Okie! I just thought this would be fun and I'd like to see if you think the same. Okay, so there's this one comedian guy on comedy central, who really isn't funny, and he's an OKAY ventriloquist. Well, he had a TV show, which featured his puppets without him in the picture (so he could've just voice-overed them...>.>) and the jokes weren't even funny, and it was cancelled.
OI! If ya don't want to read this, just skip on down to the funny, happy part (after the bold: I'm better now! ^ ^ part):
There was one article that pointed to possible racism, which I don't really care about, since it's comedy, you can make fun of anything, I really don't care...but apparently that's what stopped all of the viewers from watching were a lot of critics judging him on this...Well, I just never thought he was funny. So I read the comments to see if anybody agreed with me that he just wasn't funny and here are some of the stupidest of the comments:
"I think he is Very talented and hiliarous.I love watching him. It's true tho, everything he says. Please dont canel the show. Hey, Look people, everyone of you, i know has a small bit of racialism inside them. I do. Asians and Muslims drive me nuts. I work in retail, most greedy people i have ever met. But I dont hate them. I dont hate anyone, we are all Gods children, He makes jokes about everyone. Everyone has flaws, so he makes alittle joke about it. You are insulted, but you know its true. There are a lot of illegals in this country (USA). people Get A GRIP. If you dont like it , turn it off. I love the show. Everything he says is true. Truth is hurting YOU? Geez stupid a.... people. Get a grip."
First of all, she can't spell, so I'll take off points for that...Second of all, I'm tired of all these idiots saying that everyone has a BIT of racism in them...NO THEY DO NOT!! Racism isn't something everyone was born with, it's caused by society, idiot! And there's nothing wrong with Asians and Muslims! Don't shove them all in a box! >:( And then she says that she doesn't hate them...well you just insulted them, who really cares if you hate them, the insult is what stings.
IDIOT LADY! We know it's false which is why we're insulted! Idiot...>.>
"deffenitly its called a remote people you could change the channle jeff dunham is the best comedien ever. we all have to laugh at ourselves once in a while i mean really"
Okay, yeah, that's a bit reasonable. We do all have to laugh at ourselves sometimes. But he is NOT the best comedian ever! HE'S HARDLY EVEN A COMEDIAN! He's a ventriloquist who says the same jokes as everyone else...>.>
Okay, now this guy I agree with, but what the other people say is just...well, they didn't understand a word he said:
"As a fan of his standup work, the answer is simple. The Jeff Dunham show isn't funny, and it isn't believable."
Yeah, he's just not funny, and it's not believable because it just doesn't seem like he's the ventriloquist we thought he was, which made his comedy even better, but not that we don't see that...it's boring...
"Believable??? What do you want? They're puppets!
It's intertainment."
Idiot spelled entertainment wrong...These people need to learn how to spell or else they'll come across as more ignorant and idiotic than what they said. The guy didn't MEAN that the puppets are believable, he meant that his comedy isn't believable or interesting!
That one was probably the worst one...*sigh* Caps lock, you idiot *face palm*. It's KANYE West, not Kenya (...>.>...They're just TRYING to sound ignorant or something)...no, I don't think Kanya hates white people, he's just awkward around them, and just because he's racist doesn't mean he's a criminal.
"umm, seriously, they r a bunch of puppets... your going to believe a puppet???"
This was on AOL, I THINK you guys could read it here.
And since we're sorta on the topic of racism, I'd like to continue onto a topic that just rips me up. My teacher told us that Obama isn't allowed to be respectable to other countries because he's the president of the USA...*dies*
Then that means that America has to be the jerk and bully who takes everything they want and never says thank you. That's what I thought....*leaves America* no, but I'd like to if that's what is written down in some document that the president has to abide...which my teachers said is true...? I told that to my friends and they all agreed (except for the really christian ones...O.o) that that makes absolutely no sense, I can just see my friends face! XD Her confused face was hilarious! XD Ehehe, anyways, yeah...
I'm better now! ^ ^
Now to talk about REALLY funny comedy! ^ ^ I just watched Ricky Gervais last night and he was HILARIOUS!! Okay, so he had a lot of sexual humor that I didn't understand (I don't think I want to...) but he had something REALLY hilarious to say about Humpty Dumpty! ^ ^
I couldn't breathe it was so funny:
And then this other one which is hilarious in the middle! ^ ^