- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
I went to my friend's house yesterday just 'cause we haven't talked to each other in so long. It was so cool there! She's Cambodian so she had all this Cambodian stuff and a ton of S.H.E CDs! XD I didn't know she was a fan of them! XD
I was with my friend and one of my brother's friends (I didn't know she was my brother's friend...she was very nice anyways...XD) and we talked about a ton of stuff and blah...
But that's just the boring everyday hang out stuff, then we were all like 'Let's drive to such and such place for dinner'. But apparently my friend's sisters (who we were with) already ate and suddenly changed their minds and we like 'Let's go to Nashville and go site seeing!'...
That was a HUGE change of plans!
So my friends and I just walked around the place looking for a good place to eat. Way too many barbecue places...ugh...;m;
And we saw some guy wearing a tux and a unicorn head! XD It was really crazy! It reminded me of this one Nico Nico video but I can't find it 'cause I don't remember what it was called...;m;
It was very funny, though, and a bunch of people kept taking pictures of him! XD
We decided to eat at a Japanese restuarant and I wanted to eat something that was very different so I decided to eat eel. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO DELICIOUS! ;m; I was in heaven eating that thing! Except it was kind hard to pick up with the chopsticks because it had the skin still on it.
But with my dish I also go salad and soup, but I didn't eat much of it (I don't really like appetizers...I want to each the main dish first and then if I'm hungry I'll eat the appetizers).
And I ate it with rice (of course). But we all shared. My friend got a soup bowl and had a bunch of different things in it that she shared with us and my other friend got a chicken teriyaki.
But oh man...that eel...
Then we had to take a long drive back home and watched some Cambodian MVs...but they were all ballads...
But because we didn't get back until leik 12:30....and then we talked a lot...and then finally went to sleep only to wake up at 8:00 to go to her work...I'm incredibly tired...
And then not tired at the same time. I probably won't go to bed until 12:30! XD
Well, I did get 7 hours of sleep approximately, so that's not so bad.
Yep, yep, yeppppp....
We talked about Dramas and Animoo and now I'm probably going to watch Another some more because she says it's really good...
See, if I know why something is good then I'd care more! XD But I usually don't know why it's good so I don't want more of an anime.
And there's apparently a Chinese version of Hana Kimi with Ella Chen and members of Fa Lun Hai! *3* SO GONNA WATCH THAT whatever it is...XD
Also, completely random (well, I was talking about Hana Kimi...sooo...) I found Ikuta Toma in one of my magazines! XD I didn't recognize him at all and then I read the name and it was Ikuta Toma....He had a long dark hair, I only remember with light fluffy short hair...O.o;
This is what happens when I read magazines backwards...I find new things. Because at some point I close to before ever getting to the end, or I skip over so many places...O.o;
I've ran out of things to talk about...XD
Adios~! ^ ^
Finished it!
Not Revolutionary Girl Utena like I am supposed to (3 episodes left and I can't get myself to watch the rest).
I finished watching Ano Hana (yadda yadda the rest of the name....That Flower that we saw that day)! The animation was really good and fairly realistic.
Although...none of the ghost stuff really made any sense, but I guess it's more about friendship than supernatural stuff! XD
I was expecting to cry my eyes out on the last episode ('cause I've heard that was a common reaction to that episode) but I didn't. I guess because it wasn't really that sad, more bitter sweet...relief? I mean, it was sad, but in a happy way? Contradicting myself here.
I'm surprised I didn't cry that much because I cried for MONTHS after watched Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. Seriously guys, if you haven't seen that yet you should really watch the rest unless you don't feel like crying! XD
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 was dramatic, serious and realistic, but the entire time it felt more like The Adventures of the Poseidon until it hits you at the end...I totally wasn't expecting the ending to that one, but I guess since I expected ANO Hana's ending it wasn't so sad...
I remember at the beginning of Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 I was like 'If this happens then I'm going to cry so much' and it did happen, and I did cry a ton...XD
Ano Hana only took me two days, while Revolutionary Girl Utena took me about 4 days (2 of those watching all day)...I guess I'll just knock down the other short series on meh animoo list.
Bahh...I wanted to cry really hard on this one but I didn't...XD
However I did cry a lot on some parts with Yukiatsu. I felt that Yukiatsu's situation was the saddest (though he seemed to be getting over it) because to love somebody who died and only have your rival be able to see her is incredibly painful, and he showed really weird signs of depression and possibly obsession/madness which made me feel even worse for him. His actions were painful to watch sometimes...;m;
But it is a very good anime! They put a lot into each episode (except they put nothing into the supernatural aspect, so if you're looking for a good ghost story you're not getting anything...not that I thought she'd be scary or anything, it's just that...why would she appear at that time of all times? So that it'll get to the teenager audience instead of a younger audience!)
