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A Banshee, a Brownie, a Changeling, an Elf, a Ghoul, a Sprite, and a Bearded Man

I was working on homework and I had to study mythical creatures since I'm studying mythology for Academic Team and I found some interesting things.
A Banshee: I HAD NO CLUE WHAT THEY REALLY WERE!! I thought they were Native Americans who scream before they go to war or something....totally wrong. They are Irish ghosts of murdered women who scream before a person dies. If that person is a holy person there are many of them screaming before the person dies. That's interesting!! O.O

A Brownie: I never thought that there was a mystical being called a Brownie!! That's weird. Well, I am really trying to think of things that remind me of these weird things so they completely remind me of Harvest Sprites. They come to your house to help you with chores and such and if you aren't nice to them then they won't come back. They sound so cute!! ^ ^

A Changeling: I thought that was just a movie. They are probably one of the most interesting mystical creatures I've researched. They are troll things that switch with a human child and feed off of mothers and leave bruises on their necks. THAT'S SO INTERESTING!!! Though I've heard that from somewhere. I read that apparently the little girl in Pan's Labyrinth(Ophelia/Ofelia?) was a slight changeling, but she didn't want her mother to I'm not sure if that really counts.

An Elf: GUESS WHAT!! GANDALF'S ACTUALLY AN ELF! That's awesome!!!!!! Okay, you all know what they are and that they originated from Norwegian Mythology. That we why I love Norwegian Mythology because they created the elves, dwarves, giants, and such and their mythology actually makes sense! The first people on Earth were actually survivors of Ragnarok and they created a new world and all the gods died that's why there are no gods. Wouldn't that make more sense!?

A Ghoul: THEY ARE SOOOOOO SCARY!!!! They arise from graves and feast on children and can only be killed by being burned until they're ash or use a cross. BUT MAN THEY'RE SCARY!!

A Sprite: Wait...I have nothing to say about them...same for Warlocks....they're just boring. Warlocks are male witches and sprites are....well, fairies, nymphs, etc.

A Bearded Man: SCARIEST STORY EVER!! Well...not really, but it almost is to me. Okay, any of you who are Kaori Yuki fans probably know this story. Since Kaori Yuki used this story in one of her manga....was it Ludwig's Revolution or something like that? Well there is this character named Blue Beard, and no, he's not a pirate. He's this guy with an ugly beard and all girls are afraid of him because his other wives disappeared and he finally persuaded this one girl to marry him. He left somewhere and gave her the keys to the house, but she was forbidden to enter this one room, but her sister persuaded her to open it and inside were his earlier wives nailed to the walls and ther floor was covered with blood. And then the story goes on until I think he gets arrested or killed. But there are several other versions of this story, too and there is some recorded history of I think maybe the first serial killer doing something like that. IT'S SOOOO SCARY!!!!

Okay, that's about it. Adios!

A Hobbit, A Ghoul, A Play, and A Lonely Soul.

A Hobbit: You know where this is going. Well, I finished The Hobbit! ^ ^ I wasn't very fond of the whole Battle of Five Armies didn't sound so exciting and it was hard to catch on. During it I was like ,"What in the world's going on!? Who's attacking who!?" and then they explained what happened, I'm still confused about what was going on. I didn't know that the goblins got into the war until J.R.R Tolkien started saying that they were climbing the mountain/hill thing. It was so confusing!! And I've started The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, which is starting out pretty boring because all they're talking about is The Shire and Bilbo...I don't really like Bilbo very much, but I get excited every time they say Frodo or Sam. 'cause they're like the main hobbits and I lovezz them dearly!

A Ghoul: Well, I can't stop looking at pictures of Kirakishou. Isn't she like a doll that feeds on humans or something? Well, she's just lik a ghoul isn't she? Well(I seem to be saying well more, before I couldn't stop saying okay), I've come to the conclusion that she's definitely the most beautiful doll! I REALLY want to draw her...but I'm stuck doing other things(like sleeping and homework...wait, I'm not really stuck then...). There's this one picture in the manga where she's smiling and her teeth are showing and I thought that was the coolest picture I've ever seen and I REALLY WANT TO DRAW IT!! IT'S SOOOOO AWESOME!! She's not my favorite rozen maiden....I don't know who is I love them all! They're all unique in their own little way:
Shinku: She's elegant, beautiful and loveable.
Hinaichigo: She's too cute!!
Kanaria: She's hilarious and adorable!
Suiseiseki: She's beautiful, caring, and hilarious.
Souseiseki: She's cool, interesting, and sad(and has the best theme evar!!).
Suigintou: She's sad, beautiful, and misunderstood.
Barasuishou: She's depressing and you really want to hug her.
NOTE: Those who aren't familiar with the anime or manga, there are not 8 dolls!

