- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
Ug Blug WAI?!
Krita crashes every time I try to save...3 hours of work is now down the drain...;m; I dunno what to do except start again...I don't want to do it again...TT^TT.
Ugggg....I've never been so upset about a's upsetting because I was trying to fix a picture that looked awful, and it finally looked good when I was done, and now I'm back at looking at the ugly thing...;m; I don't want to do it again....ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Okay, bye...
Pointless posttttttttttttttt
BAM Badam bam!!
I'm really bad with titles...'orz
I did stuff! YAH!
Not enough to be satisfied, artwork output is very very low....'orz
I've been working on about 4 (as much as I hate to say it) pics for Christmas...two of which need to be finished by tomorrow (this is my deadline, because it'll be hard to decide when it post them on Monday).
1 is a DA secret santa gift! I'm doing it in watercolours...and I just messed them I'm gonna try to paint it a tad with acrylics (when I get over my fear of the downstairs...which will be tomorrow! XD The acrylics are downstairs, my brother vacuumed the bugs down there...but I'm still scared...;m;)
The two I need to finish tomorrow I for this pixiv contest...I just realized I can do more than one so I'm gonna do two pics! :D It's basically just a lottery, though. Two will give me a greater chance of winning! >:D
The last will be a regular Xmas pic! :D Actually, it'll probably be Idolling related....XD
By the wayyy~! With Idolling....I've written the 3rd chapter now! :D I need to draw the panels for the second chapter, still, which hopefully shouldn't take me long since there's only supposed to be 20+ pages...same for the 3rd chapter...Then I need to work on themmmm...
I'ma write the next chapter tanight~! :D I probably shouldn't get so carried away...but then again, it might be a good thing. I'd have those written out for revisions 'n stuff. Then they'll be even better than before? I'm predicting a lot of chapters at this rate...
I wonder when Idolling will end? I have too many plans that I see no end in sight....which is a problem.
I want to write a oneshot romance, too...but every time I've attempted I've stopped for some reason....
In athar newzzzzzz....NEWS!
Nah, actually just Yamapi:
No, not really him at all....
I finished watching Buzzer Beat~! :D The ending wasn't really that great! 'orz
I mean, compared to the rest of the show, the ending was really dull and cheesy and unrealistic....I mean...interrupting a basketball game to call out saying that you're there...ummmm...not really gonna work...even if everyone is really quiet...And no, they did not fix it by saying how embarrassing that was...>3>
(I wanted to see them get married at duh end...;3;)
I also finished Hana Yori Dango~! :D Just the first technically I'm not doneeeeee...It was okay...I still like Buzzer Beat better (alliteration you gaiz).
I also finishhheeeddddd.....Lovely Complex~! :D I totes did not need to watch the anime...I figure that out when I read that the manga won a Shogakukan Award...'orz
And the anime was pretteh crappeh, too. I mean, it was adorable, but sheesh, that animation...I mean, it wasn't even animation....O.o;
But I watched it 'cause of Tegomass~! :D Who, unfortunately, weren't there for the second half! ;m; I had to listen to craptastic Hey!Say! 7....Nah, Hey! Say! 7 isn't baaadddd...I'm just being crabby 'cause ugh...Tegomass! ;m; WHY DIDN'T YOU PLAY THE SONGS FOR THE REST OF THE ANIMOO! ;m; Those songs were soooo adorable while the Hey! Say! 7 songs were just more playful...I think they should've switched them...which is impossible since they came out one after the other....'orz
I really really really really liked Otani. He was freaking adorable and his voice reminded me of Tegoshi's...which is nice because after some Tegomass I fantasize throughout the whole thing! XD
I guess the story was okay...Koizumi was annoying, though...I mean, I did like her...but she kept putting everything on Otani. I mean, yeah, he's dense, but that's no reason to be all like 'I hate myself because of you' and stuff...O.o; Also, there wasn't enough Otani in it!
What I mean by this is that in most of the shoujo that I freak out about I like it because I see both sides in their moments of shyness. It's adorable. But this did not really have that...or it didn't have it enough for me to be satisfied and believe in this couple.
Cha, like Buzzer Beat, sorry if this is spoilers (romance stories are hard to spoil since ya know what's going to happen, it's all about seeing it happen), Naoki shyly buys Riko a sunflower, but decides not give it to her when he sees her then boyfriend Kawasaki-san giving her a bouquet. And for Riko....well, most of it seemed to be from her side, so there were lots of Riko shyness parts.
Since I'm talking about Buzzer Beat, let me just sayyyyyy....
Keiko Kitagawa is SUCH a great actress! Gah, this one crying scene, Yamapi was barely getting into it until Kitagawa started crying...;3; Such a great scene!
Yah, well, I've talked enough! I should go an write some'moa Idolling~! :D
Yo! I just remembered something~! :D
I'm posting in a new post to make the last post not look as long~! :D
I saw both The Avengers AND The Hobbit in less than 24 hours~! :D Umm...I mean, I saw The Avengers the night before I saw The Hobbit, and I saw The Hobbit the next morning.
