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Koharu Kusumi...GRADUATING!?!?

Koharu Kusumi is graduating from Morning Musume!! O.O I dunno if I should be happy....or shocked...O.o I don't really like her much, but I do agree that she's beautiful. Tsunku was hoping she'd want to go for a solo singing career, but apparently she wants to go into modeling, I support her on modeling! I'm very surprised...I wouldn't be so much if it were Takahashi Ai or Niigaki Risa (one of you needs to graduate and get a solo career...>:(), but Koharu is from the 7th Generation and has only been there for 4 years unlike Ai or Risa who've been there for 7 or more! But here's my idea of who should graduate and who should stay:

Kamei Eri- Either become leader or get a solo career as a singer because she needs WAY more lines! And she has probably the best voice I've heard in H!P, it's soft, beautiful, and when it's strong it isn't really deep and over powering like Takahashi Ai's or Fujimoto Miki's.

Niigaki Risa- MUST HAVE A SOLO CAREER!! But she needs to be leader first...soooo....

Takahashi Ai- REALLY needs to graduate from Morning Musume and create a solo career! She's taking up all the lines, has been leader for too long, and is leader of H!P and should be having a solo career by now!

Jun Jun- I think she either needs to get a solo career or get out of H!P she's too good for it, she's too cool. She isn't the cute type (but can be), but I'd rather see her singing to cool songs instead of cute like most of H!P is.

So then if that happened then there would only be 5, so then there'd need to be some auditions! Tanaka Reina should stay in Morning Musume, I know she has too many lines and is usually on spotlight, but I don't like her voice enough and I can't imagine her being solo...Michishige should stay because she's like Rika Ishikawa, it's kinda odd when she leaves...Lin Lin should stay because she could be leader of so many things (after a few more years, she should get a solo career in something)...Mitsui Aika is new, so a few more years and I'll get an opinion, but right now she's only for Morning Musume.

I wish there would hurry up and be a new audition for Morning Musume or something! I'm dying to see new members!! TT.TT Or have those other new groups release singles!!!

So opinion on Morning Musume!

Oooh! Opinion on other groups time!:

Berryz Koubou- They're fine, just need to release more singles (unless somebody graduates which I hope not)

C-ute- NEEDS NEW MEMEBERS!! It's not the same with only 5 members!! TT.TT


S/mileage- New...needs better music...>.>

Guardians 4- LOVE ZEM!!1 Keep et going! (Why do I like all the ones for Shugo Chara!?)

Well...that's about it!

50 pictures...X.X

Actually, it's 55, but I have to cut down a few more since you can't divide 55 by 2...well, you know what I mean! So wanna see my list of songs that I will draw pictures of? Here it is!:

1. Kingyo Hanabi- Ai Otsuka
2. Zero’s Requiem- Code Geass…O.o
3. Dreamin’ Dreamin’- capsule
4. Suna no Oshiro- Kanon Wakeshima
5. Romance- Ali Project
6. Carrying You- Castle in the Sky
7. Nana Kitade- Suicides Love Story
8. Nemureru Shiro- Ali Project
9. Cruel Angel Thesis- NGE
10. Princess Mononoke- The Legend of Ashitaka
11. Take off is now- Morning Musume
12. Cherish- Ai Otsuka
13. Natsukashii Mirai ~Longing Future~- Alan
14. Piriri to Yukou- Berryz Koubou
15. Yume wo Hitsubo- Berryz Koubou
16. Sakura wa Raku Sa- Berryz Koubou
17. Forces- Berserk
18. Sweet Impact- BoA
19. My Boy- Buono!
20. Lounge Designer Killer- capsule
21. Jumper- capsule
22. Some Boys! Touch- Goto Maki
23. CC Cinderella Complex- High King
24. Pan’s Labyrinth- Lullaby
25. Howl’s Moving Castle Theme
26. Nausicaa Requiem- Nausicaa of the valley of the land of the winds
27. Princess Mononoke Theme
28. How to use loneliness- Maki Goto
29. Heart-shaped Chant- Nana Kitade
30. Onna ni Sachi Are- Morning Musume
31. Macaroni- Perfume
32. Waltz! Ahiru ga 3ba- Pucchi Moni
33. Sakasama no Chou- SNoW
34. Hikari- Utada Hikaru
35. Alice Human Sacrifice- VOCALOIDS
36. Yowamushi- Morning Musume
37. Glass no Pumps- Maki Goto
38. Asian sounding song….O.o
39. Trick and Treat- Ren and Rin Kagamine
40. Beyond…something – AAA
41. Hurricane Lili, Boston Mari- AAA
42. Soul Edge Boy- AAA
43. Deai no Chikara II- AAA
44. No End Summer- AAA
45. Blood on Fire- AAA
46. Virgin F- AAA
47. One Night Animal- AAA
48. MUSIC!!!- AAA
49. Hanabi- AAA
50. Sunshine- AAA
51. Q- AAA
52. Red Soul- AAA
53. Climax Jump- AAA
54. Crash- AAA
55. Break Down- AAA

