How Many Anime Series are there (part 2):

I'M DONE! Geez, why didn't people do this instead, it was really easy. Well, actually I just went on wiki and counted all the anime they listed from '60's to 2010...I'm not sure if that counts, but there were a lot of repeats and any anime that isn't on wiki would be those that I counted more than once or are movies, so my number is just a rough estimate kinda:

So how many are there?: 3243

WOOOOW!! Isn't that a lot!? Anime turns out not to be very old...O.O

After looking at all of these, I've decided to watch the most recent anime shows! ^ ^ This was I can catch up with the popular anime and whatever, and then I could say if it's good or not and have a deep opinion! And I can say that I saw such and such anime when it first appeared on the internet! ^ ^ Haha! Nuuu!! Don't steal meh plan peoples!! Why did I tell you!?

Anyways...that's about it...I'm probably going to go have dinner and then go watch a movie or whatever...OH! How many are there in the 2000's?:


YEP! Okay, so....I'm gonna go check out what anime shows are new and see if I wanna watch any of them...