A Play: My friend is, I think, going to be in the play "A Midsummer's Night Dream." And since everybody in my school thinks I'm one of the best artists in the school(I don't think so, I'm terrible, just people are worse than me I guess. Nobody in my school wants to try. Their lives revolve around sports. It disgusts me) she asked me to design a t-shirt for the play because she had to and she didn't think she was a very good artist(though she is a VERY good artist). So now I'm stuck trying to create a t-shirt design for the play which I hardly know anything of. Of course, I read about it on wiki and I know a little bit about it...basically what's happening, how it ends, and such. I've decided to use Rozen Maiden and The Lord of the Rings as inspiration...which is a really weird mixture, but there is good reason. I want to kind of use the pictures of the statues and the tree for Gondor for help and then the poses on the manga of Rozen Maiden for the poses of the characters. The only thing is I have no clue what any of the characters are supposed to look like. I might accidentally make Puck look like the Puck from Beserk....this is sooo hard! I shouldn't have agreed to it!!

A Lonely Soul: I want to write a story about a Kishar girl who goes on a journey to retrieve her memories that are lost like jig-saw puzzle pieces are lost. But I don't have a name for her yet...or anything like that. I'll just have to make it up on the way I write it. I heard that most writers develop their stories from dreams....sadly all my dreams I find crappy. Though they seem kind of interesting while I'm dreaming. I've had this one dream about a boy on a tropical island who has to save it from bad spirits that come out at night. He somehow saves it by going to a whale spirit's house which is on the side of the island in a waterfall. And it looked really pretty, but I can't really write it. And then that story about the witch. Then I have all these other ones, but I can't remember them right now. They are the kind of dreams to make stories out of...maybe a children's book, though.

A Doll, A Kishar, A Peach, A Criminal, and A Long Lasting Book!

A Doll: I GOT ROZEN MAIDEN TODAY! THE DVDS!! But I must say, I'm unsatisfied. I was hoping that Megu would sing like I heard she would, but I guess I got the wrong episodes. And the series ended terribly. IT WAS A HAPPY ENDING!! I mean, come on, the dolls were reivived!! CRAP! Anyways, I'm still really happy I got it! Now I have TWO good anime DVDs. Oh, and I almost cried when HinaIchigo was...dying? Being unwined....whatever you'd call it. Though, I never cry(unless it's the Green Mile or Hell Girl) over movies or anime.

A Kishar: Okay, I just made up that word right now, but does that sound cool or weird? Well, I'm writing a fantasy story and there are these people called Kishar that I've been drawing a lot. It started out when I drew an elf wrong, I gave it weird wavy ears and such. They look really pretty and cute though! ^ ^ There are aquarian ones, earth ones, snow ones, tribal ones, fire ones, and everything else you can think of. They're like elves except more mysterious and elegant. Sound cool?

A Peach: I GOT ROZEN MAIDEN TODAY!! THE MANGAS!! Okay, I didn't get them ALL which is pretty stupid because the one I really needed was the 6th one and they left it out and just gave me the 7th and 8th one. This one I wasn't satisfied about either. I mean, it never really ended. Laplace was all, come through this door Jun, it's human nature, and then the door shuts and then the series is over. But I just found out that they are continuing it in a second series!!! I wanna read it sooooo badly! I WANNA KNOW WHO'S GONNA BE ALICE!!! It's probably Shinku...but...knowing Rozen Maiden it COULD be Suigintou or even Kirakishou!! GAAAH!!! I'M SO IMPATIENT!!

A Criminal: Okay, he's not exactly a criminal, but more of a convicted murderer...though he didn't murder anybody Wild Bill did!! Okay! I got The Green Mile on DVD!! I wanna watch it tomorrow!! It's meh favorite movie EVAR!!! It's got 2 hours worth of Special Features!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkk!!!

