- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
Michiko e Hatchin
I watched it all today! ;3;
I couldn't help it, I really wanted to see them meet of with Hiroshi at the end! ;3;
Although as it went on, I cared less for a happy fact, I couldn't see that coming...Though I'd say it was a bittersweet ending.
The anime as I whole I really really enjoyed. It wasn't mind blowingly awesome, but it did give me warm fuzzies~! X3
It's really unique as an anime because it's setting is taken from different latin cultures. It gives such a completely different feel from other anime which is hard to describe....It sort of leans on the side of Boondocks because there is a lot of violence and the facial expressions are drawn so well, but Boondocks has a n entirely different feel...since Boondocks is a comedy...;orz
I really enjoyed the setting~! It was different each episode which made for a great experience.
The animation was SUPERB. It was an action adventure anime so they went all over the place and had some really good car chase scenes.
The characters are all very unique and unusual for your typical anime. Specifically the character of Satoshi Batista: Was he a good or bad guy? I mean, he was ruthless and terrifying, but he still protected Hatchin and never did anything particularly terrible to the main characters so does that make him a good guy? I liked that blending of lines. This was not a black and white anime at all and though essentially predictable (we all know they'll find Hiroshi in the end) it had many times of unpredictability which made me want to continuously watch the anime.
I want to see more anime like this that are ethnically diverse or with a latin feel. I really love Latin cultures so this was a great watch for me simply based on that reason~! :D
In conclusion, I recommend this anime 100%!
Things to be wary of: Violence and sexual content are on high
If you don't feel comfortable with a super sexy main character, sexual themes, and ceaseless amount of violence then this probably is not the anime for you (if you inevitably do watch this and you are this time of person don't thumb down the anime because of those reasons, I feel I see that a lot with more mature anime)
Speaking of sexual content and a super sexy main character, there actually wasn't any fan service. I'm surprised that I'm surprised about that! XD It has a good story, well animated, well written, interesting character designs, amazing backgrounds, and overall it is a great GREAT anime!
This post made me think...should I post some serious reviews of anime? I attempted doing that for movies, but I don't know enough about films to criticize it intelligently, but anime is on a different boat since I understand most of what goes into anime.
I would post them in my Listopia world.
I debated whether or not to watch this anime all today because I could watch it all or do something more productivveee...? But since it's Sundaaayyy~! :d Yeah, that's my excuse...I'll go into the corner and work on the next chapter of Idolling now...'orz
A song before I go:
I feel like I've posted this before, but I'm not sure. It would've been years ago. I remember listening to this song all the time, but since my computer lost it's operating system (in the war) I no longer had the song, so after all this time I finally looked it up and my ears bled with joy (because the body definitely does that).
I wanna write a story too! ;3;
moonlit dream's short story (not by definition short story, but it is literally a SHORT story) makes me want to write a story, too.
I feel like it would help my storyless characters...;3; Buuuuuuttttttt....That'll never happen, yo. XD
It would also help in practicing writingggg...:D But I doesn't know.
I keep thinking 'Maybe I should post some light novel-esque stories and have you gaiz critique them or somethin'' BUUUUUUTTTTT....That'll never happen, yo....
The thing is, I write Idolling in a light novel-esque format and then I make it into a manga format~! :D But the problem is that my light novel-esque format is really hard to read because it's written terribly and the worst part is the most important part of comics: The dialogue.
Freakin' dialogue...ughhh...I don't understand it. This is because I don't talk to people~! :D Nah, I kid. But I'm usually too worried about what I'm going to say rather than what they're saying...Instead of noticing the structures of the speakings habits I instead try and figure out why they are saying what they are saying and what they are saying and how I should respond...
Guuh blughhh...
I dunno...would it be a good idea to do light novel-esque posts?
I AM writing a story though...but I dunno if I should post it...or think about getting it published. I want to put my life into it! >:o As would be my life's work...not really....the first part of my life's life's work. I don't really want to be a writer who writes a bunch of different novels, I just want to write this one get it published and be done with it because I've had this idea for a while.
