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I think I'm ugly...

And nobody wants to love me...
Just like her I wanna be pretty
Don't lie to my face telling me I'm pretty...
...Don't lie to my face because I know I'm ugly.


XD Sorry, I love that song! XD I didn't like it in the beginning, but it grew on me. That one and 2NE1's 'I Don't Care'...I didn't like either of them, but due to the shows I've watched I love them. Well, 'Ugly' because that's what 2NE1's covered on their 3rd season of her show...and 'I Don't Care' because I sat through a whole 4 minute video of B1A4 dancing to it...XD Poor Jinyoung hurt his neck, but I think we've all been there! XD

My mom and I were looking at shoes because I need new ones and I want ones with higher heels since I'm not going to be running....I still have some tennis shoes (too small for me now, but who cares about comfort! XD) which I COULD use for running...

Anyways, shoes are ridiculously expensive...'orz But my mom and I disagreed a bunch. She likes the rustic (?) kind of style, I like the more...urban? I don't know...XD I don't know how to explain our styles, but they're two different animals. Anyways, I found some AWESOME shoes but my mom thinks they're insane and ugly:

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I really like both, but I just don't like that metal piece on the first one...O.o; Funtasma is a LOVELY brand~! I love all their shoes! *.* Except their Bloody ones...they just look stupid.

And I really love Calvin Klein ankle boots:

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It's the cut of them, I don't see them anywhere and cuts! XD Haha! The structure and cut or anything is important to the over all look in my opinion.

I really like ankle boots! XD I also want one of those skater shoe/dancer shoe thingies...but I don't know what they're called and I really want ankle boots first...;m;

Oh, I also just now realized I really like gangster shoes! XD

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Or that style of shoes. My mom thought it was 'gangsta' and made fun of me for it, but no this is the prohibition gangster! XD

Oh yeah, one of my PET PEEVES (if I'm even using that term right! XD) with clothing are the BRANDS! I HATE HATE HATE clothes with the brand names or logos on them...I mean, if it's a signature, that's fine, but I don't like stuff like aeropostale (sp?) and american eagle and sketchers and nike who keep putting their logos and brand names in them, even in the design. I don't understand why they're even popular? Whenever I see people wearing those clothes I'm just like 'why!? What made you think that this is cool!?'

It's like wearing some shirt with somebody else's name on's weird...

Oh, I just realized I should actually be getting 'dance sneakers'...hrmm...

There doesn't seem to be any website with 'everything shoes' because the websites I HAVE been to with that motto don't have a very huge selection...only amazon had the biggest. Zappos was...modest sized...the selection wasn't really that huge. There's also somewhere on Zappos where you can choose your 'clothing personality'...and...THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME! At least to my eyes...

My style is retro! >;D Retro and neutral colours. They didn't have I had to go with the 'wild' kind of look...with the purple skinny jeans and the crazy hair and...yeah...I'm not that kind of person. I like black, but more as a colour that showcases other colours, makes other colours pop. Like if I wear beige, I'd want to wear black with it.

Besides all that business...

I've been finding SO MANY notebooks and SO MANY languages! ;3; I don't know what to choose from. But I've decided to tone it down on the languages...XD Or...tone it up? I've switched from wanting to learn so many languages to wanting to focus more on other languages.

I now have the determination to not only be fluent in Japanese but to be almost advanced as I am in English that's 16 years of studying English, then 16 more years of studying Japanese...but if I hit it hard then I could become even better and better and be able to speak like the scientists and understand what they're saying! >:D That's my determination.

And then Korean, Chinese, and Thai I'd like to be fluent in, have some knowledge of Tibetan, some of Portuguese (which is too easy since it's almost exactly like Spanish and any other latin language...), and some of Russian. I'm still thinking about if I should even start on German now, or take some German classes when I get into college...or should I take Japanese classes instead?

I really love German and Japanese...German has such a BEAUTIFUL sound and Japanese, well, I've been studying it for so long...I don't know why I like it, I just do. Since I'm already so far, why not try and reach the end? XD

I also just now realized (stupid realization) that I have an end table...XD Well, I've just been stacking things on top of it, I never knew it had I put my language notebooks in and started studying the ones I've written about and I can now count to 100 (maybe more) in Korean...but only one side of the Korean...the 'il ee sam' side, but not the 'hana...'...okay, that's all I got, that one is 'hana'....XD

So I've decided on things to study on a much studying during school times...;.;

I don't know when I'll ever do an actual picture, but I WILL be working on every aspect of drawing that I can try and work on, and I'll be doing works in art class...and I'm thinking of using one of my notebooks to write some manga...3 thumbnails a day and then 1 page a day could get me finished by Christmas break if I start now...XD I think...let's many pages would I even do!? O.o;

I need to decide on a story though...sheesh...I'm terrible at this. Now I'm leaning towards that action manga I've only barely touched on...but then I still want to do a romance manga while I'm still in high school ('cause high school drama can be best when experienced first hand...XD)...but my style has developed to a more stylistic style (*cough*) it might be better in an action manga or just an individualistic manga instead of a shoujo manga.