A Long Lasting Book: YAY! I'm almost done with The Hobbit! I'm sure you already know that, but I'm so excited since I've just gotten the Trilogy of the Lord of the Rings! ^ ^ And I'm tired of Bilbo, he's old and boring. Frodo's adorable so is Sam, Pippin, and Merry! They're so loveable and Bilbo's just one hobbit full of himself. And since I'm on the Academic Team and I'm taking tests over Arts and Humanities AND Language Arts I have to study up on the Lord of the Rings. I got all these papers telling me what stuff I need to know and Gandalf, Frodo, and Bilbo are on there! ^ ^ AND ALSO HOBBITS!! Gollum should be on there, hmph! Also, I can't wait to read the Lord of the Rings books because there's more Gollum!! ^ ^ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Mmm, brownies! I smell brownies! Okay...that's about it. And I'm still hooked on The Count of Monte Cristo, I wanna get that book.

A Cucumber, A Request, A Soldier, An Evolution, and A Thousand Contests

Okay, this isn't everything, but I didn't want a long list of things I'm going to say in this post.
A Cucumber: I finally had the name for that new slice 'o life manga, but I forgot it. All I can remember now is that it had something to do with a cucumber....The Chronicles of a Cucumber....the Unfortunate Events of a Cucumber....something about a cucumber!! Help me! Think of all the ways you can start a story and end it with a the Fantastic Tales of a Cucumber. I CAN'T THINK OF IT!!!!

A Request: Hey! You can request something if you'de like, I don't mind, but you won't get it until March or something. And if I promised you that I'd draw something, or something for you, sorry that I haven't drawn in yet! The fact that I can't upload anything has stumped me!

A Soldier: I don't have anything to say about this...I don't know why I put this. OOH! GUESS WHAT!! I'M HYYYYYPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! YESSSS!!!

An Evolution: I got Evolution Worlds! But I don't want it right now!!! I want ROZEN MAIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAH!!! I'm tired of waiting!! Wahahahahaahaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! That's crying, if you didn't know...-.-; It's a classic game, a little crappy, but I like the story, kind of. This video game started my urge to create character designs because of Linear Cannon, she never talks and is really shy....hmmm, who does that sound like? UKINARI!!!

A Thousand Contests: I wanna join soooo many people's contests!! Moonlitdream's contest, Harvestmoonluvr's contest, JingleStansChibi's contest. But I can't upload anything!!! I'M SO SOOOORRRRYYY!! I'm in the middle of the thinking process and I've already drawn Moonlitdream's contest picture, but it looks like crap. It's the Queen of Hearts...but I don't like it so I might do the Queen of Spades instead, those are much cooler, but I don't know how to draw them. I know they look like leaves....but that's about it, I can't remember what they look like. Anyways....sorry about not posting ANY PICTURE!! I have like 15 I'll post when I can upload! O.O GAAH!! I'M TIRED OF WAITING FOR ROZEN MAIDEN AND NEW INTERNET!!!

I should probably be reading the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King's script,'s not due 'till Tuesday or Monday or somewhere around there. I'll read it over the weekend....-.- Oh! Plus, as soon as I can upload again expect lots of pictures on here! ^ ^ It's looking a little drab and boring. Oh! And I'm almost done with the Hobbit! I want to draw a dedication picture after I finish it...maybe a picture of Bilbo...or Gandalf.....hmmm....what should it be a picture of? OOH! A TREE!! NO, NO, NO! GOLLUM!!! YES!! GOLLUM!! ^ ^ I LOVEZZ HIM TO DEATH!! Which I shouldn't because he's a greedy murderer who's really creepy, but his voice is adorable!! If I ever meet Andy Serkins I GOTTA get his autograph!! I loves his Gollum voice! ^ ^ He also did a good job voicing the Witch King, betcha didn't know that! ^ ^

