
I'M SOOOO TIRED!! I have hardly slept, well, not really slept. I've gone to bad at 9:00 pm, and then I wake up at 6:00 am, but I'm still ridiculously tired! TT.TT

Anyways, a lot of things (actually only two things) about art! We have to draw profiles in art! O.O Yes, sounds easy (I's like a profile master, just kidding, but the proportions and everything are usually correct...I mean, the shape part, not the face part), but we got to choose from two people. A girl and boy. My teacher told me that I should do the boy one since I usually do girls, and it looks much easier, but....>.> HE'S FACE TO THE RIGHT!!! TT.TT I can't draw it like that, they can only face to the right. I have a problem about draw the things on my right wrong, so I usually draw them towards the left, or facing to the left...>.> So I'll try, but I'm pretty sure my won't end up right. I can't figure out how to make the proportions right on mine!! TT.TT

Also, I've started reading Ilegenes, Pandora Hearts (probably going to skip to where I am in it, instead of reading the whole thing), and Kuroshitsuji...But my computer starting running slow, and then for some reason I couldn't find Kuroshitsuji anymore, so I just stopped reading it to type this since it was all messed up a few seconds ago...But it seems pretty good...but nothing I'm finding is ridiculously funny (well, Ilegenes isn't supposed to be funny).

Over the weekend (after I finish my science project) I'm going to go find a manga that I've never heard of, I mean, look for an good unpopular manga to support. Why would I want to do this? Because every good artist needs love! If their story is ridiculously good, but they are REALLY not popular, then somebody needs to love them! Plus, they're probably trying to earn some money and need money to live! So, if I can buy it in America, some time, I'll definitely buy it! But if I can't buy it in America, then I'll just support it by recommending it to people and doing fan art (though...Hell Girl still isn't as popular as I'd like...I feel that I'm am the only person who loves it so much...still have not met a person on the internet who loves it as creepily as I do...O.o...>.>)

I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO BREAK DOWN!!! Everyday I get on the internet and listen to AAA's Break Down the entire time!!! It's just so good and it never gets old, and I love looking at it!!

Another topic to remind us of! J-pop 101...yeah...I haven't posted much on there because none of the j-pop artists I've posted on there are having new singles, or I can't find them on youtube...sooo...I'll have to go search through my list of music to find j-pop artists that I like that I should recommend...I'll probably post something on Kotoko (I can't help it, the sound of her music attracts me...but I hate her voice, no offense, but it gets way too old).

Also! STRANGE THINGS I NEVER KNEW ABOUT MUSIC!! Seriously, I never knew that really popular song "Butterfly" was Swedish! And, what confused me the most, CAPTAIN JACK IS GERMAN!!! If you don't know what they are, a lot of their songs are on DDR. I've always thought Captain Jack was American...never German....it's...just so hard to accept...So now I don't have ANY favorite American singer, maybe Micheal Jackson, but I just like his dancing...we need more great American dancing singers like him...>.>

I'm still trying to figure out about my manga...I need to improve my art, and then figure out how my mangas will start. I'm changing 360's beginning, it's kinda random and happens to fast (I have a problem of making things happen too fast)....

Well, gotta go! Bye-bye! ^ ^
