- Created By Wakusei Aoshi
Weeaboo Test
Stolen from my friend who I never talk to even though she updates often...I just never have anything to say...I feel bad...'orz
[x] You've seen at least one anime.
[x] You've read at least one manga.
[ ] You watch anime/read manga on a regular basis.
[x] You think that anime and western cartoons are two separate things.
[x] You're in anime club.
[x] You've cosplayed at least once.
[x] You counted Halloween costumes from when you were a kid as cosplay. (Well, I DID do Haku...sooo...yeah)
[x] You cosplay in public.
[x] You've been to at least one anime convention.
[x] You cosplayed there.
[x] You traveled more than 200 miles to get there.
[x] You like Japanese food.
[x] You like any of the following in particular: sushi, Pocky, cheap ramen, ramune.
[x] You know that sushi isn't just raw fish.
[ ] You've made bento lunch.
[ ] You've made a charabento.
[ ] You go to the Asian shop on a regular basis.
[ ] You've actually been to Japan.
[ ] You've been to Japan solely for the anime, video games or idols.
[x] You're learning/know Japanese.
[ ] You're learning it to watch anime without subtitles.
[ ] You have Japanese blood.
[ ] You CLAIM to have Japanese blood.
[x] You're in love with a fictional character made by Japanese people. (Wait...what kind of love are you talking about 'cause I love everyone in different kinds of love...O.o;)
[ ] You claim you're married to said fictional character. (Gah, I hate it when people say this. It makes no sense! TT^TT)
[x] Anime is so much better than western cartoons. (Well...really...I have yet to see anything with that great of animation and that intriguing of stories and western cartoons I never take seriously. Though Flapjack is WONDERFUL it's no Steins;gate)
[ ] You call all cartoons anime.
[y] Anyone who hates anime is dead to you. (I put 'y' because if you HATE anime then there's no way we're getting along, but if you have no opinion then I don't care too much)
[x] You call characters by their original Japanese names (They're more fun! I like pronouncing things in different languages!)
[x] You call characters by their romaji spelling (XD...Sometimes, yes, it depends on how fun it is to say their name. Like Ashu Kurimison is fun, but I think Sieru Fantomhaibu would not be so fun to say...or type...O.o;)
[ ] You defend Pearl Harbour.
[ ] You think Pearl Harbour's a new anime that just started airing in Japan.
[ ] You think Japan is the greatest country on Earth. (No such thing as the greatest country on earth.)
[ ] You think that just because they make the best media.
[x] You listen to J-music. (I listen to music of the world, but I find the best (for me) to be Japanese! It just has such a nice sound to it...X3)
[x] Exclusively. (Excluding America 'cause I have yet to hear anything that good...except from some bands that I don't remember...but then again, any American songs I like turn out to be German or something...>3>)
[x] You know that it's pronounced "Gakuto" and not "Gackt". (But I call him 'Gackt' because when I say 'Gakuto' I say it in a man's voice...O.o;)
[x] You can name all the Vocaloids. (I guess...*shrugs* What kind of vocaloids are you talking about because it they're just the regular ones that's easy, but all the INSANE. Too many vocaloids and utauloids! TT^TT)
[ ] You like Hetalia. (Not really...they made it so that you can't make a personified Japan or something and be thought of as creative or even get respect...>3>)
[ ] You think Japan is the best character.
[ ] You wear items of anime-related clothing in public. (I hardly wear anything in public, and by that I mean that all my clothes are plain black versions of something that could have a design....'orz)
[y] You play only Japanese videogames/watch Japanese shows/eat Japanese food. (I only play Japanese videogames because I have yet to find a game not Japanese that I love...unless...some of the games I rarely think of are not Japanese...but all American games are crap! THAR! I HATE FPS's...they're boring and scary...;m;)
[y] You use Japanese honorifics. (When I'm referring to somebody japanese that I respect or if I'm talking to one of my friends that I've given a nickname)
[ ] To refer to yourself
[ ] Your entire room is full of anime merchandise. (I wish...>3> I don't have anything! My room is PLAIN! I am PLAIN!..."orz)
[ ] You changed your name to something Japanese. (Wha!? I'll wait 'till I get to Japan for that! Nah, nah, I like to abuse the power of my name! >:D Except I'm not a fan of my last name...)
