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Anotha Tag~! :D

This one's from the lovely Kitty K.O., but I'm not posting the rules or who I tagged, I've already done that:

1. What are you currently trying to accomplish?

Learning Japanese, or at least memorizing all the kana, radicals, and some kanji with some get up to intermediate or higher in proficiency...and to write that manga (but joy, I have the character designs~! >:D I just haven't coloured them and some of their clothes are a bit iffy...O.o;)

2. What's your favorite book (not manga)?

THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO~! <333 Love that book...I'm afraid to finish it so I haven't (I also haven't had enough time to read it...;m;)

3. Grossest thing you've ever eaten? Or least favorite food. really gross out things, I was never the kind of child to eat worms or grass...O.o; Ummm...I would have to saaayyy....vegemite. It tastes disgusting...No wait, nail polish tastes bad, too, but then vegemite is probably worse since it's edible! XD

4. Ever had any pets? If not, what kind would you want?

I've had 2 cats (both died) and 2 dogs (both alive)...but if I ever have the money to spend on animals I really want an orange tabby and a fox...or some kind of dog...I have to have a cat, for loving, and a fox/dog for attacking intruders...O.O

5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

I think it would be nice if that could happen. I really don't know. I can understand the crush at first sight, though (happens to me ALL the time...TT^TT)

6. Video games or outdoor activity?

Vidya games~! :D Of course! I'm bad at both, but I like it inside better 'cause it's cool, comfy, and there aren't as many bugs. I also like the aesthetics of video games (if I'm saying that right...O.o; ).

7. If they discovered that Mars was inhabitable and made a town with all necessary resources, would you move there?

Not right now...? I my life time. In my life time I doubt that would happen and to move there would probably be INCREDIBLY expensive...and since I thing Mars is kind boring, no, I wouldn't move there. If it were the moon, MAYBE...XD

8. Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate? Tea or Coffee?

2 questions! But I don't mind! They're both short! XD I like both kinds of chocolate~! But I'm beginning to like Dark Chocolate more just because my taste buds are changing...XD And I'd say tea, because if it's cooked right it's DELICIOUS and it's like medicine that doesn't make me vomit~! :D But I prefer the smell of coffee.

9. If you found out you significant other (bf or gf) "accidently" cheated on you, would you try to work things out or would you kick them to the curb, no questions asked?

Depends on who they are...if that makes sense....XD Most likely I'd try to work things out, because I actually don't mind, sometimes we want to try new things. If you eat something you like all the time, it'll get boring and you want to try something new. 'cept it's kinda different with food because I've heard that if you eat too much of the same food non-stop you'll become allergic...O.O

10. A genie gives you three wishes... What are they? (And no wishing for more wishes)

Darn, I was gonna wish for more wishes! That's liike on the top of my list of wishes! XD orange tabby, world citizenship, annnnd a free ticket to any country in the world that never expires and can be used infinite times! :D

11. Looking forward to 2012? (Don't worry, Kanye's already informed us that he interrupted the end of the world. We've got another several billion years of existence)

XD Haha! XD Thanks Kanye! XD And, yes, actually. THE HOBBIT'S COMING OUT THAT YEAR~! *squeals* And something else...O.o;

Tag~! :D

Tagged by moonlit dream~! :D

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly) tag someone.

1. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Home-made banana bread (that I made myself, thank you very much). It wasn't very filling...'orz

2. What kind of music do you listen to?
Jpop, Kpop, Reggae, Mandopop, Thai Pop, Taiwanese Pop, Electropop, Jrock, 8 Bit, dance, europop, and more but I can't remember them right now....XD

3. What's your favorite subject in school?
S-science? I actually am not sure. I get this question a lot, but I don't really know. I like any subject that I get to learn in and question~! So that's why I like science, because I can question as to why that is so.

