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Costumes DONE~! :D

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Just gotta practice posing and make-up~! >:D HUZZAH! HUZZAH!

I'm surprisingly fairly proud of meh Ciel costume 'cause it really looks like Ciel (at least I think it does).

It's funny 'cause it's using my everyday wear clothes...XD


I dress like Ciel...'orz

No that isn't true.

I'm working on pics from the MTAC Art Show and Art Contest...I'm not sure which I want to sell and which I want to enter into the Art Contest.

I'm gonna ask my mom if I can sell some of meh stuffs from that art application...

I'm reusing a lot of those pics, but some of them I can just print off, plus I'm taking pictures of all of them...

Yeah...taking pictures...tomorrow....

Today I did a lot of stuff and I was like 'What happened to all meh time?!' then I realized that I went shopping for more supplies to finish my costumes, sewed my skirt, ironed my skirt, tried on and fixed up all of my costumes as best as I could, and made my mom and I did lots of laundry...O.o;

So I got things accomplished~! >:D

Actually I inked two pictures...and I have another picture drawn for MTAC but I'm not sure if I want to ink it or not...Hrmm...not sure where I'm going with it, but I'll probably sell it.

I actually found I like hand-sewing. I'd like to do some again. Now that I know how to do it...XD Like my friend said when you're doing it you're all like 'PROGRESS!!' 'cause you're doing something...fixing something...etc.

Makes me excited~!

But my friend wants me to stay over at another friend's house so that we can go to MTAC together and it'd be's a good idea, but I just got back from my trip and I want to spend a few days in meh bed...;m;

I'm also excited to work on those 10 sketches...however it will have to wait until Monday...'orz

Oi! Have some Yuya Matsushita:

He's so pretty! He really has grown on me...(at times he looks like Tegoshi Yuya...XD). Before I thought he looked very plain, but his lips are just so pretty...*.*

I like PVs like that...XD That's probably why I liked AAA...XD They had a lot of PVs like that.

I'm just posting 'cause...I'm having a bit of art block 'cause I know I'm forcing myself to draw something...though I probably have enough pictures...I still want to do more...more than enough...

Let me just post two songs I really love right now:

It's the short version, but it's awesome enough! XD Makes no sense, though.

This song NEEDS TO BE LONGER!'s just so awesome...;m;

I think I should go to bed...XD

Bye-bye~! ^ ^

10 Free Sketches + I'm back-da~! Only to leaving again-da~! :D titles...please do not pay them any mind...'orz

I'm only going to do this 10 free sketches thing once...O.o; Even though I've commented on more than one posts...I just don't have the time to do a lot of they're sketches and I have a nice wittle pencil who is being very nice to me that I can draw with (since I have nothing to do after school, this'll probably be good).

'kay sooooo....

First 10 people to comment on this post will get a free sketch of their OC. Please give me a link to their picture or a link to their description (or both) so I can draw them.

But you also have to do the same thing in your world (give 10 free sketches).

1. infinatelove42
2. The Echo Effect
3. moonlit dream
4. LGA775
5. CelestialSushi
6. NekoTenshiEmi


'kayyyyyy....Soooo...I just got back from meh trip.

We originally just went for a memorial service for my Aunt, but my mom wanted to stay an extra day (for no reason...I mean, really...she just didn't want to go back so quickly). And my grandpa was all like "Hey, guys, we're gonna go to Busch Gardens, wanna go?'...And we're all like 'Pssh'ya~!'

Yep. (That's not actually how it happened, but close enough...mainly just the 'Do you guys want to come with us to Busch Gardens' and were all 'YES!!')

So we went.


It was....


We road the LochNess Monster right when we got there. I was very nervous 'cause I hadn't gone on a roller coaster in so long and this was much more extreme than most of the rides I went on. It had LOOPS and it went through a tunnel! *.* THOSE LOOPS WERE AWESOME MAN! I'd go on that thing again and again just for those loops.

Then my brother had an epiphany and decided he doesn't like roller coasters anymore....;m; WAI!? WAI BROTHER!? TT^TT So we just rode a boring octopus-like ride that we thought was the scrambler...only to be disappointed...

But we didn't just give up going on roller coasters...XD Nah, my dad and I left my brother with my grandpa.

Then we rode on the Alpengeist which is an inverted roller coaster...It looks really scary 'cause your legs are dangling but it's actually much more tame than the regular roller coasters because you have to remember that you're under the track so your actually lower and there's not as much pressure.