I recommend it!
Go watch it!
(What will be the next anime I watch? Nobody knows~!)
Haa hoo hee hoo ho!
Sounds of men working....
Or maybe something else...
(I keep forgetting to use those cute emoticons....;m;)
I've been working on Idolling all day yesterday and a bit today...and I'm TIRED!
Y'know what I've been doing?
Uggggg...UGGGGG...Why does it have to take so long!? ;m;
'nyways, I thought I'd share a preview page for youz gaiz:
I was just finishing this page and noticed 'HEY! This has all the major characters in it!' I decided to show this a preview page.
We have the main character fan-girling and raging, Hisoka-kun being cute, Ikuya-sama being cool, and Momone-chan posing leik a boss.
News gaiz, fain is a word! O.O
fain [feyn]
gladly; willingly: He fain would accept.
Never heard of it...just spelled fan wrong and it didn't say it wrong...O.o;
I've been watching moar animooo~! :D
I watched the first episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena and I fell in love it! So freaking good. Yes.
I recognized a lot of the songs from listening to random animoo music as a child (there was this website with Cowboy Bebop, Slayers, Rurouni Kenshin, NGE, Utena, Sailor Moon, and Gundam music and art that I would always go on).
It jut bothers me that they are VERY repetitive with the animation, copying the same scenes and in their recaps of Utena's back story or whatever, they just played THE EXACT SAME SCENE as the first episode so it confused the crap outta me, I thought I was watched the first episode again...;m; There was no need to do that...
I was thinking when I was watching it 'How could I have missed this? What glorious thing was I doing to miss this!?'...
Oh, right...I was 2...>3> Hrmmm....
I was also 2 when NGE ended...but Utena never aired on TV in America so I didn't see it mainly because of that
And I never watched it because I thought it was a yuri. Though I kinda wish it was yuri because I think Anthy and Utena make a good couple.
I also finally watched Katanagari:
I was drawing/inking Idolling at the time....and then I watched this and realized my style was very similar...;m; come across that...
But I really love this! It's hilarious! XD The episodes are long but I enjoy that. I also really love the designs of everyone. There'd be a new character and I'd be like 'Oooh! So cool/pretteh!'...EVERY TIME! ;m;
I also watched Tatami Galaxy!
I really love the style of this anime! It's like a graphics art design the entire time...never is there a scene where they're in a realistic place, it's all coloured cool. The animation's great and it's incredibly hilarious, but they talk INSANELY
What other good animoos?
I watched the first episode of Ano Hana
Almost cried the first episode...I CAN'T DEAL WITH DEATH! ;m; It's too sad...It's sad because it's like a closed door you can't open again. They're dead, they're gone. 'course this isn't the situation exactly with this anime, but still.
Only complaint: The main girl looks like a ghost, and she's supposed to be, but she I thought at least they'd make her look human when she was alive, but apparently she always looked like that. It really makes no sense.
I wanna go watch Utena, much nostalgia...I miss anime like this, but then again I look forward to different kind of anime (if it didn't change it would get boring). Also...PINK HAIR! *dies* I love pink hair...;w;
One more thing...
I can't stop listening to this song:
I haven't even finished it....(stuck on the stupid baseball game...the writer is a jerk, I don't need to establish the characters EVERY SINGLE TIME and FOR THIS LONG! I don't care if they're supposed to be good friends and this illustrates that, it's BORING, just answer my questions already! >:[....Sorry for the rant inside parantheses...XD)
The sound that most of the songs I listen to make...XD
I've decided to start learning some dances it more detail...and I want to put dance videos on my youtube (because my youtube is very bare)...but I dunno if I have the confidence...I need to build it enough to ask my parents to let me do this...and then go on my way and not care. See, I'm like 70% of the way there, I just need to do it! ;m;
I also need a video editing program...because that's just my style...editing things to death...*cough*
Maybe I could get my friends to dance with me...? XD *nervous* *nervous* I-I just never show myself on the internet...;m;
In other news~! I got my AP scores today!
I must say, it is a VERY good idea to have incredibly low expectations for yourself because so far I've had very low expectations on my scores and have gotten better than I thought scores.
What I'm most happiest and confused about is my English. I thought I was totally going to get a 1 because I didn't focus enough on the multiple choice and spaced out a lot and spent the longest time on it, and then the writing portion, I have terrible handwriting and I also didn't think any of my arguments were effective and after talking to my friends I realized that I did a lot of the questions wrong...
But I got my scores today...and I got a 5! :D HAHA! I don't see how! XD It makes me incredibly happy because I thought there would be no way. I really wonder how I got a 5, though...O.o;
And then US History I thought I was going to get a 1, even though I knew everything, but it was because I accidentally skipped a question so I had to go back and fix all my answers...