I need to take off 5, though...BUT I DON'T WANT TO TAKE OFF AND AAA ONES!! TT.TT Hrmmmm...I don't know which ones to take off! I had to narrow down 528 songs into 84, and then into 55, now into 50!?!?

Oh! Speaking of music!! NPR (National Public Radio) is asking for us people to send in our nominations for the "50 Best Voices", so I sent in a nomination for Alan! ^ ^ I REALLY hope she's in the selected 50 because he voices is exactly what they asked for: Unique, a one of a kind voice, they can be from another country; those who have such a amazing voices, but aren't very popular.

Alan's not very popular (can't find anything on her except in a few places) though she's sung the themes for Red Cliff...but there's a lotta no-names who sing for that's not big deal (except that was probably one the best movies in Asia...*cough* Haven't seen it, I've just read online that it's really good...mostly wiki and imdb).

Oh and for me "music challenge" thing, I've decided since there are so many pictures, I should make a big picture out of all of them...But the sad part is that I don't know any websites that would accept something so huge...nor do I think it'll fit of photoshop...So I'll have to make all the pictures smaller...>.>

New goals and abstract ideas...O.o

Yes! I'm setting a new goal! ^ ^ So I've planned out things:

2 hours a day I have to study for my PSATs and ACTs
2 hours (or more) I'll be painting
3 hours (or more) I'll be drawing/sketching the pages to 360

So then that leaves me about...14 hours to do anything else! ^ ^ Sorry, I'm kinda planning to myself (I don't like typing up things on microsoft word and then saving them unless they're going to be like 100 pages long).

I've been looking at MORE art in the "other" section of Aethreality. ALL THE ART IS SOOO BEAUTIFUL!! And then I get into the Chinese artist art book, and everything is sooo beautiful, but I've noticed that everything is somewhat with pictures and stuff not making a real picture, but more like colors and stuff making a design. And that makes it look even better! So I'll try my hand at that, since I'm crap at making real stuff (actually, I haven't really tried so much to make a background, but I really am bad at coloring things to make them look real). I'll also probably make me Alice manga all abstract-ish since it really is!

OH! About me Alice manga thing, I've decided on making the villains the villains of darkness...O.o Yeahhhh...very cliched...>.> Sorry about that, I just thought of all these different colors for the wonderland, and even when there are no "lights" on it's still very colorful, so there is no true black there, except for the evil "darkness" things that take away the colors. I think to much about when I watch movies, it depends on if I like the color that they used if I'll love it (it also has to have good acting, directing, writing, and the like). Like the Illusionist was too gold, and I don't particularly like gold, and then Watchmen was too blue, and I don't like blue...But then there's the Green Mile which is yellow green, with a bit of brown, and I LOVE THAT TO DEATH!! The Curse of the Golden Flower is actually more of a light pink and light yellow rather than gold (but there's a whole lotta gold in the background). What other movies...hrmm...The Lord of the Rings was a WHOLE bunch of colors, some parts it was purple, some parts green, some parts white, some parts blue, it was a very colorful movie. OH!! Atonement!! Atonement was green, and that gave it SOOO much feeling!! Then there's manga, anime, music videos, A LOT OF THINGS!!