[ ] Legally.
[ ] You want to give your kid a Japanese name.
[ ] You want to name your kid after an anime character. (;m; DON'T DO THAT YOUR POOR CHILD! Give them a cool name. I hate that people name their children after characters from TV shows...>3>)
[y] You've considered having surgery to look oriental. (One of those on and off thoughts...but I don't think I'd actually want to do that because I feel that any sort of plastic surgery would make me look weird...except to fix this part on my nose that bothers me 'cause it's just a hole and I want to fill it! TT^TT)
[ ] You've had it done.
[y] You stalk the Japanese exchange students. (I wouldn't say stalk...I'm just usually friends with foreign students...O.o;)
[ ] You've been arrested for doing so. (Ohoho! XD Some of these are just hilarious! XD)
[y] You use memes in daily conversation. (Sometimes but rarely. Actually...this might be a 'no' since I don't remember doing so.)
[x] You watch abridged series. (I don't know what that is...but from what wiki says I guess so...O.o;)
[x] You get most of the jokes.
[x] You use tildes while typing~ (Haha! XD Totalleh~! :D)
[x] You use Japanese emoticons (They make actual faces! I mean...who wouldn't use them!? I don't like smilies, though...)
[ ] You make attempt to Japanese sounding by the Engrish typing. (Wha!?)
[ ] You claim you're Japanese on your dA/Facebook/Myspace/whatever. (I did when I was little...I think...No, only on neopets...XD But that was like 7 year old little)
[x] You're not.
[x] You're not even Asian. (100% White and the majority Northern European...which TOTALLY SUCKS! Sheesh, give some pity the white guys who have no cool origins...>3> George Washington doesn't count, he gets cancelled out by the freaking Pilgrims...)
[ ] If you're Asian, you think doing Japanese stuff helps you get in touch with your heritage.
[ ] And you're not even Japanese.
[x] People call you a weeaboo. (My brother calls me a weeaboo, and he made his friends do it, too...)
[x] You prefer the term otaku. (Weeaboos are people who WANT to be Japanese I don't WANT to be Japanese, I just want to be a citizen...actually, I want to be a citizen of the world but that's not possible so I'll have to decide with whichever country I love the most. SUCH A HARD DECISION! ;m;)
[y] You break out into Caramelldansen in public. (Not break out, and I only do it when we're talking about how to do it...XD)
[ ] You want to date a Japanese person. (Uhh...not specifically. I'd date anyone if I like them. It doesn't matter what ethnicity they are.)
[ ] No other nationality will do.
[x] You watched Naruto.
[ ] You wear the headbands.
[ ] Every day.
[ ] You're bitching at me because they're properly called "forehead protectors"
[ ] You bought said headban- erm FOREHEAD PROTECTOR at Hot Topic. (Haha! XD My friends all have their own...'orz)
[ ] You act out scenes from the show. (Mr friends do...)
[ ] FFVII is the best game ever.
[ ] Sephiroth is yours.
[ ] Kingdom Hearts is awesome.
[ ] AxelxRoxas is KAWAII DESU NE~~~!!1
[ ] You wish you owned a real Death Note.
[y] Touhou rocks your life. (I like the designs, but I'm not particularly obsessed like my brother is.)
[x] Anime dubs are the spawn of Satan. (Yeah, when they're done TERRIBLY WRONG or when the only good voice actors voice EVERYONE and don't even try to change their voice. By the way, I think Barry Pepper would be a SPLENDID voice actor)
[ ] Vic Miginola is God. (Spelled wrong...and I never knew who he was until I went to an anime convention...I still don't think I've heard his dubs yet...)
