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I'M BORED!!! I finished all those requests! But they're kinda...well a lot of them I messed up on. If you look at it from afar, you can't really see the white out...-.-; So that's kinda good, but I'm afraid to scan them!! O.O

Well, there is one thing I DO want to do right now, but I can't really do it. Well, I've found a H!P movie on youtube called:

Promise Land ~Clovers no Daibōken~

But it's not translated so I have no clue what they're saying! It has Momoko, Saki, AND Maki Goto!! All my favorite singers in H!P!! I wanna watch it so badly. Should I just watch it without a translation and try to guess what's going on. I saw a little bit of the beginning. They explained the story or something, and then there was some guy who I don't know who he was hiding behind a bush while the girl scouts are all chatting and setting up. I have no clue what was going on! Well, I did know that the acting was terrible, especially Goto Maki's...She's a terrible actor, I'm sorry, but it's true! She's a wonderful singer, but should never act. But she's in tv dramas, and that's what I don't get!

There's also it's theme songish thing one my mp3 player and every time I hear it I get really upset and I really want to watch that movie!!! TT.TT

So I was also thinking of drawing, talking about this, I wanna draw Berryz! Or scenes from the movie, which I want to see...but I also want to draw an Alice picture and a Mariko picture!

I just don't know what to do. There's so many thing I want to do, but I'm hesitant to do them because I don't want to be interrupted and I WANT TRANSLATIONS!!!!! TT.TT

What else to say...? Ummmm...yeah, I'm bored....

Oh! I might wanna watch Toradora....if that's what it's called. I don't know, it seems so interesting. -.-; Umm...there's also this AMV on youtube with music by Perfume of it so it makes me wanna watch it even more...but I don't know....

Y'know, I don't know a lot of things!! TT.TT I keep forgetting everything! Does anybody have those times when you're talking and then you forget what you're saying or you're about to do something that you really want to do, but forget what you really wanted to do. OR! You wanna go to the bathroom and you've lived in your house for a very long time, but you can't remember where they bathroom is? All things that keep happening to me! Plus! Misunderstandings!! I gotta somehow remember stuff! TT.TT;

Oh! Oh! My overused...umm....emotion thingies:

^ ^

Yeah...haven't you noticed that I'm always using those!? It's sad! I just had something else in my head!

Y'know, this post was outta boredom and has nothing to do with anything...

And Back Again

Hmmm...Okay...guess you're wondering what I'm thinking of...well...hmmm...Sorry, I keep going back to a thinking state! ^ ^; Ummm....hmmmm....STUPID MUSIC!!! Wait...I think that was Hikaru Utada....woopsie! ^ ^; ANYWAYS!!! Back to what I was GOING to say!

Alright! And Back Again...No, I'm not referring to THERE And Back Again by Bilbo Baggins...and the Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins...Mreherheeheh.....Weird laugh...O.O

Guuugh...I keep going off topic!!! WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY WAS: I am thinking of making ANOTHER manga, but I already kinda had this idea for a manga. It's a slice of life manga, I had an idea for it, but it was too cliche so now I'm back trying to make a more interesting one. And I was inspired by this one Anime Opening....I can't remember what the anime was called, but in the opening is had editing and stuff and coloring on photoshop. And that gave me an idea! Why not making a manga about geeks!? No, just kidding, it's not really about geeks...well, unless I'm a geek, which I probably am.

It would be about friends who come together to make an awesome and popular website. That way they can become famous and get on TV. Of course, that wouldn't really happen. And to get more interesting characters, I'm using real life people! ^ ^ Heh! Uhhh...that's kinda strange, isn't it? I've already gotten my best friend...and I want to make a character like Saki Shimizu in it, because she's AWESOME! I'd make a character like Momoko, but Momoko is too much like a character for a shoujo manga. Plus, Saki and Chinami are like the funniest people in Berryz Koubou, so I had to put at least one of them in it!