4. Did you know cold medicine taste disgusting? I had to take some earlier this morning because I'm sick, and it was so bad made me feel worse.
Ugg...That's why I REFUSE to take medicine. It's being stubborn, but I'd rather feel sick then feel disgusted all day and throw it all up...;m; I feel bad for you. Don't take cold medicine if you have a cold, is what I think! If you have a bad fever, maybe consider medicine, but in the end, shots will always do the trick! Or tea...Tea, the magical potion of magicness~! :D

5. Do you use gift cards when you're given them? Or are you the kind of person who forgets to use them, and they expire?
Depends on the gift card...Most of the time I use them as an excuse to buy stuff (good excuse since that's what they're for! XD)

6. What time is it where you are?
6:42 at the time I answer this question, but it'll probably change by the time I post this...XD

7. Did you have any interesting/cool dreams lately?
Um, yes, kinda. For the first time I had a Metroid Prime dream. It was really weird...just the very first part of the first game, except that I had some group of...uhh...researcher people on there? And we found the abandoned ship at the beginning of the game, but instead of flying it, there was a portal to the planet and for some reason other people came through the portal and we had some competition to beat the I tried to find the Chozo temple (no bosses or anything, none of us were capable of anything having to do with Samus...XD), but I go lost in a completely different world that had some kinda harbor and humans....O.o; Something out of an RPG game or something...and then I woke up after coming VERY CLOSE to the Chozo temple, but I never made it because there was this windmill thing in the way and I didn't know how to get around it, and every time you'd go near it there'd be a cut scene kind of thing where the guy would tell you it's not done yet so you can't go in, not that I wanted to go in...O.o;

8. If you could be a plant, what kind of plant would you be?
A flower blooming on a high cliff. So that no one can touch it..

...*cough* No, that's what Heechul said...XD I really don't know, never really thought about it...Maybe a dragon snapper just because I always thought they were cool and I've always wanted to be even a tiny bit related to a dragon in some way (I mean metaphorically, not literally)

9. Star Trek: Original Series, Next Generation, 2009 movie, or none of the above?

Ummm...I dunno. I'm not really a Star Trek fan. I liked the most recent movie and I thought some of the episodes of the original series were interesting, but I don't really have much opinion of them either than that. My parents of big fans of it, though...O.o;

10. In your opinion, what's the coolest name ever?
Ack...I had it in my head, but then I forgot it. Isaac? Vincent? I dunno, there are a lot of cool names out there. I really like the name Sumire, though. I don't think it's cool, but I think it sounds really pretty.

11. Is it just me, or do numbers look like they have personalities...?
XD I think that's just you. It's really interesting that you think that, though! *.* Hrmm...maybe they kind of do, though, now that I think about 11's kinda sad and 8 is fiery...O.O

Tags: (didn't want to do this, though...>3>) pink-pineapple, imouto chan, wolf of sorrow, kitty k.o., magicbut3rfly, sweet lullaby, leaftan, andromeda spira, chel the bell, ametsu the ninja, MaCheriexx
(But, too lazy to go to their portfolio and say that they're tagged, also I think that's spamming. So if you see your name here then you can go do it. But, hey, if anybody wants to take a crack at it, go ahead~!)

(Here are your questions):

1. If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?
2. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
3. If a tree fell in the forest with nobody around to hear it, would it make a sound?
4. What is the largest living thing on earth?
5. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
6. Why did the chicken cross the road?
7. Who is your favourite singer/band/etc.?
8. How much deliciousness would say is in a box of fresh pencils?
9. What is the scariest anime you've ever seen?
10. Has an anime ever made you cry, if so which one made you cry the most?
11. How old is Bill Cosby?

*is excited*

I was coming up with stuff for that manga idea I decided on and as I'm doing it I have the great urge to go read or watch it now...XD I've never felt that way about a manga...maybe because I'm taking a lot of the things I love and putting them together.

I do that with a lot of my manga ideas, but this time it's all working out and making sense...without making TOO much sense. Like there are ways my story's 'rules' can be obeyed and broken without giving me a headache...XD

The only hard part is deciding on the characters in my manga. I've already created 3 new ones...I don't want to make too many two ones, but these 3 are the basics: Main character, side character/friend, and main antagonist

