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*is depressed*

New Fire Emblem game coming out for the 3DS:

Depressing part IIISSS...


I was squealing when I heard the news, but then when I watched the video...I am no depressed...It has the lovely music of Fire Emblem, but it DOES NOT LOOK ANYTHING AT ALL LIKE FIRE EMBLEM...even if the game play is the same...Those designs...that kills me inside...;m;

It looks like Final Fantasy or something. It just doesn't match...Or, no, it looks kinda like 999...the art much as I love Kinu Nishimura, she's the artist that does the art for this new FE game...and I don't think the anime cell shading style works AT ALL with the series UNLESS the whole game is like that and the setting and everything is different than usual...if it gets a new style...

Blaaahh...unless it gets some MAJOR AMAZING reviews, I'm not considering it, despite being a HUGE FE fan...;m;

HOLY CRAP! I figured it out! O.O

I-it was so simple...for anybody else who has some kind of weird lagging problems in SAI I have found the problem/solution:

That darn stabilizer. I never noticed it before...but the reason for all my lagging problems was because it was set to some random thing that was NOT WORKING for meh tablet.

So if any of you guys have any weird lagging problems, it's probably that thingy. You don't have to go through the trouble of uninstalling and reinstalling (like I did a BILLION times).

I'm getting tired...from dancing so much in my chair...XD

When you guys listen to music do you find yourself singing to it more or dancing to it more?

I'm usually dancing to it...'orz

Fixing those goals!

For a while I had wanted to go to an art college, JUST for art to avoid any of these sportsy annoying colleges that are where I live...

Until I realized...what can I do with a degree in art? Not much...or nothing really that interesting. I'd rather have a job in Japan as an English teacher, which is why I've decided/realized that I have to go to the same college my brother is going to. Because I like the atmosphere, diversity, and courses they offer better than the schools closer to me. But I'd still major in Art...

I have a few problems with that, I don't like where I live at all (just gotta suck it up, I guess), and two, I don't really like the art department because it mainly doing the stuff I hate to do like ceramics and printing...ugghhh...printing is soooo boring...TT^TT It's painful AND painfully boring. It's surprising since it IS art, I really have absolutely no interest in it...kinda like architecture, but I at least have SOME bits of interest in it. And lastly, I want to be bragged about and choosing this school would not give me much bragging...I mean, I think my teachers expect I could get into it...but that's another thing I should just suck up...XD

In the long run it'll be helpful! XD I'm also thinking of getting a masters from an actual art college, so I can still focus on the art aspect...but having an option of crappy art job in America or decent English job in Japan....I'm going for the decent English much as I dislike teaching, I think I could teach a language since they're fun~! :D I couldn't teacher English to Americans because I don't know why some people don't understand English, while on the other hand, I can understand what it's like to not understand another language and how to learn from that.

I guess it's not that bad of a decision. Miss Prissy Valedictorian is going there...and I'm pretty sure she wants a really good job and has the intelligence to get a really good job...I call her prissy because she's VERY critical of schools and other people. I mean, so I am, but I don't stay mad all the time about it...XD She just seemed very grumpy...

Sorry for all the talk about what I'M going to do...I guess my reason for saying that stuff is for you guys to think about what you want to do with college, too. What jobs are out there? What jobs are out there that you think you can handle and have a bit of interest in it. I say major in something you want to focus on and minor in something that either compliments it or gives you another job....XD

Not that I know if any of this will work out, but according to my mom, it probably will.

I can write a book any time I want to....which is why I don't ever think very much about writing...which my mom wants me to minor in, but yeah...anybody can write a book...XD

With this post...I say that I must do the things that I plan to do. I must try and finish that application for NSLI-Y (I am DETERMINED to go to Korea...I MUST experience what it is like in another country and understand that language and culture better so I can understand their relations to other countries), work on that manga, finish DA requests (still working on the same one I've been trying to finish for months...I just don't like the goth style...;m;), WRITE THAT STORY! (I haven't done much about it in a while), and study more languages...which I HAVE been doing....but I think I need to stay more on track...

Oh! Lately I've been coming up with setting ideas for more stories. I want to do a 1920's kind of story, with that kind of style, but it could take place in another kind of world; a pirate story (yes, really), but more realistic I guess...not this 'harr harr harr' kind of pirate, but something more into the pirate kind of feel; a Middle Eastern or African or somewhere around that region kind of story...or maybe more around Vietnam...O.o; I dunno, but each time I see stuff from different cultures I want to make a story about it...XD Maybe I should just write a short story...but short stories aren't as fun as stories with chapters. Something about the cliff hangers at the end of each chapter is so funnn~! :D

I want to write a short story in Spanish. I have an idea and a specific character that I'd like to show off...but I need to think about the plot a bit more...and learn how to write more poetically in Spanish.