Oh! I was watching the commentary for Lord of the Rings: Return of the King and I've made my decision of who I think is the funniest: The Actor of Theodyn! ^ ^ HE'S HILARIOUS!! ^ ^ He kept on noticing things that nobody'd ever notice like how Denethor, when he caught on fire and jumped off of that cliff thingy that he got to the end of the cliff really fast! And he said that the part where the ghosts are all in Minas Tirith killing the rest of the orcs that it reminded him of Lime-Away! Also, I think it was Orlando or somebody, well in the part when there's those human pirate guys on Sauron's team reaching the dock where Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas were Peter Jackson was one of the pirate guys. So Legolas shot Peter Jackson! ^ ^ He said ,"It's not everyday you get to kill your director." I never noticed that either! He did look familiar, but not that familiar! And the hobbits' actors kept lying and I could never tell if they were telling the truth especially when Elijah Wood and Sean Astin were talking about the part when Frodo was stabbed by Shelob and they were saying how it really hurt and they had to make it shorter so it didn't kill Elijah (the stinger thingy)and Elijah had to go to the hospital, but he said that he was just Apendicitis. And then Sean goes ,"Oh! Could that be how you got apendicitis?" I was like ,"I hope they're lying!!" And then Merry and Pippin's actors were saying at the part where Legolas is doing the cool killing the elephant-thingy thing. They were saying how Orlando had to train a lot on different animals like cows and horses, but he originally started out on guinea pigs and rats. I told that to my friends, and my friend wasn't listening (she never listens and only talks) she and my best friend are in love with Orlando, which I don't understand so she said that he's her boyfriend (I find that kind of creepy, he's a real person. It's okay if you say Sasuke's your boyfriend, but not a person who could actually be in a real relationship) and she said ,"Oooh! He trains animals?! I love him even more now." And my best friend and I just looked at eachother and cracked up.

And that's about it! Adios mi amigos! ^ ^

A Script, A King, A Site, and A Flame Not Yet Discovered

Okay...are those titles annoying you? They're fun to do! ^ ^
A Script: I have to read a script of a movie for my new online class that costs 100 BUCKS!! Well, I can't decide on a script, and I don't have to read it until Monday or it's not that bad. BUT THERE ARE HARDLY ANY MOVIE SCRIPTS on the website my teacher told me to only go to. I wanted to read the script of The Count of Monte Cristo....but they didn't have it....-.- I'm mad at that...WHY DON'T THEY HAVE IT!! It's the perfect movie to read the script of. Anyways, I can't decide between Saving Private Ryan or Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring....I've already started reading Saving Private Ryan but the layout was confusing! You know how it's like:
CHARACTER: Says stuff
Well it was like:
Character says stuff
It looked like a sentence and it really confused me!! Lord of the Rings is color coated AND it's not I should probably read that BUT IT'S SOOOOO LONG!! Well, compared to Saving Private Ryan it's only 8 minutes longer, but still!!!

A King: Okay, this is just to tell you what happened in the watcha'ma'call it....Special Features. Well, my favorite thing was when the actor who played Gollum(GOD! I can't remember his name!!! How could I not remember his name!?!?) and since they filmed the movie in Wellington, New Zealand, they were there at the parade and opening for the movie. They went up and said their speeches and such and he went up and said in Gollum's voice ,"Wellington sucks!" THAT WAS HILAAAARRIIIIIOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUSSSSS!!!!!! Also! They showed pictures of things I doubt you'd ever see in the movie, like Aragorn kissing Merry(a peck kiss) and Legolas hugging Theodyn. Also, when they did the running horse part where they were running to attack the Orcs who were attacking....Minas Tirith? Is that what it's called, well somebody actually fell off their horse! HAH! IT WAS HILARIOUS!! Wait....I mean, not the kind of thing that you wanted to happen, it was the live action part not the 3-D animated part.

A Site: As you know I am taking and online class, as I have just said when takin about the A Script part. Well, my class is called Screen Writing Fundamentals, and I'm too lazy to put in the parantheses. Well, we were telling eachother our favorite movies and somebody said Twilight. The teacher said she was glad that we didn't choose typical teenage movies...TWILIGHT'S A TYPICAL TEENAGE MOVIE!! Gosh! And also, the teacher said that you only read movie scripts not tv scripts, they're very different animals!! HAHA!! That was really weird! ^ ^

A Flame Not Yet Discovered: Remember how I told you about me creating the crappy fire emblem manga? Well, I actually haven't started. Luckily, I've been going to Art Classes in the morning(not what you think, I just go there to talk to friends, stay warm, and doodle. We don't learn anything unless we ask to). I've decided to add in the weirdo girl Maye and her laguz friend Cam. Plus, the plot'll be a mixture of both of the games, but starts out like Radiant Dawn.

That's about it....I think I should be reading my script now...I'll do that in school, I have nothing else to do anyways.