I plan to make the main antagonist have a personality that is almost completely antagonistic, but at the same time, because of his personality and faults, he's capable of being a good guy eventually (my favourite kind of antagonists! >:D). The main character is a '90's kind of guy...XD He has that '90's boy's hairdo that I love so much and a jersey-ish kind of jacket...'90's jacket, but at the same time, he seems kinda modern...O.o; And then his side character is the character I said I would make based off of Jungmin from Boyfriend...XD He isn't entirely like him (of course), but he has bits of the things I wanted. He likes to look at himself in the mirror, he's 'cool' but not too serious and can be funny, and looks like Jungmin, but he has many other things about him that are different from Jungmin, like that he's obsessed with his shoes (while most people are obsessed with their hair, I prefers the 'not the shoes!' approach) and is VERY flirtatious with the girls. The main character looks up to him for some reason...O.o;

Oh! I drew the two protagonists (really, really, really quickly):

The one on the left is the main character, the one on the right is his buddy (somehow...XD They're practically opposites!)

Guhh....I wanna go read this...;m; I need to write it first! XD

Another great thing about this is that I can start with a one-shot version if it~! X3 With that, I'll probably choose some different characters...not exactly sure how I'll do this, but it will be done!

Maybe I can work on it this mom asked me 'So what are you going to do tomorrow?' which is a good question, and I'm glad she asked me that, because I would have wasted this entire week! XD I'll be doing some things tomorrow.

I have some requests I've gotten from DA, but I'll do those at night, since I feel every day I just wait for it to be night so I can draw the pictures...I mean, I attempt during the day, but I never get anything done until night...;m; 'tis not good.

Oh! This music video is really cool:

Bye-bye~! (Hopefully I do some work this time! *crosses fingers* I feel like the me tomorrow is a different person...'orz)

Ouch! I broke my hair!

*cough* No idea for a title!

This week has been very awkward and my head hasn't been working properly...I argued in class (and made a big deal, too) about how a platypus couldn't be a mammal and that fish aren't fish...>3> And turns out I was totally wrong, but I kept pushing my point...And I felt SOOO embarrassed afterwards and I cried and that thought of it...but I'm better now...silly of me to think that way. But I shouldn't be so worried over little things like that, I shouldn't be so concerned what others think, I should always keep positive! >:D

This week was spirit week so I tried to dress up when I could (mostly forgot or gave up on other days). The first day was celebrity day so I dressed up as Natalie Portman (my mom wanted me to be the girl with the dragon tattoo, which I'll get to later in the post, but that would be really weird to dress up as! ;m;) and I got a lot of response from kids, which was a boost of confidence! XD I was worried, since my hair wouldn't fit in a bun and it was falling out, that I'd look stupid, but apparently that wasn't so.

The next two days I didn't dress up and I did on animal day, but I was just wearing some animal patterned clothes since my sewing machine wouldn't work...>3>

I've also realized how little I talk during school...because I have nobody to talk to, or the people I DO talk to I don't have THAT much to say to them...;m;

So that's it of that! XD

Last weekend my family watched the first movie of The Girl in the Dragon Tattoo, which was AWESOME! Well, not that best movie I've ever seen, but it was very entertaining and how movies should be, entertaining and putting you on the edge of your seat, not just throwing violence at you for the heck of it. The characters were pretty realistic (not really people I'd normally meet on the streets, but they were well rounded characters). I thought that it was going to be some violent shoot 'em up action movie, but it was a murder mystery.

It gave me some bad nightmares, so maybe that's why I haven't been thinking as well this week! XD Lack of sleep, not that I feel sleepy...O.o; Despite it giving me nightmares, it was very good. It's just the whole serial killer thing that gets me.

It's not the serial killers like Jason or Freddy Kruger (if they even count) that get me, it's the serial killers that you thought were much more normal than they were and turn out to love doing what they do, with the mental problems. The ones that you felt sympathy for, but then you realize that did not deserve that what-so freaks me out...;m;

I've very happy right now, though....BECA~USE...IT'S FALL BREAK~! FINALLY~! :D

I was going to go to my friend's house, but my parents don't want to drive tomorrow, so I'm not going, but I'm still going to practice the dance that we were going to learn.

Oh! These are some killer songs I never posted in my music world, just because I forgot about them then, and they weren't very long....XD:

I've loved this song for so long~! Mini has such great music! But I was a tad disappointed by the MV because I thought it'd be more controlled, I guess...O.o; More contrasting with black and bright colours and lights, which it does have, but I was also thinking something more like her Are U Ready MV.