Oh! I think this is kinda funny...XD I was flipping through channels, looking for any channels that I have in different languages and I found a Spanish channel teaching you Chinese! XD So I learned some Chinese! Like the word for trash...which I've just forgotten...maybe I should've written it down.

And I watched some really boring crafts show in was so boring, telling me things I already know, and it was taped like it some random person was filming a sewing club meeting...O.o; But I found a music channel, which I will be watching to find some musicians that I might like.

I REALLY love this band, though:

I need to download some of their albums~! I love all their songs~! X3 It has a nice lounge feel...:D

I guess I should go do some stuff now...XD I feel I have to post a nice picture of something, though...sorry no sketches (I haven't drawn much in a while...bleh):

Look at that hair man! If I could get my hair like that I would...that is GORGEOUS~!

Okay, bye-bye~! X3

I'm baaaaaaaacckakackandadndjgndfkjgnk

Something happened in that title...O.o;

I have returned from my long trip...I mean, it wasn't really that long, it just felt long since we were always in the car.

VCU was very nice. I got to have my portfolio (basically random pictures I scrapped together) critiqued by a nice guy (that my mom seemed to have a problem with) who actually gave my a compliment and said that I drew faces very well (did NOT see that coming), but that I should try drawing the 'context' of the observation....O.o; Not ENTIRELY sure what that means...but I'll try doing whatever I think he said...XD

And then we went to the Communications Art department and IT'S TINY!! What the heck? There are schools with JUST departments for illustration, but this department at VCU was a combination of so many different art departments, yet they have only two floors of a building and together they would make up just one floor of my school...which is really nothing...O.o;

I got really nervous because they asked me about my take on anime and if I liked it...then I kinda just froze because my teachers, and basically everyone who has experience for art colleges has told me how much they look down on that and I shouldn't talk about it...;m; My mom tried to get me to say something, but I don't think she realized why I didn't want to say anything. I said I liked it because of the depth it creates just from a flat 2D drawing...but I guess I would need to understand their take on it for me to explain it, but they were all pretty vague like they were setting me up for something.

The portfolio critic said that I should try staying out of drawing so many faces and stuff like that, and the Communications Art guys said that they would be focusing on that kind of stuff. I was interested in their kinds of lessons, the classic way of drawing supported by digital art, which is all meh thing and they said they'd mainly be working on putting words into pictures and that that's important in comics. So from that I would like to be involved in that department, but still, what do they think of anime...;m;

Then the girl who was (supposed to be) showing us around told us about her trip to Japan and the lady who was asking me about anime was looking at me the entire time like I'm probably interested in or something...I get those looks a lot whenever people mention I'm the Japan person or something, that's the only thing I care about. I care about the rest of the world...>3>

(Woah, this is becoming much of a rant, sorry for the long rambles)

There was another girl there who said she was interested in the graphic arts side of the department and my mom and (?) I dunno who he was, but he didn't really look like her too much, but we talked about the things we had heard from the teachers and our impressions. The girl was a much better talker than I was (I seriously can't talk to new people unless I understand a bit about them...I don't like to brag about myself...;m;), but we both had problems with our pencil drawings and that hers didn't have that much contrast. I have the EXACT SAME PROBLEM and my teacher is ALWAYS telling me that my pictures don't have enough contrast, so I'm glad I'm not the only one (because I seem to be the only one in my class that is ever called out on that).

I won't really get into the other stuff I's kinda boring...not really that much happened besides VCU...XD I mean, I went to a wedding...but it wasn't anything particularly stuck on my mind...

I had a lot more to say, but they just seemed like rambles...XD

I talked to my brother until midnight (1 am their time) last was weird...XD Just talking about random philosophy...he is really into conspiracy theories...O.o; He's also the kind of person to put in obscure vocabulary to make it seem like he knows what he's talking about...I think that majority of the 'smart' kids in my school are like that, so everyone, since they don't understand what he's saying, think he's 'smart' when he's just trying to talk around his confusion.

Gah! I don't wanna talk so much! ;m;

I want to draw something, but I haven't been able to in SUCH a long time...;m;

Oh! But I finally got my mom said my picture looked like I was 12...;orz But I guess that's also a good thing! XD

I'm gonna and try to practice f(x)'s Danger dance so that I have it down perfectly because the thing my friend wants me to go to with her is coming up soon...and I worry I won't be able to practice with I'll try to copy where Krystal goes...without other people.

