- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
Practice Practice
I seem to have forgotten the main reason that I started to practice with this pic...;orz
I was originally focusing on background and figure relationships with colourrr....but as you can see, no background...KIIINNNDAAA forgot about all that...;orz
From a photo of Anais Mali by Craig McDean
(Gonna post some sketches in the next post)
American News Rage
Just gotta say this 'cause I have no one else to tell it to.
I just read some article on so called 'herbivore men'. A term for Japanese guys who aren't interested in romantic relationships, but more on personal grooming and work....Ummm...
America when will you stop complaining about Japan's progression and cultural choices.
Oh noes, the men are now into trimming their eyebrow hair! O3O
A lot of the articles and 'news' I've been hearing about men in Japan, about how they're becoming less manly and this is a problem...yeah, WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM?! Why is it even news?
Men in Japan getting more into personal grooming is not really a problem nor is news. Just because there seems to be 'manly' complex with some people in the US, doesn't mean you should spread that.
One of the most annoying things about American culture is the homophobia. This ridiculous fear of being slightly feminine which certainly means their gay (how?) seems to be an epidemic.
Watching asian reality shows I've seen a lot of 'brohugs' and what-not...stuff that you would NEVER see in America because for some reason showing compassion for your fellow sex is against the cultural rules.
Also caring about appearance is also against the cultural rules, apparently. The most respectable guys are the kinds that are honest about what they like. Some guys like to go shopping and care about their appearance. I think that's a good thing. I don't really like seeing hairy, pimple faced, greasy, fat men. You might, that's your opinion, but it shouldn't be created from the news media.
NEWS MEDIA! STOP TELLING US HOW TO THINK! Japan is not in decline, it's not filled with gay guys, it's not a pathetic country, it's a progressing country. It's fine if they comment about it. Hey, Japanese men are becoming more sensitive to their appearance and because of these reasons. Straight answer.
Not this: Weirdo Japan is at it again. This time their guys are becoming even gayer. This a terrible change in their society as their birthrate is decreasing.
That's definitely what the article said, just not written as harshly. Birthrate decline? Who cares. As long as it's not be like 70% or something...I don't think there is anything to worry about.
I'm just incredibly tired of hearing all these stupid reports downplaying Japan's culture or just a bit of their culture. Maybe it's fun for some people to be all like 'Haha, oh Japan, you're so weird''s not okay to do that. Japan is a different country than America, but distancing yourself from a country which is apart of the ame planet is stupid, unproductive, and annoying.
I didn't get as rage-y until they showed a picture of Nino (nino):
(Which was weird since I have the same picture in my magazine...why article choose something from something I own...;3;)
They said Nino was a 'herbivore man'...Hahaahaahhhh...I think not, dumb Americans. This is what we call a pop idol who is part of a boyband who is supposed to appeal to the majority of young girls and does because of marketing strategies, not an example of what you're talking about or a societal change.
I show picture of Miley Cyrus as an example of women in America today who are becoming richer, more independent, and care less about romance and more about appearance and have become more manly:
No, that is not true, that is a lie, even if it true for some people it shouldn't matter in any way.
In conclusion, if some people decide to change their way of living or something becomes more trendy IT IS NOT A PROBLEM, it is a PROGRESSION.
Imagine a world where people don't get stirred up by romantic relationships and things were wouldn't be an exciting world...but how would we know, we've never lived that life.
Okay, done with meh rant.
Wabu wabu New Years! O3O
What's 'wabu'? No clue, I was just making something up.
I've finally come back from my trip and my Christmas Break is already over! ;m;
It wasn't a very nice trip..very dramatic with drunkards and very odd arguments...O.o;
'nyways....I'm disappointed in my break. I thought I was going to have more time, but I didn't know about this trip until recently and blahhh...It took me so long to draw those 3 pics for I basically only had 3 days of a break....;m;
I didn't get to work on Idolling at all. But I really want these chapters to get done so I will try to fit them into my schedule! >:D
What else to sayyy?
I drew some stuff on the computer (and some stuff on paper, but I can only show the computer stuff because I don't have pictures of the other sketches). They are re-designs of old characters.
My character Yanhuo and my other character Eve. I actually redesigned my redesign of I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with her design. I need to fix it a tad. She's looking too much like
And my design for my character Eve is really complicated...I'm trying to make her body look like it's made out of armor...but the thing about armor is that it's supposed to protect the body...and it covers the body, it can't BE the I'm playing around with that.
Yanhuo uses the Bajiquan fighting style and Eve uses a meter hammer as a weapon! FIGHTING CHARACTERS! HUA!
I like designing fighting characters~! >:D
I guess that's all I have to talk about...>3>
(Also, redesigning Suzume's outfit....:D But it's in meh sketchhh)
Gonna go awayyyy
I'm going on a trip for a few days...not going to be COMPLETELY without internet, but I just thought I'd let chu gaiz know.
