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Comparing...and other things...>.>

Okie, so I listened to ALL of Gackt's songs, and ALL of Acid Black Cherry's songs (there weren't much...XD)...and I've come to a conclusion of who sings better (in my opinion):

Acid Black Cherry's Yasu

Sorry Gackt, but most of your songs are boring love songs...>.> He has this weird wavy singing voice that gets annoying pretty easily, and his voice is ALWAYS deep, while Yasu's is high-pitched AND deep! So Yasu wins! But don't hate me Gackt fans! Gackt is still prettier, but they both have those weird jaws/cheeks that are all bony, stick out, and make them look like monkeys...

I've decided it'll be fun to give my 360 characters voices! So I'm gonna go edit some voices of some singers to make them sound like how I'd like my characters to sound...and maybe post some kinda video...or something...on youtube...or something...O.o

'nyways, that's my plan. So I'm either going to edit Yasu's voice or Gackt's voice for Kiyoshi's, and then I'll try to design the other characters!



So, as you know, I've been watching avexnetwork's many videos...and I've found some I like and I'll just share some things.

First of all...

Okay, so this really blew me away! No, it's not that the music is good or anything...or the dancing (which is pretty simple and not wowing), but THE PEOPLE IN IT!! They're just like my characters Aika, Cho, Mitsuko, and Mariko from my manga 360. They're just like a imagined!

The one with the braided side of her hair is like Mitsuko.
The one with the long hair would be like Aika.
The short one is like Cho.
And the main sing is like Mariko.

The only thing is...their voices aren't exactly like them. Just give the girl who looks like Cho Mariko's voice, the girl who looks like Mitsuko Cho's voice, And the girl who looks like Mariko Aika's voice...wait...then what would the girl who looks like Aika's voice be...lets see....the girl who looks like Mitsuko's voice! ^ ^ Anyways, that's really strange...O.o

Anyways, I've finally found some good singers! ^ ^ I've begun to like this one J-rock band called Acid Black Cherry! THE SINGER'S VOICE IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!! Actually...not beautiful, it's youthful, and I love it! ^ ^

But I mostly like the ones I already like, Every Little Thing, and Acid Black Cherry. I also kinda like erhhhmm...what was it called? Do as Infinity! ^ ^

YOU GUYS HAVE TO CHECK OUT THOSE GUYS!!! To make it simple, I'll just list the avex people you should listen to on youtube:

Sweet Black feat. Maki Goto
BoA Kwon (more like watch, LOVE the dances moves)
Acid Black Cherry
Do As Infinity
Aural Vampire
Every Little Thing
Jurian Beat Crisis
Alan Dawa Dolma

And that's all I can remember right now....I like some other people, but first of all, I can't read their Kanji names, and second of all, I only like on song so far...>.>

Just watched another was of a boy band...and they were all wearing tie-dyed shirts and colorful pants, and the video looked like something from the 80's or something, but they're in the today style so it was soooo hard to take them seriously when they sung! XD

Well...that's all I can think of...I think I should draw something tomorrow...I was just waiting for candy all day! XD

Boy Bands...>.>

Oh yeah! And tomorrow's halloween! XD

First off, I decided not to go to the anime convention which I've been planning so long (but my mom scolded me for not planning...even though I did...I just didn't know the schedule, which wasn't my fault since the schedule was never posted until two days before the convention). None of my friends can come anymore, they're too busy because of Halloween, and my other friend WON'T PICK UP THE PHONE! I told her I'd call her, but every phone number she's given me goes straight to that voice message thing...>.> I'd try right now, but she said her bed time is like 8:00 or something....O.o

Anyways! At least I got to wear my costume at school! ^ ^ Everbody asked me who I was so I just said ,"I'm a character of a character." And they kinda just got quiet, but some of them asked me what that meant, and I just repeated that. Because really, Amulet Spade is the character of a character! Anyways, only THREE people knew who I was...Well, one of course knew who I was, she has a Tadase keychain! And then the other was her twin sister, and then the other was some random girl that's in my art class...She asked me if I was that little artist character thing from that one show with the girl and the pink hair....or something like that, and yeah, that's close enough. I don't know how to pronounce the name, so when people asked me ,"Seriously, what anime is your character from?" I still couldn't tell them! XD

Lemme tell you about the other people who dressed up! ^ ^ One of my friends dress up as Bill Clinton, but it didn't look like him because the mask puffs out when you wear it! And then another was V from V for Vendetta. Then two my friends wore the same costume! XD They had no clue and they were really mad when they noticed that! ^ ^; And then another one was a hole-punched version of themselves from the American Office...remember the Halloween episode with Jim as a hole-punched version of himself? Then the twins (who should be models!) were Death Note characters, one was L (the one with short hair) and the other was Misa Misa (the one with long blonde you'd know! XD Just describing them). SHE REALLY LOOKED LIKE MISA MISA!! And my friend who was L coincidentally ate all her food at lunch like L, I kept noticing that, I think she did it by accident! XD She gave me a rice ball! 'twas my first rice ball! ^ ^

And that's about all the interesting costumes....OH! Actually, somebody dressed up as a pun...I mean, when you say DRESS UP, he actually dressed up all fancy and stuff! XD

And onto the main topic! BOY BANDS! Well...actually, I just saw a singer that I'd like to talk about, too! XD

I've been watching videos from avexnetwork's channel on youtube and some of those singers...well, they're to be talked about. First I find this boy band where they're all extremely beautiful pretty-boys, and when I say pretty-boys, I mean stereo-typical pretty-boys! None of them could sing, well, the only one who COULD sing was the ugliest! O.o

