smelly fish.
41 = Parachute.
42 = Mob of angry sheep.
43 = A clone of yourself.
44 = A mortified chocolate deer antler.
45 = Pincushion.
46 = Toilet seat.
47 = Ninja.
48 = Psycho passion fruit.
49 = Yellow snow.
50 = Flammable.
51 = A poison Easter basket.
52 = A dirty diaper.
53 = Mammary gland.
54 = A moose humping a guardrail.
55 = An illegal immigrant.
56 = Tofu.
57 = Microscopic testicle fuzz.
58 = Staple gun.
59 = Tail feather.
60 = A white rapper.
61 = A shotgun shell.
62 = Sexy as hell.
63 = A popcorn fart.
64 = A rusty, herpes infected needle.
65 = Fortune cookie.
66 = Barack Obama.
67 = Chinchilla.
68 = An epic failure at everything.
69 = Weapon of Mass Destruction
70 = A semi-proportionate and anonymous fish scale.
71 = Naughty nymphomaniac.
72 = Bicycle tire.
73 = Sweat.
74 = The Bubonic Plague.
75 = Turkey.
76 = Amoeba.
77 = A lice-infected hobo.
78 = The ruler of all evil.
79 = Horny toad.
80 = Fairy Godmother.
81 = Tuba.
82 = Anorexic llama capillary.
83 = Moldy snot.
84 = Miley Cyrus wannabe.
85 = Doppelganger.
86 = Future porn star.
87 = Unnatural disaster.
88 = Statistical database.
89 = Genital lice.
90 = Rocket launcher.
91 = Ruby vomit.
92 = Maggot.
93 = Selfish antagonistic poofing cat.
94 = Pudding.
95 = A gravy train.
96 = Santa Claus.
97 = Paris Hilton's big toe.
98 = Decaying insect corpse.
99 = Blood bank.
100 = Freak of nature and humanity.


Lemme just post the songs I've been addicting to listen to now! I can't hear them though, because the computer I'm using is...well, it's a long story..."orz

Haha, wow, this looks weird without sound! XD

Wah? It's just a picture!? TT^TT

Umm...O.o I don't even know if this is the song...I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING!! TT^TT

I can't remember the rest...this computer doesn't have any of my music files on here so those were the only ones I could remember...TT^TT

Oh, my older brother was telling me about how some Japanese band opened for some band named Tool (I think that's what they're called...O.o) and you couldn't hear the singer at all and then when you did their voice was so loud and high pitched and annoying and he was going on about how terrible it was. I asked him if the singer was a girl or not and he said 'Well, she has long hair and a skirt, I would hope that was a girl'...Ohoho....XD Have you not seen Mana!? Obviously! XD I wanted to show him a picture of Gackt I had on my mp3 player, but then they went on to talk about something else...O.o Because my parents wanted to know what the guys were called who dressed up like visual kei in dresses and stuff...

Umm...aren't they called visual kei? I'm confused...I have no clue what they were getting to.

But I can't think of who that band could've been that my brother was talking about...And I wonder if he saw it on youtube or something. And then I thought about it 'I don't really know any visual kei bands with the main singer having a high pitched voice' so it was probably not visual kei (could be Daizy Stripper, though)...But I think it would be Jinn, because their voices can be pretty annoying sometimes...But I don't think they wore skirts...O.o

Hrmm...I really wonder...I looked it up on google and I found a picture of a visual kei band and the caption said that they opened for 'Tool'...but the singer had short spiky hair and pants and looked like a man...O.o Hrmmm...I'll never know...TT^TT

Oh, and I went to an art museum in Richmond, Virginia on the trip and saw a Chuck Close exhibit! I LOVE THAT MAN'S ART!! TT^TT HE'S A GENIUS!! Well, his older art...that stuff was amazing...

In case you don't know who Chuck Close is, he's this guy who does wall sized portraits of normal (sometimes strange) looking people. And he used to make them really intricate and TOTALLY lifelike (it's almost scary), but then he was paralyzed somehow so he still paints huge portraits, but they're more abstracted and he uses certain colours and patterns to make it look like a real person from afar, but when you get close up it's just a punch of blobs of paint...O.o

There was this one where there was this shiny mirror-like cylinder in the middle of this paper and dots around it, but when you look at the actual cylinder there's a picture of man's face in the reflection! O.O IT WAS AWESOME!! TT^TT

Definitely the highlight of the trip! >:D What'd I go for? Apparently to say 'Hi' to my cousins who came to visit from all the way in Australia...and then the other times were to visit the rest of my was pretteh boring...>.> Almost like a waste of time...Because there were so many things I could've been doing.

Oh, wow, sorry for the incredibly long post! TT^TT

Well, I gotta go do some other stuff then I can finally go to be and sleep. I'm so dizzy right now! TT^TT