I saw their live of this and didn't know what it was called, then I saw avex upload it and I just thought it was a random add for something TVXQ (they often do that), until I realized it was the actual MV! XD Now I'm TOTALLY in love with this song! It's also that kind of song that you have to have at a certain quality or it'll sound COMPLETELY different. Great, great song. Except their Japanese pronunciations sound kinda funky...XD

I'm ready to do some work over the weekend! >:D I hope to post some pictures on here and to improve my style!

...Wow, I don't have that much stuff to talk about compared to all my other posts...XD

Well, bye-bye!

Fai-ting~! :D


I can't think of anything else for a title...XD

I felt like posting because it's feels like so long since I last posted...;m;

I DO have an manga idea that I can't seem to get rid of...the problems that I face with it, however, are that my style doesn't exactly match it and it might be too much like King of Fighters...;m;

I just want to do a fighting manga really badly...I keep trying to make psychological manga...but they always turn out cheesy and I don't like them...and I've liked this idea for a while. But I want to draw stylish people with slim bodies instead of muscular fighting people...BUT I want to draw something I don't know what to do anymore...TT^TT

I was thinking of doing what I thought persona was at the beginning. Something about genetically engineered peoples who battle or something...XD Or if I combine things I like...for instance fighting and folklore/mythology/ghosts, then it looks like Yuyu Hakushou...or if I combine samurais and fighting...well, that just kinda limits it to the people who like samurais. Then I thought about combining fighting and dance...which COULD work, but the feeling and image in my head kinda bores me...I feel warm thinking about the other ones rather than this one...this one just sounds cold...;m;

I guess I should just keep combining things (even random things) and see what I come up with...XD If you have an fighting combinations, please suggest them...I mean, just say something like 'Fighting + Aquatic Fantasy' or something...not that I want to do something like that....XD

O.O I just read a loooong interview with Tegoshi Yuya think I really understand what kind of guy I like...XD Somebody who is energetic (most likely sportsy) and the person who reaches for number one. I prefer second place, but I thought about it....if I tried to get somebody with my personality and same likes then all there will be are 2nd place people, so it'll be harder to get second place. Somebody's gotta be 1st place! XD

I really don't like it when other people pair me with other people who share my same likes or personality, but there's no chance of me ending up with somebody like that. They're nice as a friend, but not anything more...O.o;

Oh, I also don't like it when people compare me to other people saying how 'my mom is really skinny, almost as skinny as you, if not just as skinny' (except not as proper...XD) and then I see them and they aren't skinny at all...or the same thing except with friend said that about her mom and her mom is DARK...I mean, she's half makes sense...O.o; I don't want people to use me as example in that way especially when they're wrong.

But I can understand the misunderstanding of thinking that you might look like somebody when in reality you don't. Like my parents keep saying I look like Keira Knightley...which is definitely not true and even if I did, I wouldn't be very happy about it because I'd rather be cute than cool. She's cool. Keira can be Keira and I can be me.

Yo, sorry for going off on a rant...XD I seem to continuously do that...XD

Oh! I have some silly sketches that I drew trying to come up with a better persona than what's in the logo for this world:

I can't decide on the hair-do, though...>3>

Indecision. Indecision.

Indecision is killing me right now. I would really like to decide on something, but it all seems up in the air.

I blame this white on all these web pages. Too me, white is not calming, it's chaotic. So whenever I think of somebody who's evil, negative, frustrating, etc. they're usually white. (Not white skinned, but wearing white or having white hair). Not that I don't like white...I just don't like them on web pages...

I'm in the mood for visual kei right about now...but not drawing any of it, just the music...XD

This is what I'm listening to right now:

Luna Sea is always nice and classic...:D Even though they're not really that old...O.o;

Also, Chisato is LOVE:

Chisato's probably one of my favourite rock artists (even if some people might not consider it to be rock, it's '90's rock). I just love that '90's look, too~! <333 I wish he became more popular back then...I like him in Penicillin, but I prefer his songs more and hist voice over Hakuei's...

Bye-bye~! See you again~! X3