I might put a character like me in it. Since I'm afraid of everything, it'd be a scaredy-cat character. I seriously AM afraid of everything: Water, people dressed up in mascot costumes, gorillas, some animals as some times, anything that swims in a body of water, wolves, coyotes, dingos, most dogs, all bugs except for bees (I have no clue why), people, certain smells, loud noises, strange things in the dark, being alone, cannibalism, anything that has to do with humans practically, dirty eating utensils, strange textures, being touched, having somebody too close to me, and much more. Also, I'm claustrophobic.

I'm also probably going to put in my two friends but kinda make them like a pair because I see them everywhere. One is short and extremely rude, but looks like a doll. SHE'S SOOO SMALL! ^ ^ And the other is tall with long wavy hair, is slender, and is incredibly nice and extremely random. They're one of a kind. Both really like Hot Topic stuff, so making their outfits'll be really easy.

Just how many characters I'm going to use, I don't really know. Let's see...1...2...3...5 characters, SO FAR! I might put in like two more...or something. So far there's the tall smart girl, then there's the short somewhat responsible (probably the main character)one, then the scaredy cat, then the little devil, and then the random girl. Is that interesting enough?

The story is that they're all putting together to make an awesome website, but that's just at some times. Most of the time they're hanging out somewhere and go to school 'n stuff.

I know, I know!! I have too many manga, but not really. The manga that I have of my OWN all together, I only have three. Because I threw out the other ones. And then I only have one that's not completely original and that's my Ouran one, which I should keep working on!

And now I want to create a horror manga! But I'm probably not going to. I don't have that kind of...wait...yes, yes I do have a demented mind, but nothing that I could make a story of. I have TONS of nightmares about stuff and they COULD be made into manga, but most of them end while I'm sleeping. I can't think of a really, wait, yes! But it's not very original. It's about this guy who kidnaps little girls and makes them into food. Sounds like Sweeney Todd, excepts it's just little girls this time. But in my dream, it was SOO detailed!! TT.TT And then there was this other one about this old lady in this one house...I can't remember what happened, though. Basically I keep thinking I WANT TO MAKE A HORROR MANGA whenever a watch this one video I have on my mp3 player...ummm...I can't remember who it's by or what the it's called. I think is by or called Kanon Wakeshima, or something like that. But it scares me out of my mind, but I love it! ^ ^

Okay! Bye now! I have to go meditate!


Yay! I'm having a really fun time with my copics! But the only thing is that I don't know what to draw, and I'm not drawing my characters (maybe Mariko...or something like that, but nothing from Alice). So if anybody has any requests! Please come to me NOW! I'll stop taking requests by Saturday, since I'm going to post everything on Sunday because I'll get to get on the computer downstairs.

Well, so far I've drawn pictures for the winners of my contest. I'm done with all of the pictures except for the ones for first place because the winner's one vacation.

Besides requests! Strange things that I don't understand in manga that I've gotten. Alright...first one: My manga, Strawberry Marshmellow says Comedy/Romance. But there is no romance in it. And it also says:

The quirky fun and ROMANTIC games never end in the world of Strawberry Marshmellow.

Where's the romance? Seriously!? And anything that seems romantic isn't because it's just a joke! I just don't get it! It's friendly friends hanging is it a romance? I'm confused!

And then I was reading the advertisements for other manga because I really like reading them. Well, here's one that got me interested:

Naka is an aspiring young model with a problem: her face tenses up into a terrifying spectacle whenever she gets nervous on photo shoots! Naka's rival is Umi, the hottest model at their agency. But Umi's beauty comes from a very unexpected place! Watched what happens when Naka discovers Umi's secret!

The manga is called Nosatsu Junkie. This is the picture next to the advertisement:

External Image

So I was really interested to see what Umi's secret is, so I go and look it up on wiki and it turns out: Omigosh! Umi's a boy!...Now I'm confused because I THOUGHT Umi was a boy in the first place. Sure didn't trick I really don't want to read it if that's the secret...-.-;

Also! My computer has restarted itself three times in like ten minutes...finally it's working. It doesn't like me for some reason...:(

Oh! Next to look up! Mink! I want to be spoiled! ^ ^...*goes to read spoilers of Mink*

Aw! Mink are so cute! They're like ferrets! Wait...that's the wrong page...BUT THEY'RE SOOO CUTE! ^ ^

Darn...all it says is that so and so appeared in which chapter. :( And there isn't even an anime! It must be a pretty bad book then...

