- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
Sengoku Pokemon
Pokémon Plus Nobunaga's Ambition! XD
I saw an ad for it on pixiv...XD killed me....XD Never thought of pairing Pokemon with famed Sengoku Samurai Warriors...XD
Despite that...I like the designs...looks like an OKAY that I mean it looks good enough to get my attention, but then I could probably get bored with it and forget about it once I finish...
But I like that the main characters are Eevees~! X3
Still...just thinking that a game like this:
(1st pic is from the snes game, 2nd is from the ps3/Xbox 360 game)
Could be combined with a game like's hilarious! XD
Like Berserk paired with Naruto (not exactly like that since Berserk and Naruto are a bit more mature than Pokemon and Nobunaga's Ambition)
Ohohohooo...I think I'm done here.
Another just DS game~! :D I dunno if I'd buy it (or if it would come to America...considering it's more a spin on Japanese culture than anything similar to American culture...and for some reason that is a problem).
In other news...I realize that I haven't started on either of my costumes for MTAC, nor have I bought tickets/admittance/whatever it's called for Sunday...'cause I didn't know I was going Sunday...'orz So I have to come up with a third costume...I might just dress up as an old character or somebody with clothes that I already have...>3>
Oh! I could go as Chun-Li...maybe...O.O A really looking cheesy Chun-li...or just some chinese girl...O.o;
'cause I have that Chinese dress and leggings...but my sleeves aren't poofy...O.o; Maybe I could make myself look like a character while not being a character? :D
But I don't think I have to do TOO much. My Piko costume was only hard 'cause it had so many little things to put on there, while my Chie costume is just lots of sewing...'orz I should really start on that one...;m;
My Ciel costume...all I have to do is cut my pants, buy a hat, make an eye patch, make boot slips, and tie ribbons and little details to everything...AKA hot glue gun~! :D
The hot glue gun and me are buddies 'cause no matter how many times I've accidentally touched it or put the glue on my hand instead of the thing I've never been badly burned~! the way...N-Nobunaga...
Nobunaga seems to be INCREDIBLY popular in video games as the main villain (except in Nobunaga's Ambition...I think...or what was it...>3>)...I mean, he's in Sengoku Basara, Samurai Warriors, Samurai Shodown, Nobunaga's Ambition, the list goes on. If it's a game with Japanese historical elements he's gonna be in there.
Oh, by the way...I just happened upon Age of Empires (which Nobunaga was also in one of them)...I LOVE THAT GAME SERIES! Only kind of game that I like to play on the computer (besides Osu!)
Those kinds of games...*.* I love Age of Empires 'cause you can build your empire and learn while playing~! Age of Mythology is how I learned most of the mythology I know now (that and from reading about other mythologies in meh free time). I miss playing these games! ;m; I wonder if I could download them for free maybeh....('cause they're old-ish)? But then I'd be playing them so much that I wouldn't do anything else...'orz
*sigh* Nostalgia~
Okay, bye-bye~! (This was more of a Nobunaga chat than a Sengoku Pokemon chat...XD)
Fire Emblem New Game~! :D
Old news since I already posted stuff about this months ago...
But after a bit of consideration...I guess it does look like a pretteh okay game. You get to customize yourself, AKA the strategist in the game, chose whoever you want to be from these guys.
I like the last three...
Now I wonder if these are just examples of what you can make or what 'cause a lot of them have the same faces or hand positions...O.o; Except with different hair etc....
But I think that's pretteh cooleh...though I did like the strategist being a bit of a mystery about what they looked like...XD
The game looks a bit like Tales of Symphonia which is my main worry...just too...animoo...I guess? No, that's not it. It just seems too much like a Namco game, I guess....instead of a Nintendo game. But it does have some elements of a Nintendo game in it.
I like my FE games more of the side of being like LoR than most JRPGS, even if it IS like most JRPGs....
The art wouldn't bother me so much if it weren't for the fact that it looked too modern...;m; But maybe it's always been that way? I think FE needs to get Ayami Kojima or something to do their art for one game. That'd be amazing.
...and have it really like Ayami Kojima's style...or at least like in Castlevania...
Though the games that I've seen that used Ayami Kojima's art had a completely different style in the game.
LISTEN GAMES! You guys need to go for the acrylic and traditional emulation style! NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORRREEE!!
I'd like to see that in a game. Make it look like a painting...sounds REALLY freaking hard, but I hope one day it will be possible.