Hrmm...I'll think about this more.

I've been organizing SO MUCH just because my mom gave me a clip board! XD

I feel I've been posting every day (which I may have). Sorry about that, I'll stop. Next time I will try and remember to post some sketches (since that's the only thing I've been doing)!

One more thing!

Can anybody explain to me how to import pictures into manga studio debut? I know how to do it, but I don't know how big to make it to fit the whole thing in there. Every time I try it's not big enough...;m; And I have to shrink it to something it wasn't supposed to be....

Okay, bye-bye! Thank you for your time and sorry you had to read this whole thing! ;m;

Ah, not again, sketchbook

It really is sad when you use up materials...;m;

I want a sketch book just for manga stuff. I could probably do some pages quicker.

I seem to love the pencil more than the tablet...or is it just MY tablet? But then when it comes to colouring I prefer digitally. It is mostly because every time I think of what kind of medium to use, the picture in my head it really colourful, but I can't think of any medium that makes solid colours. Maybe copics, but then again, it doesn't always come out as colourful and you have work REALLY quickly, but you can still see some spots missing...>3>

I like solid colours. Not exactly sure why, though...O.o;

I've been looking through some famous artists' sketches and I'm very surprised at how they look. I prefer most of the sketches to their actual art (most of the time), but I'm also surprised that their art isn't as accurate, I guess? All this time I've been looking at my sketches in despair just because mine didn't look 'accurate enough'...but it all has to do with the use of line...So I shouldn't worry THAT much over it...but still, looking at my me sketches show more of the artist than the finished pieces (unless they're a really good painter or something), so if my sketches aren't good than I have to make them better and better.

I'm still quite pissed about the whole 'manga isn't art' thing...and I have been also bothered by my decision to do AP Drawing instead of AP entire class is doing AP Design, but I chose to do AP Drawing since I did it last year...and I don't understand what the difference is...but the to me the difference is that AP Drawing is boring and AP Design is fun...or it's that AP Design is the concept and AP Drawing is the execution.

So this year's art class is more stressful than last year's.

Oh, I know I shouldn't be saying this, or even thinking this...but it is sorta true. My friend was an OKAY artist and she got to go to a special school for art students (only person from my school to go even though some of us applied, like me, and even my friend who is an AMAZING artist didn't get in...we felt there was something fishy with it) and when she came back she brought all the sketches she had done for projects and stuff...and...nothing really fact she kinda lost some of her good edge to art...So I don't think I want to go to that school thing anymore. I feel like it's almost like a scam or something...except it's free...'orz

But I keep hearing about students getting scholarships to art schools just because they went to that special art school thingy...and I don't see why. I thought she'd come back and surprise us (in a good way), but she ended up surprising us (actually me, I don't know how everyone else felt) in a bad way...'orz

Oh, back to that 'manga isn't art' thing...I've noticed that most manga artists or people who draw in that style art more accurate in their drawings and more realistic most of the time, they also have stronger use of lines and so many other I don't know why it isn't thought of as art. I kind of feel that they're leaning towards the abstract the Count of Monte Cristo they keep talking about how the Americans have such a bad style and that the Impressionist style can't be art because it isn't realistic...XD What a change!

I feel like doing Death Note or DOGs fan art right now (or just drawing anything), but my pencil so so SO dull...XD I'm too lazy to sharpen it...

Do you guys want me to show you all my sketches? I have TONS! I'd have to post them in my drafts since I can only post once at a time on here...XD

I can sketch a lot nowadays, but I can't seem to get myself to do a finished picture. I can't think of anything. I guess it's like with my stories. I can't stay with the concept long enough to finish it...or even get started on it...'orz

Oh...and NO FAIR JAPAN! ;m;

It's AAA merchandise...;m; IT'S TOO CUTE! I want it all! And it's surprisingly not that expensive! But I can't buy it because I'm not there and BLAH! WAI! TT^TT It also comes with really cute bows and all this jewelry that's only like 600 yen...Why don't they have such adorable merchandise here? They just print things with people's faces on them...not creative at all. But, I saw an Iconiq shirt and...HOLY CRAP! All it was, was this plain grey shirt that didn't even look that good even on the model with a little chain thingy on the side...and it was EXPENSIVE 3000 yen...for a crappy looking shirt? No, no, that's ridiculous. I mean, most shirts are around 3000 yen, I guess, but still...not for that shirt, no no no...