I think I've talked about it before...
It's about this boy who goes an ADVENTURREEE to find Candy Island with his friend K'nuckles annnddd....
Wait, no, that's The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack...hrmmm...
My story is about this boy who tries to save the world he is living in that has become infected by some sort of plague that turns people into demons or just makes demons exist and multiply.
The plot itself is simple, but it's got oh so many layers. Like the narrator is a secret because it's none other than BLAH person and this is important to the theme BECAUSE some reason and blah blah blah.
It's like an epic fantasy on the surface and murder mystery psychological thriller underneath. By underneath I mean...I mean...leikkkk...the twist is that all along you were reading a murder mystery psychological thriller when you thought you were reading an epic fantasy...:D
Yep. That's all I'll say because I totally just majorly spoiled, not really because you don't know who killed who or what in the world I'm talking about~! ;D
I want to say more, but I'm unsure of what is a spoiler and what isn't. Basically I'm trying my best to create a new kind of fantasy novel something that reflects the origins of a fantasy story, to cover over the bad realities.
I've been thinking of this story for a while. Originally it was just about this girl who kills these people out of vengeance and then gets lost in a forest of magical spirits and what-not and somehow comes out as royalty in the end...O.o;
When I was little my stories always had to do with everyone dying...XD Or just people dying in general.
Same thing happening in this story, but for a purpose, mon! >:-
Okay, okay, gaiz...I'm ranting here.
I want to write a light novel-esque thingy ma doo with meh characters, but I dun'know even where to start...and there are so many things I want/should be doing already...
SCHEDULING TAIM~! :D This is where I make a schedule that I will probably barely follow, but it puts me at peace for doing it anyways because I might follow it?
Sooo would joo gaiz be interested?
I'd have leik stories about Klan and peeps...But no Seiichi Tadao stuff because they actually belong in a big story and would be hard to write a short light novel-esque story about.
Probs won't do it, but heyyy...
I gotta spam you with posts somehowww~! :D
From a japanese hair style site which I would link to but I dunno exactly the website or where I found it...O.o;
'nywayyy, I sketched the picture of the lady 'cause I liked her hair and she had a very interesting look to her. Her right eye was slightly lazy, but she was very beautiful.
She's got that tough cool look like Shiina Ringo...which I'm surprised I've yet to sketch a picture of her.
I'd like to talk about artists that I like here.....but I feel like I've talked about them all a billion times...'orz
If I could show you artwork from pixiv it would be so much easier 'cause I find a new artist I like, leiiik everydayyy....XD
But staying on thattt...let's see if I can find some of these artists with some pictures laying around the web~! :D
He does a lot of Berserk fan art, but that's besides the point. He usually has pics with TONs of detail beautifully painted (digitally). What I like most about his art are the little loop dot things at the ends of his lines like in Griffith's hair. He does that a lot and it just makes the picture look even more fantastic (it's the little things that count). It reminds me of a little bit of dew on a blade of grass...;w;
A lot of his pics use gold in them, too. His colouring is some of the best I've seen because he not only does a lovely flat style of colouring but also slightly realistic colouring style.
(Seriously don't know her name I feel like she changes it to something else every week...'orz)
This person is probably one of the best artists I've seen on pixiv. Her colouring is absolutely positively beautiful amazing I don't know how she does it. It's too an unfathomable skill level. She's been on pixiv for a while so we can see all the art she's done since she was younger...which was also amazing then, but fathomable. Now she's just godly in whatever they put out...My eyes bleed when I see her art....IT'S TOO BEAUTIFULLL!! TT^TT
H-How do you master colouring like that?