[ ] It's seiiiyu, not voice actor. (No, it's voice actor. We're talking about AMERICAN voice actors so we should use an English word. Japanese voice actors are seiyuu. Again, it's spelled wrong..."orz)
[ ] You use gratuitous Japanese all the time.
[ ] You add "desu" to the end of every sentence.
[ ] The only thing you draw is anime.
[ ] All your friends also like anime. (Most of them...but I also have a lot that don't even know what it is.)
[x] You want to become a mangaka. (Not giving up on meh dreams, mon! >:0)
[x] In Japan. (Can't be a mangaka unless you're in Japan. OEL manga artists aren't mangaka, again, because of my rule about seiyuu)
[ ] Most of your manga/anime is hentai. (;m; Nuuu....)
[ ] You know that "hentai" doesn't mean "porn" (What? It doesn't? Well, it sure looks like it. But I don't spend much of my time trying to figure out what's porn and what's not...O.o;)
[ ] You write fanfics for English class. (I was going to, but I was put straight by my old English teacher)
[ ] Yaoi fanfics. (Ohoho...XD Never done those before.)
[ ] You know nothing about Japanese culture except for anime, videogames, idols, music, porn and schoolgirls. (That would be terrible. No, I have to learn about the country's history and culture before I can say anything about them...)
[y] Everyone says you have no life. (The people who really have no life tell me this. The people who spend as long as I do on the internet just checking facebook non-stop and the people who do nothing but go and hang out at their friends house. I don't consider that life...and what is this 'having a life' how do you 'have a life'? Everyone's life is different.)
[ ] And it's true.
0-10: You probably hate Japan. You're not a weeaboo at all, not even close.
10-20: You like SOME Japanese things but, still not a weeaboo.
20-30: At this stage you probably still hate weeaboos. Good news- you're not one.
30-40: You keep your love of Japanese stuff sensible. (Haha! Take that everyone who calls me a weeaboo and the top weeaboo! I don't obsess over things as much as I seem to...compared to other people)
40-50: You're very likely a Japanophile, but you're not as annoying as a full-blown weeaboo.
50-60: You're not a weeaboo just yet, but try and moderate it.
60-70: Weeaboo.
70-80: Please stop it!!!!!!
101: Insane asylum tiems.
Berryz Koubou, another Roly Poly
L-lingerie?! I like the song better than most that they've been doing, but why's Berryz Koubou getting into the 'sexy' image!? I mean, Risako's still like 17 or 16...But despite thinking of it as lingerie, I really like their clothes! X3
I wouldn't have posted this even it weren't for it seeming like a totally different song. It's a remix of a song with a different music video. But it's still Roly Poly...
Don't be afraid of the dark
...I'm not...but I'm afraid of that movie...;w;
I had a terrible nightmare about it. I just looked up the plot because I saw that it was directed by Guillermo Del Toro and I thought I heard about it before, so I read it to see if I recognized anything and I didn't...but it was scary thinking about it.
So I had a terrible nightmare that I'd like to share! It includes zombies...'cause all of my nightmares include zombies...'orz
I don't remember how it started buy I remember there were a bunch of people in some room with windows everywhere on a the navigation area maybe, and this one girl kept freaking out about how at night it will get really dark so we can close any window blinds or something. But then they for some reason closed by themselves and these mutant zombie toddlers came out of nowhere and started attacking us and we had to fight them off. It was terrible! ;m; Actually, not as bad as the rest of the dream...XD I was relieved every time one of them went away...
Then I guess they went away and the lights turned on so we started searching the ship for...something...O.o; Finding out where they came from? And each time we went into a room there was something freaky in there like an adult mutant zombie or somebody being impaled or something grotesque. I think we were playing some game (I keep saying 'we' even though I wasn't in it, I had that feeling that I was...but I was somebody else with a different personality). Then we went into one room and the lights turned off and we were attacked again, but by the adult mutant zombies and we somehow escaped into the library (my small group) while many of the people in the other groups were eaten. ;m;
So we were safe except for whenever the lights would turn off and some mutant toddler zombies would come. Then somehow I had contact with the captain or the creator of this terrible experience and he found out I was a writer so he wanted me to write an entertaining story for him, but he was an extreme sadist so I had to come up with something terrible but I couldn't come up with anything so he let me free for one day so I could think more instead of being under all that pressure, but he would watch me and if I didn't then something bad would happen to me. So I returned home and then woke up...