Oh! This is something I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to know!

Who are your favourite artists? (On DA, here, anywhere!)



I'm actually pretty happy right now (BECAUSE IT'S THE WEEKEND! FINALLY! ;m; Such long first days! No, not really...XD). My mom ordered some eco friendly school supplies, but none of it is what I actually need. I mean, it is, but the notebook is too small for me to use for any of my classes (hardly any paper....O.o;) and the note cards are blank on both sides...

But those two reasons are also very good because that means I can use the note cards as flip cards for learning characters in Korean and Japanese (which I'm DETERMINED to do). I'm not doing Chinese...that'd be liike 1,000 cards...O.o; Don't have THAT many cards! XD And the notebook is just right for me to use for another language to study.

I just realized I don't have very many pages left in my Japanese notebook...I really need to organize which is my Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Russian, etc. notebooks...O.o;

Besides that my mom said that on Sunday I can go shopping for shoes and go to an ice cream shop~! ^ ^ Both things I've been wanting to do for a VERY LONG TIME. Well, I like my shoes now, but they hurt my feet and I can't run in them.

I don't know what I want, but I'm more of a window shopper when it comes to shoes. And by that I don't really mean a literal window shopper. I just need to see the shoes in real life for me to decide...I tried getting some from Zappos (sorry Zappos! ;m;), but none of them particularly appealed to me...or they did, but I couldn't really imagine what they would look like on my feet.

Oh yeah...why is Super Junior M, which stands for MANDARIN, singing in JAPANESE!? I thought the whole point of Super Junior was to appeal to Mandarin speaking regions...O.o; I just find that weird, not wrong, just weird...XD

One more thing that is completely random...I was watching The Book of Eli yesterday (since the director is going to do...Akira? I don't remember...some movie I was waiting for)...of course, it was terrible, but I noticed it is the OPPOSITE of Water World! XD Where Water World is all about land being really important because there's so much water around the world, The Book of Eli is about water being really important because there's too much land around the world...XD I wonder if they meant to do that?

Okay, bye-bye~!

Um...Um...Um...I CAN'T CHOOSE! TT^TT

Bring them all on Ellen~!

I heard that Ellen might have some Kpop artist on her show and that people are voting for their favourites on her youtube page....BUT, I don't understand anything about it...except what I heard/read...

But really, I wouldn't care if anybody went on! Just not SNSD...I don't like SNSD. Though I do like Jessica and Taeyeon...but those are some of the only members I like. >3>

Apparently they're winning FOR NOW, but I do see 2NE1 winning in the end because their videos on youtube have the most views...and y'know, that's usually how the world goes when it comes to popularity.

I really want them all on! ;m; Maybe with all the people voting she will realize how many Kpop fans they are and then start getting them on more...

Whatev' I'm gonna DEFINITELY watch that episode if it ever airs...;m;

Oh! I had my first day of school today. It was pretty boring...nothing that big happened except that I didn't get any classes or lunch period with my best friend so I only see her in the hallway...;m; But I at least have lunch with my other best friend. And my other other best friend and my friend who's uncle lives next to me are in my first period~! :D

But all that I haven't had classes with most of my friends...Art is fine, it's just big...and filled with a lot of people I don't like, but it's not like I'm ever going to talk to them. We may be in the same room, but all the times I've been in the room I've only kept to my table (for the most part)...>3>

I'm tired...blah...Bye-bye! Gonna go watch 2NE1...-.-

This makes me happy

I was just going to show that map, but you wouldn't know that it was Super Junior's Mr. Simple for sure.

Look at that map. It makes me so happy that Super Junior has so much influence over so much of the world~! <333 I seem to be constantly checking back at this video...mostly because I keep listening to the song! XD

I'm happy for Super Junior's popularity. I'm happy for any group that I love's popularity.

Oi see all that stuff I have open! XD It's not really at lot of tabs, it's just really random that I have two of the same pages in my tabs...O.o; I...should probably close the other one, but for some reason I don't want to...

I finished my homework and my mom found some paint! I'll do some painting tomorrow! I also had some mint gum so I'm happy~! I had some nostalgic Cap'n Crunch...the peanut butter kind. Yeah, I don't like that stuff anymore...O.o; I don't really like peanut butter too much anymore (for some reason).

Sorry for the random post! XD Bye-bye! ^ ^