Anyways! Please tell me of your requests! I'm afraid to draw anything to computer my crash...O.O It'd be fun to draw your characters, too! ^ ^


Alright! I'm writin' meh reviews for my books and Tropic Thunder! Though I had a major headache yesterday because of Tropic Thunder (or my mom, because she kept on turning on the light and it's a pretty bright light).

First, for Tropic Thunder:

It was...ehh...Well, the beginning was hilarious and the unique ideas to make fun of movie commercials! ^ ^ It all started up hilarious, but then when the plot really came out, it kinda got scary. They were put into unknown territory (at least I don't know what it was) to toughen up the actors since they didn't know what REAL war life was like. It was very violent and disgusting after that, and I kinda had an awkward expression throughout the whole rest of the movie. Umm....Tom Cruise was in it. I had no clue. I just kept staring at this ugly guy because he looked so familiar...I kept thinking about ,"Wow, he looks like Tom Cruise! But he's pretty fat." Yeah, apparently that was him. He did....not that good of a job. His character scared me....O.O I don't like Tom Cruise. :( Why was he in that movie anyways!? Well, my review wasn't very professional, but I didn't want to spoil anything! It was CREEPY!

Shugo Chara! Vol. 5-6: IT WAS SOOO CUTE!! I love Peach Pit's style so much! I have to draw them! It was like a movie! But they kept saying how they were having their final show down with Utau, so I kinda realized that Utau was, of course, going to become good somehow. It had my favorite part so far in Shugo Chara! in it! It was the part where Ikuto and Tadase fight over Amu. I LOVE that part! But when it ended I wanted the next one sooo badly!!! But it's not out on Barnes and Nobles, yet...that or I didn't want to get too much Shuga Chara! I should have bought the next one if I could have!

Ouran High School Host Club Vol. 12: Of course, it was awesome! But it was the boring one, though I did cry...not telling why, though. I want my money back! I got the wrong book! No, just kidding, I just want the next one! But it hasn't been translated, yet! Well, by fans, but not legally...-.-;

Strawberry Marshmellow: It was so cute and funny! But at some times disturbing because of Miu and Nobue's pervertedness....O.O;

Perspective Book: IT MAKES NO SENSE! It doesn't tell you how to draw the characters, just where to put them. I wanna know how to draw them from that perspective, not how to put them into a perspective with the background and other people...

Well! Bye! I'ma gonna go draw and take a well needed shower! ^ ^

Shugo Ouran Chara Strawberry Maniac!!

Yay! I got my new manga today I'M SO HAPPY! ^ ^ I also watched Tropic wasn't EXACTLY the best movie, but it was somewhat good. The beginning was HILARIOUS! ^ ^ Since I'm a big fan of war movies and they filmed their "war movie scene" it made it look so funny. They kinda made a Flags of our Fathers parody. It was so funny.

I keep hearing cracking sounds and my brother isn't here, nor is anybody else except for my's scaring me. But I know it's not somebody dangerous because my dogs aren't screaming their head off. I think it was just my cat...hmmm...O.O

Anyways! Back to meh manga! I started reading Strawberry Marshmellow...and since I've seen all the anime episodes already, I've found that the manga and the anime and EXTREMELY similar except it didn't have my favorite part where Matsuri dresses up in a cat costume and can't stop saying "nya" like Suiseiseki.

I also got Ouran High School Host Club, but I've already read it online. But I really wanted to get it because of all the reactions...hmmm...I can't remember what happens in this one, though. Uhh...anyways, I really wanted to get this! ^ ^

I also got Shugo Chara! I can't wait to see what happens! I wonder if it's closely related to the anime, I hope not because then I'd already spoil all meh fun...TT.TT

And my last book I got was How to Draw Anime: Perspective....well, that's just the subject, not the title. I've always wanted to draw a good picture in perspective, but I stink at perspective! TT.TT So I usually draw all my drawings from the same perspective, as you can see in my portfolio...all of them are kinda drawn the same and kinda in the same poses: Slightly looking to the left.

Well, I'm gonna go check meh e-mail and then go read meh manga. You might not see me tomorrow...