I got meh 3DS today~! IT'S TOTES AMAZINGGG! Omigosh! SO FUN! And I really want to get that 3D pokedex thinggg...;3; But I don't have Pokemon Black and White 2...>:[ I also want to buy a lotta retro games, but I don't have that much money leffttt...>3>
Also, the 3D isn't pop-out 3D, it's just looking through a window 3D. It can be cool at times. I really like the AR Cards the most! Holy crapppp sooo fun!
(Not much to sayyy...I'm busy packinggg...>3>)
Merry Xmas~! :D
What did I get for Christmas? Lotsa random stuff!! :D
I got nail polish, a nail polish dryer (we tried it with old batteries and the batteries I'm not exactly sure what it'll be like, but I already painted meh nails...;3;), moar make-up stuffs, chocolate, candeh, a laptop carrier/backpack thing, a book lighhttttt...
I also got The Three Musketeers...but it doesn't have illustrations and I could've gotten ALL of Dumas's books plus illustrations online for free...'orz
And I also got 1Q84, which I'm excited to read! I've heard it's really good and LE GASP! It's a 3 volume book...I didn't know that...I thought it was going to be quick and short...
Why do I always get large books?
It seems this time of year I always get very interested in seinen manga.
Suddenly I just remembered a dream that I don't think I have told anyone...I hope I haven't...
I thought about writing it as a seinen manga 'cause there are a lot of good horror seinen out there and it MIGHT be fun, but I feel like writing it to a story wouldn't be very I'll just tell you guys to get it out of my system.
It was a nightmare! :D
A group of let's sayyy 30 high school students went on a trip on a cruise and during something like an assembly or something in the ballroom there was a black out. When the lights turned back on everyone was gone and half the students were still in the room. They decided to search the area to figure out where everyone went. They found nothing, but they kept hearing this gnawing sound. Eventually they decided to leave the room and then we get with out main character (yes, my dream has a main even has the random girl and the best friend that follows him around...O.o;).
Something kept whispering in the boy's ear that it wasn't a good idea. They shouldn't have split up. Now there is no hope. The boy stopped his group and told them they should go back and find the other group and that something doesn't feel right. As they left the room they were in turned black and out of the corner of the boy's eye he saw some kind of pale humanoid looking creatures, but thought his eyes were just playing tricks on him.
They caught up with the other party and annoyed the leader. The other group wondered why they came back to the room and the boy told him that he didn't feel right being split up. The leader was very annoyed and took two other students with him to go search the area he was just in, despite the protests of the boy in splitting up.
The lights went out again, they heard a scream. When the lights came back on they were all still there, but they lost any contact with the leader of the small group.
The 13 left decided to venture throughout the ship together. The lights stayed on for a while and they didn't find anything suspicious. Eventually they came to the back of the ship (probably a term here, but don't know anything). They smelled something awful, but proceeded to enter the next room. The lights were flickering, and they finally saw the perpetrators. Weird zombie-like pale creatures were tearing about the boy we lead the small part and the remains of the other were strewn across the floor.
They all ran away in panic, some of them just stood (including the main characters and a few other guys). Suddenly the floor opened beneath them and they fell into a pitch black room. Luckily the girl had a flashlight and they looked around the room. They were in a library.
The pale creatures began appearing in the darkest corners of the room, but didn't harm these guys. Eventually they heard over the speakers that help was coming. Strange, since nobody called for help or could have possibly known there was a problem.
A door opened and light shined through. On the other side there was a port and their families lined up, in tears, maybe fear, joy, and sadness of what they have known to pass. They were against the shore and jumped out of the ship and ran to the people who were familiar. They were stopped by a man with a gentle looking face.
"Congratulations," he said. He hugged them warmly. Congratulations? What is there to be congratulated about? The boy was very suspicious of the seemingly-kind man. The man explained that this was an experiment and yadda yadda yadda, the boy isn't paying attention, he's still stuck on the fact the the guy congratulated them. Suddenly the waves came crashing in, closer and closer the dock. The people seemed to be swallowed by the ocean as it turned to darkness. The sky was black and the only light was the glimmer of the waves in the ocean.
Yet the figure of the ship remained, in clear sight. The boy was alone. Where could he be? He tried his best to run away from the ship but was swallowed by the waves. When he awoke he was on a shore, a glimpse of a beautiful place, which was ended by the shot the head.
I would entitle it 'Do Not Open Your Eyes to the Dark'...:D
But then the problem here is that it doesn't make any sense...O.o;
Perhaps it's more that when you come to reality you can't face it...or something?
MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU GAIZZ! (I end this post with a depressing story...Aren't I nice?)