Oh! Here's some Chemical Love for yeah (Umm...they're called Chemical Pictures...XD):

I like this song and video...but it reminds me of something...maybe just this song...O.o;

Look at the lovely Tenten. I based my OC Klan off of his looks:

External Image

I should probably go to bed...sorry for the rambling...;m;

Why is everything happening at once!? ;m;

I've been INCREDIBLY busy this week and I'm surprised by it. I've only been able to get on theO for about 15 minutes per day..;m; I have a bit more free time today, though. I figured I should post about this...XD

I'm going on a trip tomorrow (right after school...;m;) and I won't be back until Monday (so I get to miss a day of school~! :D Sorta yay~! :D), but because of that I'll probably have a TON of homework still, so I won't be able to get anything done until MONDAY...

But hopefully I can do a lot of stuff on the way there (since we'll be in the car for about 3 days...O.o; I mean, 1 1/2 one day and 1 1/2 the other, the other 1/2 days are for the stuff I'll be doing).

I'm going to a visit VCU on Saturday and then I'm going to my Aunt's wedding on Sunday (terrible day for doing this)...

Then what do I get in the mail? I'm supposed to get an award for my fantastic work or something in doing something....actually, I don't know what I did but the teacher who was associated with it told me that I better go to this meeting thing to get an award because my name is on there 5 times...buut, this meeting thing is SUNDAY....

And my friend wanted me to practice for the dance thingy on Saturday...

Then I have DA requests to finish...and baahh...

Also, I had the PSATs this week and my US History teacher decided finish three chapters of our history book this week so that means a TON TON TON TON TON TON TON of IDs...liiiike ONE WEEK...So my hand is basically broken (not really...XD) but I had most of my days filled up with writing that...

Then I had a short Anime Club meeting this week, and then next Monday is the first Anime Club day (which is the day I will be absent) BLAGH!

Also, for the PSATs, we were supposed to get the practice/review packet, but they didn't give it to the 11th graders until the day before, so none of us really go to review...>3>

I also failed my permit test TWICE, which I'm completely torn up about, but I'm getting over it, because I have to take it tomorrow. I SERIOUSLY do NOT want to drive AT ALL now. I was okay at the beginning, not sure if I wanted to or not, but since I'm such an idiot that I can't answer basic rules and questions right, I don't think I'll be safe on the road...

Gah...such a stressful week...I just want to hop in that car and do something relaxing...only thing I'm looking forward to. I usually am not too bit about family things, but it's 100 times better than my entire time this week so I'd really prefer to go to that...;m; And VCU is exciting~! I wanna see the campus (I love campuses, except for the ones my school took us too...they were private Christian schools, and...REALLY SMALL...O.o; Like it would take me 5 minutes to go from the furthest end to the other end...I like me some biiiig schools).

I heard VCU also has one of the best art departments in the that's interesting...but I still wanna go to Parsons or the School of Visual Arts...;m; But my mom wants me to go to VCU because that's the school she went to and because it's cheaper...

Okay, enough of ranting! XD Kinda in a hurry of how much I can type in such a time, and it turns out when I'm thinking quickly the only thing that comes out are rants...XD

I've run out of things to talk about now...XD I haven't been able to draw anything (except for a turtle with a looong tail) just because of all this madness...;m;

But my feelings right now are fairly neutral.

Heeyyyy, this is random, but there are these awesome glasses that I wear when I get in the car that's amber tinted and when you look through them everything is enhanced in colour. The grass is greener, the sky is bluer, it's BEAUTIFUL~! It's amazing what sunglasses can do! XD

Oh! My friend rounded up some of my other friends to do a cover of Danger by f(x), we're still practicing, but we've just now decided who each person is going to cover. My friend will be Luna (and she kinda looks like Luna), I will be Krystal, my other friend will be Sulli (just because she's the youngest and has the cutest personality), and my other friend with be Victoria (I just realized that she is very similar to Victoria), and then my other friend will be Amber (and it's in agreement that she looks JUST like her and has the same personality and her voice sounds a lot like hers)...

I'm the only odd one out 'cause I don't look anything like Krystal or have anything in common with her...XD But the thing is, my friends keep saying that they need to dress up like each member, but we're supposed to be our own kinds of people, we just chose our people based on the personalities of our personas...I feel like I'll be the only one with a persona, I wish the others would hurry up and make theirs (I'm so interested in other people's made-up characters).

We also got the idea that for anime club we could role play outside, instead of taking forever writing or talking about it, we'll get into action~! >:D That's the only kind of stuff I did when I was little, play make-up! XD I miss those times...*nostalgia* *nostalgia*

I should probably quit talking now...sorry for wasting your time! XD Sorry that it's loong...