Right now most of them are pushing for realism, I think further in the future it will be a push for style, like with most art.
Now on another note...I have a little bit of a rant that you're allowed to skip....actually the main part of this post was the you can skip the rest unless you'd like to stick in for an explanation of one of my dreams...or recurring types of dreams...XD
I'm just going to blow off a bit of steam.
I'm tired of hearing people (my friends especially) saying they like something because it's violent, or bragging about liking something inappropriate. It doesn't make me think you're cool or anything, doesn't really make me think of much of you except that you're being immature. I also hate it when people get biased based on this bragging. It's okay if you do like violent things, I like violent things, but DON'T TELL ME YOU ONLY LIKE IT FOR THE VIOLENCE. Or just brag about how cool you are for like all this violent stuff and that nobody else does as much as you do.
I don't like violence in video games. Well...not that I don't LIKE it, more that I don't really mind it, but it's definitely not something I'm looking for in a game and it gets no points, nor does it lose any points in my book of a good game.
I had an argument with some of my friends about this. I told them I don't like Halo or shooting games and they looked at me like I was an idiot (of course, they said they were joking, but it really hurt my feelings because of the way they looked at me). They started talking about M games they like to play because of the violence and shooting and how much hardcore of gamers they are...
Just shut up. They're probably no hardcore than I am...and I'm not hardcore. I love games to death, but I'm not particularly good at them. I've also found that lots of people who say they are good at games (MAINLY GIRLS, this is irksome) aren't really better than I am (and I REALLY AM TERRIBLE AT VIDEOGAMES, you don't know how bad, really, I'm not exaggerating).
Somebody who is good at video games would be my brother, and he's just now gotten into the bragging about himself...which can well be deserved. He's definitely not the greatest, but I think he's capable of playing in a tournament of some kind (don't know if he'd place, but still at the skill level)...It takes him days to beat games that most people say would take them weeks (and takes me years) to beat. I think he has the right to brag...but it you're just having fun with a game, then you're having fun with a game. You're not better than somebody else.
Back to the violence issue. Why do I have to like shooting games!? My friends seem to think I'm dumb for not liking shooting games. Then they ask me what kinds of games I like, I say fighting games...then they start saying Soul Caliber, I say I don't like that game, then they freak out again and are like 'You don't know good games'...Just because I don't like it doesn't mean I'm saying it's not a good game. It might be...but compared to King of Fighters, probably not. It can be a fun game, but it's a bit ridiculous on the fan service side.
Just because the game isn't rated M doesn't mean it's bad game. Why does it have to be rated M!? I understand, like with movies, less restriction usually means better quality because they have a greater range of ideas to choose from and it's for an older more respecting audience (well, I HOPE...maybe it's this notion that is throwing me off...I think people who play these games, read these manga, what these movies are actually thoughtful people, but maybe I'm wrong).
One more thing to complain about before I go. I'm mainly complaining about this because I feel like this happens EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Player prejudice...O.o; I was talking to a group of my friend's friends and I told them I was afraid of practically every game (which is a truth)...which doesn't mean I don't play the games are like them (people watch horror movies because it's enjoyable for them to be afraid). I mean, one of my favourites is Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask...they absolutely terrify me, but I still love them to death.
So then they throw things about me like Bayonetta and Parasite Eve and go on about how I'm too much of a wimp to play these games and blah and because I don't play them I don't have much of a good opinion on anything.
Okay, I'm done...XD
I'll put it all in black in case you guys don't want to read it...since this is common on the internet I can see how people could get offended by what I'm saying.
Now onto my dream~! My dream is...well, my dreams are almost always about videogames...XD
I've been having a lot of adventure game dreams.
One time I had a dream similar to Mario Galaxy, like how the camera movies, but it also kinda reminded me of a Disney movie. This girl was on Earth (or a planet similar to that) and would live their normal life in a small village in the forest, and one night they somehow teleported (from a teleportation device, not like she was suddenly there like in most dreams...XD) to another smaller planet, maybe like a moon, except it had grass and flowers and glowed a blueish colour. The water was a lavender colour and the grass and was gold-ish green. It was very beautiful. Like those scenes in games at night where something is glowing....*.*
Anyways, she found some kind of fairy thing that lead her to more fairies and they asked the girl to help them recover their land to how it once was. So that's what she did my entire dream...but like in a video game where they're giving you hints and you have to press 'A' to go somewhere.