Oh, by the way, how Busch Gardens works is that it's split into England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Oktoberfest, and Italy with rides, shows, etc. all going with the theme of that place (not that Oktoberfest is a place...XD). I think that's very interesting.

Also, Busch Gardens is a really beautiful amusement park. It's really really clean. But the food is just waste of money. I has spaghetti for $ may have been a lot but it tasted like something I could have made at home...>3> Liike store-bought parmesan, spaghetti, and sauce...'orz But the people there were nice~! :D Service~! :D

Okay...back to the rides...*cough*

Then we went on the scariest ride there! Just driving up to it we were like 'HOLY FREAKING CRAP! IT'S GOING STRAIGHT DOWN!' Here is a pic:

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But it didn't actually go straight curved in a bit on the first one (that first picture is a picture of the second bump/hill/thingy).

Going down it felt like I was going to have a nose bleed any second (and I never have nose bleeds), the pressure was amazing. My dad really likes the ride...but I thought it was too short and you splashed into water, but it was just an effect (by the time you get to that point you pass it...XD So freaking fast) and you didn't get wet...which was a shame...>3> Not that I wanted to get wet, but it would've upped the scary factor...'cause I didn't want to get wet...XD

(Oh, we also road the Curse of Darkastle or something...which was wasn't a rollercoaster, but it was all 3-D and pretteh clever...but it made be nauseous...although I think that was being we were talking about getting sick on that ride...'orz)

Then we finally got to ride Apollo's Chariot which I had been dying to ride since it was rated so high...being in the top ten roller coaster in either the world or the US...O.o; Can't remember...but we didn't get on it before 'cause they closed it for a little while (probably 'cause somebody got sick). But we got on.

I decided to be courageous and go to the front! XD But the line was really looong and they had some times where they'd let it go without anybody on or with lots of empty seat...>:[

But the ride was AMAZING! The first bump was a bit scary (I was thinking about how my brother wouldn't like that part, but the rest of it would've been awesome for him). IT WAS SOOOOO SOOOO SOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOO FAST! And you could see so many different parts of the park plus it was pretty long.

I could feel the tears from my eyes ('cause you started up looking at the sky...they said something like 'Look the sun on the wings of Apollo's Chariot' in the announcements...and that's totally what you my eyes started watering) flying off my face...XD It was so fun! XD

I wish I could've rode them all again, but the lines were long and we only had so long until the park would close...;m;

I say you guys should go check it out if you ever get the chance. If you don't like Roller Coasters there is PLENTY to do. We didn't do everything there 'cause the park is really many things to do....O.O

Now that I'm finally back from that trip, though....

I have to finish my costumes...;m;

I'm almost done with both costumes. I just need to sew the zip onto my skirt (gonna do it after I finish up on here...XD) and buy some ribbon and lace for my Ciel costume and buy some make-up.

I decided on dressing up as Cis from Tiger and Bunny since I have a wig that's just like hers. But I'm gonna wear my Chinese Dress...just 'cause it's the same length of her dress and it's close enough except that it's blue...but with the wig and hair it'd still look like hers.

All my cosplays this year are 'Close enough' costumes...XD Like Chie's costume would've been right on the mark if it weren't a mint colour (which I'm totally fine with...Mint~! >:D) and if I had smaller buttons...(but I'm gonna just cover her in buttons just for the look of making it look like an alternate costume). Ciel's costume will just be...well...yeah, close enough...It's not exact, but it still looks like his red costume from a glance (the face parts right, though).

I say they're all alternates except for Ciel's...since Ciel doesn't really have an alternate costume...O.o; I'll just say close enough. I mean, it looks like looks like an outfit...just doesn't look EXACTLY LIKE THE PICTURE.


After that...I'm leaving on another trip to MTAC on Friday...XD

I also have art homework to do...these next two days will be INCREDIBLY BUSY...'orz

I'm gonna try on most of my costumes tomorrow...hopefully I'll get ribbon and will be able to try on all of my costumes.

I'm excited, but disappointed that I'm completely broke...;m; Hopefully somebody buys some of my art at the art show...;m;

Okay, bye-bye~!

Put it in Super Drive!

I really have no idea for a title...XD

But I was listening to this song so I felt like putting that as the title:

I don't particularly like the song too much, but I love the video. I should watch more Yuya Matsushita (he's growing on me).

I don't really have much to say...Or nothing planned to say (you probably know I'll end up with liike a 6 page thing of rambling...XD).

I'm going on a trip and will not be back until Tuesday...doesn't mean I won't get on the internet...but I dunno what I'd do on there.

