There's a lot of stuff thar!
Anyway---I GOTTA STOP SAYING ANYWAYS!! What are other transition words? ANYWAYS.....nuuu...I did again...OKAY! OKAY! No...not okay...I'm have internal conflicts....O.o
Let's get to the point, now! I have lotsa stuff to say! First of all, I watched Monty Python and the Meaning of Life, and I LOVED IT! ^ ^ My favorite part is the part in the classroom! Man, that's a hilarious! ^ ^ But one of the parts got ruined when I saw a spider in front of my face, I freaked out and had to move until I saw the spider go back up into the ceiling...but I think I was watching the movie...O.o it kinda stopped and sat there for a long time...O.o
Second of all, I won a contest! Me first ever contest! No, it's not some contest online, it's an actually contest. I got first in the 11-14 year-old section (though I should be in the 14-18 section because it just makes everything unequal with a fourth section) and now I get to go eat with the governor for lunch! ^ ^ YAY! Manga does win! My picture was in the manga style and I was afraid I wouldn't win because most people dislike that kinda stuff....but I dunno what's going to happen with my picture...O.o
Third, MUSIC! I've gotta tell you some of the music I've been listening to and my favorites (sorry no videos for this part...I'll get to the videos later, there are too many videos to show, I'll just post them on my Jpop 101 world). I've been listening to Gackt, Daichi Miura, Acid Black Cherry, Every Little Thing...and that's about it...when it comes to new bands, that is...
My favorite song of Gackt's so far is Jesus...I know, I know, that's a very demented song and blah, blah, blah, I like loud songs, plus Jesus is a very catchy song! XD
My favorite song of Daichi Miura's is Who's the Man. YOU GUYS MUST WATCH IT! (might post it...but ya never know).
My favorite song of Acid Black Cherry's is Black Cherry...the beginning is boring and creepy in the video (Yasu doesn't make for a pretty girl AT ALL). But it's very catchy and fun and that's why I like it! ^ ^
And I'm still listening to Every Little Thing music...sooo....I'll have to get back to you on them...I LOVE Every Little Thing, just so you know! My nostalgic side LOVES them and they're my side's favorite band...O.o While the normal me's favorite band is AAA, but my happy side's favorite band is Morning Musume...and I haven't got a dark side yet...>.> But my dark side love's Gackt's songs Jesus and Ghost!
Speaking of Gackt, I drew a picture of him at school one day...but it was just from memory, and I showed it to my teacher and she loved it and thought he was really pretty, then I told her that he was a real person and she freaked out! ^ ^ Wait...did I already tell this story!? Anyway, it has a new and sad ending...that I find sad...>.> Okay, so I printed out three pictures of Gackt, one of him from when he first started, one of him from 2005, and one of him now (he looked the same except now he doesn't have popping out cheek bones for some reason...I wonder what happened to his face...O.o) and I decided to show it to people to see if they'd freak out since I got such a positive response from my teacher and EVERYONE (but about three people, one boy, my friend who loves anime, and a few senior friends and MY TEACHER) thought he looked like a GIRL!! TT^TT NUUU!! GACKT'S SOOO MANLY THOUGH!! No, not really, he's not that manly, but I think of him as manly and so I laugh at him a lot....By the way, I think he should be a comedian, too, he's HILARIOUS! ^ ^
BACK TO ME STORY!! So I asked tons and tons of people what they thought and they all told me he looked like a girl, but I DON'T SEE IT!! TT^TT What do you guys think? Does he look like a girl?:
Those are some of the pictures I showed them...>.> A lot of the people who saw them and didn't really think he looked like a girl said that he had some feminine features, but that's because of the airbrushing and stuff, and they knew who he was, EXCEPT ONE OF MY FRIENDS who is boy, I asked him and he made a big deal about how manly he looked, and then I told the people who said he looked like a girl that and they said that my friend looked like a girl, and that's why he said that...Well, I don't see that either, but that was hilarious! XD
I'm working on a picture right now with a picture of a fluffy kitty and some kinda plant, but it's driving me nuts because I'm not good at drawing either of those! TT^TT
OH! OH! Since I'm listening to this song I must tell you! I'm listening to Gackt's song Sekirei album version (dunno if that makes a difference...O.o) AND HE ALMOST SOUNDS PERFECTLY LIKE HOW I'D WANT KIYOSHI SOUND! Except his voice is too deep, so I'm probably going to edit his voice in that song...I say that Gackt sings the best in that song because his voice isn't just deep all the time, it's loud, and it has the nice sound in his voice that I like in people's voices! OH! I gotta go ask my brother if I could get on right now!
Well...after dinner...>.> And...errmmm...Colbert...and Jon Stewart...GOTTA GO!!