Then another band had really good singers, but they were all ugly! By ugly, I mean no pretty-boyish and more back-street boyish....I don't think N-sync or the Back Street Boys were pretty...>.>

And I just saw this other one...which I can't find anything about them on wiki, but it the singer is dancing like Micheal Jackson and he's dressed as Micheal Jackson...I mean, compared to a person who actually dances like him, BoA, HE WAS CRAP!! He looked so silly and fake it and looked really embarrassing! ONLY BOA CAN BE MICHEAL JACKSON!! If ya don't believe me, check this out:

Still trying to learn that dance...>.>

My brother introduced me to Mastodon...not literally! And I actually like their music....O.o

Sooo...I've been watching avex videos and picking out my favorites. So far I like this one band....where the girl has short hair....O.o I dunno, but she is very hyper and it's really fun! ^ ^ And then there's another one called Do As Infinity, which I've always liked. Their music is sooooo good and the singing is sooo nice!! And the same for Every Little Thing....which I get confused with sometimes because I think of it the same way! X3

Well...that's enough for now....I'm getting tired.....and the wind is really picking up...and American Dad's almost on! ^ ^


Random stuff! X3 should I start? Erhhhmmm...let's see....

Well, today I felt really sick, and I suspect that my school's food made me sick because yesterday was the only day I've ever eaten their food! So I'm no longer going to have lunch at the school (plus it's only like 4 hours after I had already eaten, not to mention the school is really disgusting...asbestos...).

OH! Speaking of my school's sickening lunch, let me tell you ABOUT my school. Apparently the school is finally getting money from taxes or something and they're making it like a finally decision of the students and people to make on making a new school. WE NEED A NEW SCHOOL!! A lot of people are saying we just need a renovation, but then we'd need A LOT of renovations!! THE TOP FLOOR IS FALLING APART!!! People are telling me that the floor's made out of cement, it's not going to fall, well then how come the art room's ceiling is collapsing!? There's water damage EVERYWHERE in this school! And the school's air is very disgusting I can NEVER breathe in that school! And there's gum everywhere and TONS of bacteria everywhere...soooo...yeahhh...we REALLY need a new school. Plus the bathrooms, the stalls are REALLY small so you can see over everyone, the sinks don't work, and the plumbing is really bad. PLUS none of the air conditioners work, well, they do, but then they start making very loud sounds and then making strange smells and leaking. The school is really old, too. Everyone was joking how they're probably just going to repaint it and say that it's fixed! XD The teacher also asked us what we'd want, and a lot of us joked saying a school with oxygen in it! XD

'nother thing to talk about! My planning! So I plan to play video games (and do homework) on weekends and draw on weekdays because I've been wanting to play more video games!! But I really want to draw, sadly when I get home one weekends I can't draw! TT^TT So I think this'll really work on my drawing improvement, overworking doesn't benefit me...just makes me improve slower...>.>

ALSO! I'm just going to say this! I've come to like yaoi, yuri, all forms of love more! Why?'s actually not in manga, I was watching That '70's Show and I saw that episode again today where Eric befriends that really rich kid and is always hanging out with him, and the rich kid takes it the wrong way and kisses him! I thought that was the cutest couple ever! ^ ^ I dunno...maybe because the other actor really fit the character, and they kinda looked alike or something...I don't know what it was, but it was the cutest pairing ever! LOVE THAT EPISODE! X3

And did I tell you how much I love AAA? I think they're now my favorite band! ^ ^ I just love everything about them! Love their singing, awesome rapping (love Mitsuhiro Hidaka's voice when he raps), awesome dancing, awesome clothes, awesome style, and not to mention awesome hair! At school, a lot of people know that I like Japanese things, and they're always telling me about how awesome their hair is, and I always tell them about AAA's different hairstyles! I also drew a picture of them, and this one girl was like ,"OMIGOSH!! THEIR HAIR IS AWESOME!!" 'cause their hair IS awesome! ^ ^


Contest, challenges, anime convention, where'd October go!?

Seriously, October has felt like only a week, I thought it was the 10th...but it's now the 20th!! TT.TT So I'm afraid I might not be able to enter some contests and challenges. But I MUST enter yuumei's Go Green Contest! I have an idea for that one...but the other ones I said I'd enter...I might not be able to enter (except for the Lolita/Visual Kei one, that gives me a lot of time! ^ ^).

I've been working on my costume, I've had a lot of club stuff (finally got to see my best friend after like 6 months), LOOONG homework, and other such things. I haven't been able to draw at all...except over on the weekend I had a TERRIBLE art block and was really tired, so all I did over the weekend was play videogames (they are <333) mostly Sonic (DX and Adventure 2: Battle), Mario Sunshine, and Harvest Moon: ToT.

I'm probably gonna have some videogame fanart, BoA fanart, and other such, after saying this I'll probably not put up any fanart! XD

ALSO! Another style! Yes! It's all thanks to me drawin' BoA! XD It's like a mixture of manhwa and manga...with a touch of realism...But I doubt I could draw like that on the computer. I'm probably going to start drawing in pencil, scanning it, then coloring over that on photoshop because I LOVE textures, but I'm having a hard time with textures in photoshop...not with SAI....but my mom won't let me get SAI (it requires a paypal account, and she hates paypal...TT.TT)...TT.TT

'nyways! Off to finish doing my daily stuff, it's almost 10:00 pm and I'M SOOO TIRED!! OH! I was on here for HOURS planning a trip to Japan...but it's a fake trip for school, but I never knew it'd take me so long...O.O