But I got a 4~! :D HAHA! I was hoping for a 5, but I don't think I did the best on the essays since we never really practiced the essays in class because most of the kids had already taken the AP World test, except for me, so I didn't know what to expect.
My Art I got a 3 again. Not exactly disappointed. I can understand. I did the Drawing Portfolio, but I think more in a design sort of way, so it was very hard, also the Drawing Portfolio is graded harder than the 2D Design. Last year I did 2D Design, even though the entire year I was working on the Drawing Portfolio, in the last few days before turning it in I switched. So I've just been mixed up this entire time...XD
Next year I really really really want to do 2D Design again because then I'll know what I'm doing...but I think I have to do 3D...;m; I HATE 3D art. I mean, it's nice to look at and inspiring...but I can't do it AT ALL.
And with 3D art it's not really a thing of being a beginner and all that jazz irritating me, it's that IT HURTS! I can't lift things, squish things, I'm a weakling. I don't like doing it.
Have you seen the professional peoples' hands!? They're super tough and manly looking...If you see my hand they're very tiny and delicate...How could do anything with them? Also I don't like to cut my nails and you have to cut your nails to work with certain 3D mediums...;m;
Also 3D models, I like them sometimes, but I'm not in LOVE with them. There's a certain look that comes from 2D that I like...oh yeah...flat and clean. That doesn't exist in 3D art...>3>
Woah! Long rant! Sorry! XD
I was working on a Harvest Moon pic, but I'm getting fed up with it because I can't get their faces right! ;m; Ugg...
Oh! This is very random, but every time I see this video I can't help but fangirl:
His poofy sleeves! OMIGOSH! ;m; His outfits are perfect, he must have the perfect body for them! And lovely enka~! *fangirls*
Also, more fangirling time:
:D :D :D
I watched the Sengoku Basara play...but LE GASP! Live action! Oda Nobunaga's voice is PERFECT! WOAH! It's going to be hard to do this, though since it's such a crazy anime...although the play was pretteh cooleh.
Talking about video program up there...I also want to draw 3D modeling and find a good animation program...There are times when I'm only thinking about animating...and then I forget that I don't have an animating program! ;m;
And how's meh manga going...I'M HALF WAY THERE~! :D YAH! YAH! I expect to be done with the first chapter by the end of summer~!
I also don't go back to school until August 15th because of construction (I suppose). Usually I go back August 9th (which is ridiculous). Moar timez! Moar timez!
But I have a lot of anime to tackle...I'm probably going to watch whatever I feel like at the time and never finish any of them ('cause that's how it usually goes).
I'm on the last chapter of the Count of Monte Cristo...I've been on the 3rd to last for about 4 months now...but I finally decided to pick it up's just that I knew exactly what was going to happen so I didn't really want to read about it...>3>
This post is getting too long...
Adios! Le gasp! I just remembered I need to work on my Spanish...but how!? ;m;
Okay, now I MEAN 'bye'! XD
Boku no goshujin wa utautai
Hokorashige na kao shite kotoba wo haku
Kudaranai to hito wa iu arifureta uta
Mada bokura ga shiawase datta koro no hanashi~! :D :D :D
Every time I think 'lalala' in my head that song always comes to mind:
I love that song soooo much! It's ADORABLE!
I'm up tooo...*goes and counts* page 22 or my manga. I haven't inked some of them yet, and a big chunk of them I haven't even toned, but I think that's pretty good since I will eventually ink them once I finish drawing them.
Posting about ze progress.
However, productivity, just as any good thing, always has a bad side. My wrist is beginning to hurt a lot...;m;
This is why you don't hear about any mangaka finishing a whole chapter in a day. Not because it's not possible, but eventually your wrist/hand/arm whatever you're using slowly dies...;m;
Poor handie hand! TT^TT
But maybe my wrist will stop hurting and I can get back to work! So happy to finally draw Hisoka-kuun~!
I'll draw promo pics EVENTUALLY!
While I'm here...I might as well talk about the anime I've been watching and give you a brief (try my best to make it brief) review/opinion of it.
HOLY CRAP! The BEST animation I've EVER SEEN! And it doesn't even make sense as to why they'd be giving it such amazing animation...they're not even doing anything...;m; The story itself is rather boring, but the animation is so beautiful I can't help watching it. The story is disappointing because none of the school 'mysteries' are very mysterious, solving them isn't amazing they're all pretty obvious, and the comedy is rather subtle.
Also it looks just like K-On...O.o;
Daily Lives of High School Boys
Omigosh...XD I love this! It's so incredibly hilarious! A lot of the jokes are predictable, and at first I thought it was going to be really stupid, but I couldn't hold in my laughter it was so good! XD
Kids on the Slope
Okay...this is just so incredibly amazing I can't even say much. But I really really wish it was a yaoi...there are so many scenes that make my eyes twinkle, only to remember that this isn't a yaoi...'orz But it's really very sweet.