So colors are a very important part of my life, and it should be of yours (if it isn't already). Colors are very pretty...X3

ANYWAYS!! Me new goal/project that I've decided to do! Well, I still have to draw a few more other pictures, but after I'm finished with those then I'll go on to this next project. It's like most of those 100 theme challenges, except...I'M NOT drawing 100 pictures...>:( They will be pictures based off of my favorite songs...I dunno if I should list them yet...>.>

ALSO!! I'm still trying to draw boys...TT.TT If anybody has any tips, those would be really nice because I'm really having trouble with them...>.>


Sorry...just love that song! ^ ^ There's actually a girl at my school who's name is very similar to Boston Mari, so I sometimes think they're saying her name (but this is that same girl I'm talking about who doesn't want to listen to me)...I wanna sing that song in her face...I dunno why! XD I dunno what what or why they sing Hurricane Lili and Boston Mari...I don't know what those are...and it's really strange that towards the end of the song they're singing about how some Nazi guy (can't remember his name, but there is a wiki page about him, though I've never heard of him) is haunting them and then he takes out a guitar thing...O.o

So go listen to Hurricane Lili, Boston Mari by AAA! ^ ^;

A rock!? Pfft!!

Okie! I love learning about scandals with jpop stars...I dunno, makes me get to know them better...?.? They're just exciting...but listen to AAA's scandal:

"After attending the Otakon Anime Convention 2007 held in Baltimore Maryland, AAA decided to go spray their initials on a rock. This resulted in a sort of major scandal, that have affected the group as a whole."

Ahem...WHAT KIND OF SCANDAL IS THAT!?!?! They have every right to spray paint on a rock!! >:( What's the deal!? How is SPRAY PAINTING ON A ROCK bad? Heck, you could take a rock home! I really don't see the problem at all...I feel so sorry for them. This is how the problem was resolved:

"AAA, a Japanese pop music group, apologized on August 3 for spraying graffiti in the High Rock area around Baltimore, Maryland near Otakon 2007 on July 21. According to the notice on AAA's official website, members of the group saw a rock marked by earlier graffiti after their photoshoot in the area. After consulting "an onsite coordinator," they sprayed "JPN AAA 2007" onto the rock.

AAA member Chiaki Ito posted a photo in a blog entry (since deleted) on the Avex music label's web site on July 25. Posters then wrote about it on Avex's BBS (registration required), Japan's 2channel forums, and Otakon's forums. The band members say they have since apologized to the area's authorities and have discussed how to restore the rock."

TT.TT POOR CHIAKI!! I bet on her blog entry she was sounding all happy and cheerful, and then apparently they're in trouble for doing that! Who else agrees with me that this is bull crap!?

Oooh! Picture of ze rock:

Just if you're wondering, that other piece of graffiti with a heart and I think it says Justin somebody plus somebody else's name, well, that's why they thought it was okay to write on that rock...Guuughh...and the original people who those, I bet they didn't get in trouble...>:(

Well, besides that, they haven't been in anymore trouble. Makes me love them more! I wish they'd come back to America!! TT.TT

In other news, I'm still planning stuff for 360, and I'm working on the cover (but I can't decide on a pose), just in case you're wondering.

Runners up....HOW!?

I just watched the videos for the runners up of the Morning Musume OPV contest. And here I think are the best:



Everything else was pretty much terrible...There was one that amazed me, but it was really boring and tiring..>.> No wonder it didn't win. The winner's was not that good. It was animated, and it was basically being colored on photoshop and everything, but it was really boring and scratchy...Plus my idea was so similar! I regret not joining that contest, but then again...I didn't know how to use any of those programs, nor did I have any...>.>

Ah well...back to work...Guhhh...