
Just a random picture I drew just now on SAI...I see kids chewing on their pencils all the time (that girl who stole my pencil was chewing on mine...does she even know where that's been?).

I don't chew on my pencils, I do play with them (and broke like ten pencils in doing so). I think I used to chew on my pencils...maybe...but most of my chewed up looking pencils aren't really chewed up. You see, when I'm bored I take out wooden pencils and start trying to cut them up with the table corners...I dunno why I do that...O.o

But my substitute for chewing pencils is touching my lips. Sometimes I take my turtle necks, or any part of my collar and just put it on my lips. People think I'm weird for doing that, but I like it! XD And sometimes I put my fingers to my lips and move them around like L. So when I first saw L do that I was like ,"Hey! Copy cat! That's my thing!" But I think a lot of people do that...I used to think L was such a copy cat, but...I just found out I was weird...XD I sit like him sometimes, eat like him sometimes, take on the phone like him sometimes...so when I saw him do all those weird things that I do I got really weirded out! XD But I like L...though I'm not obsessed with him like my friends...

I brought a Death Note manga to school just to examine the pictures, and it came with an L card thing, which I like to use as bookmarks because it looks really cool, and my friend begged me all day to have it, and it scared me. She almost scratched up my hands...I mean...he's not THAT good looking...O.o I like Light better, but I LOVE Mello! I like to call him Melly-mel! XD

I've always wanted to draw a picture of all my favorite characters, one of all my favorite male characters, and one of all my favorite female characters so you can see what my favorite type of characters are. I'd list them if I could remember them...

I wanna watch Durara!! *goes off to watch Durara*