The anatomy is perfect, too....'orz
The symbolism, the perfect angles, the details...and the amount of work she puts out every work...UNFATHOMABLE I SAY! TT^TT
I just like this artist's style. It's flat, cute and they are also very good with colour choice. All their pictures are relatively colourful and eye candy! *3* I like how stylishly simplistic this person's art is! So adorable~! <333
That's their name on cghub...I assume it's the same on pixiv, but I can't read kanji....But...ohohoho, Kdash, I know where joo got that from~! >:3
Their art....they do a lot of Sengoku Basara fanart so they've won my heart...but besides that...HOLY CRAP! They have some incredibly semi-realism skills. The colouring is always fantastic and inspires me to colour more realistically!
Any time you see me colouring realistically it's probably because of this person...AHHH SOOO GORGEOUSSS!!! TT^TT
They are an inspiration for all things art...OH MY GOSHHHH...Their art is increasingly impossibly creative! ;3; They go anywhere. Super crazy angles of the body. Heartwarming sceneries. Incredibly creative designs. Creative use of different types of brushes. Somehow mixing newspaper and anime...O.o;
HOLY CRAP...HOLY CRAP...Their's just...How do they think of those things? I try to experiment like they do, but I never end up with anything, just a blob of...blobbiness...'course they obviously know what they're doing.
I wish I could show you the stuff they post on pixiv...leik each picture is using a different kind of digital drawing technique...And none of the pictures ever have the body in the same pose or angle...;3;
Bahi JD
Not only do they have killer art, but they are really really good at animating. They did a vocaloid pv and a couple of scenes for some recent anime! *3*
Now, to the art. HOLY CRAP! *inhales* Their art is spectacularly amazing when it comes to anatomy and facial expressions and so MACHHHH! I wish they'd post more stuffingtons, though 'cause I keep looking at their art leik everyday and it's just the same stuff, which is amazing and all...but...I want to be blown away so more (me being greedy).
Welll GAIYAIZ, that's it for nowww~!
Here's some music to end this post:
I was looking for this song for a while. I think I posted this before but I think that video was deleted...and I finally found it again. This song is so wonderful addictive~! <333
What I think of You...
I like looking at what people online think other people look like online, especially in those two person memes (so funny)! XD
Also in real life, not from these guys, but just people, they've always asked me to draw what I think they look like, or just draw them. Sometimes I did it, but if I didn't like the person...well, the picture wouldn't be very nice or not what I think they look like.
I thought it'd be fun to draw what I thought some of the people on here looked like!
I'm sorry if I've offended any of you gaiz...;m;
These were just the six I could think of off the top of my head. If anybody feels left out don't be afraid to ask me to draw you, I would happily do so, even if I barely know you (as long as you have a world with a hefty amount of posts or have posted several comments that aren't flat like 'looks good' or something). But seriously, don't feel afraid to ask! It's not narcissistic, it's feeding me as an artist! *3*
Now to explain why I think you guys look like this, or what I think of you guys up there in the pic~! :D Most of these are either from thin air or a combination of representations or actual pics of yourselves that somehow collected into my mind to give me this representation of what I think you guys look like...XD
Moonlitdream - Since you have very thoughtful posts and are such a great writer I think you look like an intellectual person, and I gave you a scarf 'cause all writers have scarves, right? :D But you're not stuck up so you have a fluffy hairstyle and star hairpin~! :D Glasses...I dunno if you have any or not, I just see them in my head...O.o;
Kitty K.O. - You're a very nice somehow that means you look like Elli from Harvest Moon? I chose colours based on the ones you used to represent yourself in your IB pics and my interpretation of your dress. Your hair is straight but slightly messy because you sound like the person to take care of your hair, but you also sound like a busy person, so I combined the two.