My thoughts on The Avengers:
I guess it was good on the action-y side of it....but I felt like it was really stale. EVERY LINE was either leading into a 'one-liner' or just technical jargon. I HATE it when movies do that, and that's all this movie was. Sure, the explosions were cool...but I felt like the movie was really rushed. It WAS a fun movie, but definitely a movie I will forget about in the future.
My thoughts on The Hobbit:
'oly crap! O.O THE HOBBIT! It was EXCELLENT! But that's mainly because I'm biased! XD I love The Hobbit novel and the movie is just as nice. But as a movviiieeee...
WAYYY too much CGI and it wasn't even done well. They seemed to reuse the models for the wargs from The Lord of the Rings, which weren't very good there, and weren't improved on at all. They were still obviously fake and stood has at looking terrible. Creatures like wargs have been done before in other movies and could have been pulled off with some improving, but nope.
The CGI wasn't done very well...that's the main beef.
The length of it is fine, it's an adventure. I like my fantasy movies to be long because I feel like I've gone an adventure, and this definitely was an adventure.
Another problem I found with the movie, though, was the fact that it's a PART of the book. I don't want to just see a PART a the book, I want to see the whole thing. I don't see how it could possibly be broken up into 3 movies and why they did it except that they wanted certain parts like make Gollum to be very long.
By the way, the Gollum seen was SOOOOO INCREDIBLY AWESOME! I LOVE GOLLUM SOOO MUCHHH and that part was long and fun! I loved it in the book and I loved it in the movie~! :D
But least favourite part of the book was the beginning, and that's all we get...;m; I really love the parts after this movie so it bothered me when it ended....>3>
I think there was something else I wanted to say, but I don't remember...;m;
It's been a long time~! :D
Today begins meh Christmas Break~! Now I have moar teimmmmm to do what I wannntttt and CHRISTMASSS!
I'm totes gonna buy a 3DS!! >:Y
What do I have to tell ya? Let'sseeeeeee...LIST TEIM~! :D
Moar about meh friend
She got a candy cane from somebody
As a Secret Santa Present
But we don't know who
I had a feeling that she'd get one
And it would be from the guy she likes
I was right that she got one
Way before this
I also had a feeling that the guy she likes would sit in my seat
One day
For no apparent reason
So maybe I'm just supposing everything that is reality
And he does like her
I want him to...;m;
They'd make such an adorable couple
I wish I could go and figure this out and put them together
But I think, in a way, that would be rude
I put together the breadth section of my AP 3D art portfolio
It looks awful
I don't even know why I try
But my AP 2D art portfolio looks pretteh gewd
I feel like it's missing something, though
I dunno if I've said anything about thisss...
My friend who's dad died (did I say anything about this?)
Likes one of the teachers
He's young (same age as one of my best friends)
Since she's much younger than I am...
But she doesn't agree with it
And actually thinks something might happen
But I don't know how to tell her it probably won't
Or just let it go on
I feel like it's already gone too far
Love love romance love~! :d (Sorry those things are just fun...XD)
What about my own? I don't like talking about it...O.o;
Not sure why
This is sorta a public website
I don't want anybody to know meh secrets
I applied to some colleges
Now I need to work on scholarships...
So stressed
I would like to say more you gaiz, but I really have nothing to say but to talk about other people! XD Maybe some stuff has happened, but I don't really remember...O.o;
Butttt let's go on to talking about new songs I can't stop listening to~! :D
For some reason I was suddenly listening to only old jpop music for about a week recently. I'v realized how much I really love it! *3* I'd like to listen to more and with more thought next time (before, I just looked up some playlist on youtube). I really like this song (for for ze time of year).
I hated the Brittany Spears version, but I really love this version. I still don't like the lyrics, but her voice is beautiful and it just sets this wonderful atmosphere...*3* Plus the picture in the video is very nice.
I really can't get enough of Shiina Ringo or Tokyo Jihen....IT'S ALL SOOOO EXCELLENT! This song I can't stop listening to. It has so many different sounds to it, it's like going on a music adventure.
Ah, The Flickers. They have so many lovely songs. I didn't think I'd like this at first, but the video is excellent and the song is just a great. Another song that sets a nice atmosphere. The main vocalist has a very high pitched voice, but I think it's nice and unique ta The Flickers.
A capsule song I've never heard?! Or maybe I have, I just can't remember. But now I've heard it~! :D Very VERY catchy and then it keeps getting better and better...;3;
Mai interenet connection is sooo slowww...waiii?! ;3;
YAH~! WHAT A WASTE OF A POST! :D I seriously have no clue about what to talk about...'orz
I wanna go soooo baddd...but it's 5 hours away from where I live...But luckily he's there Sunday so I could just go Sunday...
I kinda wanna go with my friends...;3; It'd be really fun and they are the type that would hit any convention! XD
I also thought about commissions there...but it's probably very expensive and I'd have to get a hotel and stay at the convention all weekend...;3; I 'dun wanna do that...
But if I did go...I wonder if I'd cosplay...Hrmmm...I'd probably just do what I did on Sunday this year! XD
Okay...I need to go do my homework now...XD ADIOSSSS! (sorry for the random fangirling posttt)