Okie, so I posted this on my J-Pop 101 World, and I didn't have enough time to type anything. And since there's SOOOO much to say about this video, I'll just post it here! ^ ^

First off, in the beginning I couldn't hear a word that Hidaka Mitsuhiro was saying, all I heard was ,"Eeee! Eeee-eeeee!!" which...is rather odd. And he was saying something, but I couldn't understand it! I mean, yeah, I don't understand Japanese, but I can repeat simple sounds that they say...but he kinda just sounded like he was inhaling and exhaling, which you can't really sing to...unless it's like ,"Ahh! Ahh!" like in some of Maki Goto's songs.

Another thing, THE RANDOMNESS OF THE VIDEO! I mean, I understand that they were singing about flowers and stuff...but it was unnecessary to put some random glowing flower in there. And then I don't know what was with the gel stuff coming down...O.o It's a rather random PV...and that's probably what I don't like about it.

AND THEN THE MOST WEIRDEST PART!! Were they're...hugging? Are they supposed to be hugging, where it just has the music part...? I can't tell what they're supposed to be doing, but it looks really crappy! I mean, you could tell that they just filmed them one by one doing that, and not actually together...it was really weird...O.o

The good parts are probably the dancing...that's about it...everything else was really odd...I REALLY love the dance! I like spinny dances (like in Princess Debut, I kept dancing around afterwards, spinning and stuff)! ^ ^ I MUST learn that dance!!

Anyways, probably how I'd make that was to keep their clothes, but not make it so dark. Instead, I'd make it in kinda a western-ish feeling. The dance wouldn't be like ballet (though I love it, it just doesn't fit), it would be more rough and tough. And I guess I'd put them in more of an oldish mansion thing like in Morning Musume's video Kimagura Princess, except without the green...wait...did it have green...? OH! I FIGURED IT OUT! They should switch! It'd make more sense that way!! Yes! Definitely! Kimagure Princess seemed more modern/futuristic and less...western-ish...

Ah! I also figured out a new career that I possibly want to enter, if singing (why would that happen?), acting (again, why would that happen?), being a manga artist, or screenwriting don't work out I'd LOVE to be a Music Video Director. Preferably for j-pop....because they need to get better music videos, as I just said above how crappy the new music video is. Though AKB48's new PV looks really good! There needs to be more people like their music video director. I want to be one because I've noticed I really have an eye for things that are needed to make a good music video. Don't just place random things into the video like pictures (AAA's music video director for this time...>.>), and what kind of colors and atmosphere fit. Sounds really fun! ^ ^

Well, that's it for now! Time to make more AAA wallies! XD I need to make more original ones...I will...sometime...>.>