Ametsu the Ninja - This expression, with everything you post, I always imagine you making this expression...O.o; You seem like an intellectual person so you have a intellectual look to my head. For some reason I imagine you wearing green...? Not sure why. I remember commenting that you had a pretty nose so I gave you what I see as a pretty nose~! :D And long hair 'cause you like long hair~! :D
imouto chan - Your avatars usually have blue hair in a pony tail and dark skin, so that's what I did! :D And your art and nice persona make me thig you have a dreamy shoujo face. You're totally hilarious, but I still see the same appearance for you, just with a sly expression or something! XD
Wolf of Sorrow - You look like Frankie from Foster's Home for Imaginary friends in that picture...'orz That's not really what I think you look like, it's just sorta a coincidence...'orz But I feel like you have a tough appearance because you seem like a tough and strong person despite any bad that comes to you, you always over come! >:D
Apple Bun - You seem like a mature person with a beautiful imagination, so I imagine you as somebody like Michiru from Sailor Moon. It just fits....
I'm probably way off on all of you (not like I was trying to guess what you look like).
Since it's my imagination and you guys are my friends you are associated with things that I like, like the colours and hairstyles. Those are just things I like...XD
Yeppp...this feels like a meme, but I'd happily do other people...'cause IMAGIATIONNNNNN~! It is fun! :D
Yo Yo Hyo!
I read it...
I read it all...;3;
That last 3 volumes of Chocolat. I feel complete now....Not, really, I'm just kidding.
It was like a totally different manhwa...At some times I was like 'what am I reading? Who is this? This isn't E-soh, this isn't E-wan' was like their personalities switched.
I can understand now why it was hard for them to end it...I mean, how in the world could Kum-ji and E-wan possibly end up together if E-soh still likes her and Barbie's hanging around?
...But still...I prefer the wide open endings of Seiyuu Ka-! to this...though with Seiyuu Ka-!...still shouldn't have ended so quickly 'cause yeah, we know they like eachother and he somewhat confessed (not really) but there were other characters that liked Hime, how'd they deal with it?!
But the last 3 volumes should've just been one volume. It just got so...very Korean...I mean, very much like Korean dramas. SOMEBODY has to almost die...>3> Or a character has to have a dramatic change around...
Reading Chocolat makes me think about how great Kimi ni Todoke is. Wow. The art isn't perfect in either, but the writing in Kimi ni Todoke is to a different level.
Kimi ni Todoke, the manga, is and example of really well written manga. It's got a lot glittery tones and shoujo faces and whatever, but the writing itself is sooo correct. I can relate to it PERFECTLY. The pacing is very slow, which is actually good because...quick relationships really don't make any sense realistically...
Fast real life...shouldn't happen.
I have friends in my class who are already getting married to a person they couldn't have known for more than 2 years. 2 years is enough to get to know a person, not to marry them.
I remember my friend making fun of my teacher because she was engaged to a guy for more than 10 years and just this year they got married. I think that's how it should go. Know them for 10 years, then you'll know if you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
One other thing...this is about shoujo manga...or most things about 'love'...
This really bothers me, though I think it's sweet and I'm all for reading manga where it happens...but blushing and your heart beating DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE IN LOVE.
Count how many people that you've felt like that towards. Are you in love with all them? Are you so in love with them that you are willing to die for them? Or you so in love with them that not having them there is suffocating?
Well, then you're in love, but if not you just have a crush. It bothers me in manga where they wise person always explains to the person who doesn't understand what it is to love someone that they are in love with that person.
And then it all flows in the direction of love.
Is that realistic? No.
I don't remember which manga or drama or whatever (I have a feeling it was Meteor Garden, but things get all muddled with all other things I've watched), but they said something soooo very correct. You may feel head over heels for a person and completely absorbed in them, but then 4 years later you don't feel the same way because what you experienced was a crush.
I've never been in love, but I at least know when I have a crush. Well, actually that's not true. I've been in love with my cat...a very very deep love that hurts when I think that she's not here anymore...what hurts even more is that somebody who has lost somebody they've loved as much as I've loved my cat don't want to here a bit of my empathizing because the thing I loved was not human.
But enough of this...I seriously rant WAYYYYYYYYY too much....
Basically I'm just saying that I finished reading Chocolat, my first physically complete series...and now that that's done I can go onto other things and maybe do chap 3 or even 4 of Idolling. Chap 3 is a bit boring to me, but chap 4 is gonna be exciting! >:D