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita (Humanity Has Declined)
If this weren't a comedy I think I would hate it. At first I didn't think it was a comedy, and then the bread started bleeding carrot juice and I couldn't help but love it. The style is like watercolurs, it's really pretty. And they seem like they're trying too hard to be cute, but OMIGOSH! THOSE FAIRIES ARE ADORABLE! TT^TT Even if their mouths are always open.
Tari Tari
I'm on the fence about this one. It's very much like K-On in style and overall feel. I mean, they're trying to make their own choir, just like K-On was trying to make their own band. The two main girls I kept getting confused...I mean, I know looking at this poster they look different, but watching the anime I kept mixing them up. I liked this because I felt it was rather realistic. They showed shyness perfectly. Usually it's where the character is really shy about something and they just look silly, but this shyness was funny, but you could relate...if you know what I mean?
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
This is one of those really good shoujo/josei anime that just get you hooked the moment it starts. Maybe like Nana and Honey and Clover (but I haven't watched either of those...XD But I'm sure they give the same feel).
I can see this being compared to Lucky Star....sorta...I mean, it has similar elements, but I liked this one. Sorta...also on the fence about this one. I like how it looks all bubbly and the art was rather good. It got me when they started it off by saying that you should go read the manga because it doesn't make any sense for there to be an anime of it since it's mainly dialogue....XD That got me. And I can't help watching comedies! ;m;
While I was on the fence with Joshiraku, I'm totally on the other person's lawn on this one (I-I don't understand the expression 'on the fence' I just assume it's between neighbors). The style is nice and cute, and, as I said I really can't help watching comedies. This is incredibly INCREDIBLY adorable! ;m; I just wanted to hug the screen it was so cute... It'a also completely random and for once there is a main character with a crush on another character. Usually nobody cares about that, but think something about that makes it more exciting because I think crushes can create the silliest situations.
It has some common anime instances, but it's SO HILARIOUS, random, and adorable~! X3 I really really really love the style~! *3*
(As you can see I slowly started talking more and more...'orz)
Now about the anime I don't recommend...or more like the anime I didn't like and why I didn't like it (no pictures):
Another: I feel I've expressed my reasons in my 4-koma (check my portfolio, too lazy to post link)
Amagami SS: I keep watching these anime based off of otome games hoping for them to be good, but they never are. I thought this would be good because I read that each episode would be focusing on a different girl's story, I thought that was clever, but then I watched it and realized that, yeah the idea is clever, but the stories are boring and the characters are unrealistic. As always.
Bodacious Space Pirates: Not that this is bad or anything, I just didn't like it that much. I think it was just the art style, maybe. It didn't draw me into it.
Mirai Nikki: It almost got me and then they had the rules of the game and I just gave up. I don't like these stories where you can actually change time and events that are going to happen. I guess it makes sense with this story, but I've always enjoyed the psychological pain that came from realizing that you can't do anything about your future. Those moments are always cool because then you can see how they got to wherever they foresaw. But this anime doesn't have that, so I don't care about it anymore (also certain plot points and designs I thought were lame).
Guilty Crown: (It's almost like I don't like sci-fi or fantasy anime...'orz) It just seemed like typical anime. The animation was really good, but I can't stand this anime with crazy (even if they're cool) character designs that don't fit with the overall feel of the anime at all...Like the main girl seems like she's out of some fantasy hentai game. Another thing that bothered me was that many of the sci-fi elements were similar to other anime like Ghost in the Shell. BE MORE ORIGINAL if you're going to spend all that time and money and hard work on something, go all out.
I also watched Mushishi. But I think you all know how good that is...XD
I want to watch more...magical anime...but all the anime I've liked so far have been comedies or slice-of-life stories...;m; GIVE ME A GOOD FANTASTICAL/SCI-FI-ish anime gaiz.
Like NGE good. Code Geass was pretteh good, it's just...Shirley...and I watched it in English so I don't have very fond memories of it.
Also a lot of people keep saying how great Gankutsuou is and it's even based off of my favourite book, but I can't seem to like it...Maybe because The Count who I love so much isn't as cool...or maybe he seems more like a villain than a pitiful character (I like thinking of him as a pitiful character, this is why I like him~! :D).
One more thing!
Could somebody please tell me why the following anime are so great and if I should watch them:
Clannad (does liking the art style matter or is the story and delivery really really really good?)
Wolf's Rain (do I have to like wolves to like this anime?)
Rahxephon (I've heard it's similar to NGE. Is it really similar to NGE or more like S-cry-ed)
(I'm sure there are more, I just can't remember them...XD)
Adios~! (I think my wrist feels better now~! :D)