WHAT A TERRIBLE TIME TO WAKE UP! Now I feel like I have to go write that grotesque story for him...TT^TT
Just wanted to share that 'cause it was strange.
Like a mixture of the above movie, 999, and....something else. I keep having dreams where I'm stuck in a house on a small island or in a ship in the middle of the ocean or something where I'm stranded with lots of zombies...TT^TT Why zombies!?
And then after having that terrible dream I watch Nostalgia Critic and he was making a joke about how scary this one frame was, which it really was, so he put that in on a clip of Don't Be Afraid of the Dark and I almost cried! TT^TT
What a coincidence...but I wish he didn't do that...uggg...
Today is a good day, though, since it's Wednesday and Steins;gate, Nostalgia Critic, and B1A4 VS Block B new episodes come out today~! :D
My mom and I bought Churro cereal...O.o; I haven't tried it yet, but I want to try it soon. We have a rule where we only buy cereal under $3.00 and without corn syrup and surprisingly that one won...It's by the makers of Cinnamon Toast crunch, too...O.O
Go try it if you ever see it at walmart! XD
Twi-light, Nerd Head, anime MVs
Somebody made a point about that they're going to have a hard time releasing this group at the same time as Suju's comeback, so I do feel bad about that. I also feel bad that this bores me...;m; I hope it doesn't bore you. I wish the greatest for this band, but I have a feeling that they won't go very far...
It's short. Just a taste of Nerd Head.
Just decided to post this 'cause they're good songs. If you like one I'm sure they've posted the video. These are interesting to just watch.
Super Junior - Mr. Simple = Insta smile
I thought it was going to be a ballad from those teasers...HOLY CRAPPPPP!! I love this TO DEATH! <333
I REALLY can't wait for the music video and the dance! ;w;
I'm...SOOOOO HAPPY right now with such an AMAZING SONG! I've never heard something so awesome...;w;
I wanna buy the album...but I don't think I have the money..."orz *despair* *despair* Unless I paint the doors! >:D I'll beg my mom to let me buy it, too, 'cause she usually doesn't let me buy from any other place besides, Barnes&Nobles, and sometimes from the wii...
I think they'd be one of the few I would buy until Maki Goto comes out with her new ablum and blahhh..."orz NO MONEY! Nah, I'll just buy Suju's. As much as I love all these other artists, I LOVE ALL THEIR SONGS IN THIS ALBUM! ;w; I love AAA, but there are some songs I don't like in their albums and little things like that, but I would buy this album...TOTALLY! Only time I've ever felt like that!
I wish for the day when the prices are lower, though...;w;
Why have people illegally downloaded music more these days? Because the prices for supporting their loved groups IS RIDICULOUS! My parents keep telling me stories about how they used to go to concerts all the every saturday or whatever even if they didn't really like or know the band, now it costs $50 and up and then the CDs...I dunno how much they cost back then, but it sounds like it is a ton more than it is now.
And have you guys SEEN any CD stores lately? I think they should have on in every town that way they can lower the prices or something...It all just feels so out of reach...WAAAIII! TT^TT Sell it as at a reasonable price. They should know that what we are buying isn't totally practical and is just for entertainment...I think they should sell them for...$10-$20 because they're like books. You have the writers, the editors, the publishers, the illustrators, and everything else and you get a book for liike $20 or so...With music you have the singers, the writers, all the people that go into mixing and remixing, photography and all that jazz...Books have photography, I don't see the problem here...
Or is it that I'm picky with prices and don't have that much money to spend? XD