Last night's dream kinda reminded me of a Tales of game 'cause of the different kind of villages. Some were really high tech and mainly rich while some were pretty everyday, and some were really poor. The main character grew up in some really strict village that didn't allow people to leave unless it was for their jobs. It was a normal kind of town. It felt like a mixture being Catholism and Japanese culture...O.o; Very strange...But it was interesting.
The main character got tired of living in that village, because they felt stuck and disagreed with many of the rules of the town, so, despite having very close friends, he/she just left (don't remember if it was a girl or not). And there was all this stuff kinda like with Skyrim that you had to know how to do yadda yadda while you're being attacked by a wolf or bear or something...
And the entire time the main character was being hunted down by some group of people....
Or maybe it was that everyone hunted down the main character because of some reason...
I don't remember either of my dreams exactly, but I do remember how everything looked and the overall feel. I thought they were both really cool so I shared them.
Ughh...I should really keep a journal of dreams...But I'm not sure what I do if I don't remember my dream...'orz
I've rambled enough in this post...I should go draw that pic for the FE challenge...XD
Tests...tests...darn tests...
I'm supposed to be studying for a practice ACT test that my teacher will be GRADING (ridiculous, ridiculous) for ACCURACY (most ridiculous, most ridiculous)....;m; But I can't bring myself to study any more than I have...which...I doesn't feel like enough, but I can study any more...;m; It's hard to study for the English section.
I have to take the ACTs next week and meet the benchmark on everything so that I don't have to take crappy classes next year...Oh, the pressure! ;m; Why do we have to do all these stupid tests!? TT^TT I really wish we could just LEARN something instead of LEARNING how to TAKE TESTS... I'm gonna talk about mez painzz...
First off, some family problems which I totally don't talk about...Actually, I won't get into any sad things or things that particularly stirred me up, but just little things that bother me...
I had deadlines to finish meh request pictures for DA users by a certain time, and I didn't make any except one...which I was in the middle of making when I made the deadline so that one wasn't really fair...
And then working on manga...I haven't done any of that...but I know what I want to do...again...can't get myself to do it..."orz
So that's meh painzz...:D
Not sure what I'm gonna do now....wallow in sorrow....
But with other things, I'm going pretteh fine...
Just...I wish I could get myself to do something...other than make this post...ugghhh..
I'm sure I've said all of this a LOT...'orz
I'll go study now....*sigh*
A doodle~! :D
I was going to post it in a more....casual way...I guess...but I think I'm going to forget about it soon, and I can't think of anything to talk about much, so I'm just posting it now.
It really is a doodle...XD 'cause you can see the remains of some copic marker...if it was a serious picture it wouldn't have been next to a bunch of squiggles....'orz
I was drawing this face all Spanish class I got to draw on the back of my test so I drew a face like this, then in Physics (which is when I drew this) I finished all my work so I just drew this, but then by Math I was pooped and he actually wanted us to draw something...unfortunately he did not get a random face and noses....*shakes head*...XD
(Thought of something to talk about)
I've been very busy with movies this weekend! XD
On Friday I watched Take Shelter, a WONDERFUL movie which I think deserves much more recognition. It was complicated, and it really was thrilling and dramatic. The nightmare scenes scared the CRAP out of me.
Then last night I was the Independent Spirit Awards...and The Arist and The Descendants cleaned was a pity because if it weren't for those two movies I think Take Shelter would've cleaned house...>3>
Then tonight is the Academy Awards~! *.* With Billy Crystal as the host! OOH! I hope it's good, it sounds like it'd be good. I wonder what's up his sleeve? I'm sure it'll be better than last year, anything's better than last year.
Well, it was good last year if it was just Ann Hathaway, but stupid James Franco was in there and RUINED IT, he REALLY did ruin it...I'm not just being biased, all the times he was on there he seemed completely out of it. Ann would be into and being hilarious and the James reads his lines in a monotone he's falling asleep...Or does he always act that way?
Well, I'm excited....and busy...and have homework and art I have to do....bleh....
Bleh about the artwork only 'cause it's for an audition thingy and those are boring...'orz
WE, Big Bang, John Park
I like how colourful this is~! It's definitely what I think of when I listen to this song, or whenever I hear a song about 'party'...XD I like that there are boys and girls~!
They've gotten really emotional with their music...I guess...I don't know how to say it, but most of their songs sound like ballads nowadays.
This is a really pretty music video and it reminds me of Death Note...XD It has very nice background music. I also really like that they're falling up, something about that just looks beautiful.