I'll be mainly working my cosplay costumes.

My Chie costume is almost completely done, just have to sew the zipper to my skirt, get some pins to put on my jacket (I'll probably be putting extras just 'cause I found my Momusu pin), and cut my hair. I'll make it look like an extra outfit for Chie 'cause the jacket is a light green and if I put a lot of pins on it then it'll look more stylized...

I can see it happening, even if it's not what she would actually wear in the artistic licensing. I could see it being in on of those special where everyone is dressed up in a slightly modified version of their normal clothes.

My friend has been helping me SOO much...almost too much..XD I shouldn't keep bothering her to help me...;orz I really want to give her a present now, but I don't know what that'd be (because she seems to be open to most items...not a materialistic person at all).

She gave me an eyepatch today for meh Ciel costume, and she helped me sew my skirt and so many other things. I just have to hem my pants for Ciel...for now...I'll add the details later...

So it's a lot and not that much at the same time...XD

I finished Battle Royale~! It made me cry at one point, but as I read on I felt better...XD You soooo got me book! XD

Good book, good book.

At first I was like 'The writing is really cheesy'...then I realized...middle schoolers are really cheesy...Plus all of the characters were much more complex than you think...I mean, if you think of them more as human beings rather than characters in a book....making their goes with the story, but it also makes sense. Each chapter was from a different perspective of a character and it would describe things as the character would. That is what I loved about the book. It was much more complex than it seemed.

Usually I don't go too much into books like this...but I just felt a bit strange when reading it, the entire time I was like 'why did they write it like that? That's so weird'...then I realized I had to read it in their voice and it made the characters seem more alive.

Now I've run out of things to talk about...Basically I'm just really busy this Spring Break, but after MTAC I won't be as busy...but GAHH~!


There's an art contest I want to enter (it's a coincidence they just updated the info about it 'cause I was just about to complain about that bit....XD).

I also have art homework...XD I have to take pictures of my artwork and upload draw what I missed for this week...

Not too bad, though (I just hated taking pictures, though).

Well...I gotta go...kinnndddaaa have to go to the bathroom...And I need to pack, get ready...get computer ready...AKA look up art on pixiv...XD (It's an end of week thing).

Bye-bye~! ^ ^

Lead look alikes

For some reason I looked at LEAD once and never again until now...XD They're good, I like them. They're like w-inds except not liike...well, w-inds for me seems like a night kind of thing, that they're always having to do with the night or something silver....The silver group...XD

LEAD seems much more colourful and like the day group...O.o; If that makes any sense.

Anyways....Keita matter how many times I look at him...he just looks JUST LIKE KIM DONGJUN FROM ZE:A


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So many things are the same....yet they still look like different people...(Unlike Araki Hirohiko and Hangeng...which basically look exactly the same...XD)

And just something about Akira Kagimoto looks like Haruma Miura:


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By they waayyy....

Haruma Miura...

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So very pretty...*3*

*cough* Another pointless post.

I really have nothing to talk about. I've been doing the same stuff...I think...O.o;

The Hunger Games vs. Battle Royale

Pfft...I'm not actually going to make a comparison! I've never read The Hunger Games...

I'm just saying that...

I'm so glad all these news media are talking about Battle Royale~! X3

I remember when I heard about The Hunger Games I was like 'Sounds just like Battle Royale'...and now I seen tons of people agreeing with me~! :D

While most kids at my school were reading The Hunger Games I was reading Battle Royale...didn't realize the irony of the situation...we're basically reading the same book.

Though there are probably obvious differences between the two.

Again, I've never read The Hunger Games, I'm not calling it a rip off of Battle Royale...actually, I'm not really saying anything except that I'm glad people are talking about Battle Royale! XD YAY JAPAN~! :D

I think the plot is pretty common. I mean, look at the Lord of the Flies...there are have been many books about the kids killing eachother and the government forcing people to do stuff in a dystopian future....

Except I don't think Battle Royale was in the future...O.o; I've noticed that in a lot of Japanese novels that they don't have a bad future, it's just a bad alternate timeline...y'know, y'know...O.o;

There were a few other stories I've read, one took place in liike the '70's and the other look place in liike the '90's and they made the world look like it could be an unfortunate future, but it was actually just a change of events that took place to make a different world than reality, while keeping the same known timelines.

Hrmm...I'm being to ramble now...O.o;

I've been hearing about The Hunger Games for weeks now and it seems to be on everyone's minds so I thought it was appropriate to post this.

Okay, bye-bye~! (Pointless post)