*sniff* Last Episode *sniff*

HOLY CRAP!! I just watched the last two episodes of Mitsuganae, the only other two episodes I've ever cried during. But the last episode I cried in was episode 14, and only for a few seconds afterward. Episode 25, I CRIED DURING THE WHOLE THING!! It was about Yuzuki's REAL life. Her father was a bus driver, I think, and his break didn't work one day and he crashed into another bus and I think everyone died. So then they blame it on him saying that he was drunk or something. So then everyone avoided them, and then her mother got really sick and I can't explain the rest...Umm, no spoilers or anything, I just can't explain it!!

I'll probably make TONS of wallpapers of the last episode. They had some really good scenes!! I hope there's a 4th season! TT.TT

Oh! I drew a picture based off of the last episode:

It's of Enma Ai, crying.

Also, my mom keeps yelling at me to write some 3 minute story for NPR or whatever. The problem is, I DON'T WANT TO WIN!! It's some contest thing and the winner gets to read their story and get interviewed on NPR....which I don't want to do since I'm bad at talking...-.- Especially if it's something I wrote...Or being interviewed, I get stuck A LOT. It's all really annoying! So, yeah, I don't want to write the story, nor do I want to enter, nor do I WANT TO WIN!!! TT.TT
