Alice in Wonderland...AGAIN!! XD

I just saw the trailers for Alice in Wonderland, the Tim Burton one, and...YOU KNOW WHAT THAT case you don't know, that means it's coming closer to the day it's in theatres! ^ ^

YAAAAYYYYY!!! ^ ^ I's so excited! Well...I WAS saying how I didn't really wanna watch it, but I LOVE Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, it just gives me such a nice feeling inside! ^ ^ And it's fun, too...

Now...I heard that it's supposed to be just seems hilarious to me! XD I mean, the original story, the book.

I think that means that if you're looking for a good gothic book...don't read Alice in Wonderland,, just don't read it. But if you're okay with comedy...and a lot of head bashing puns, they you'll love it! ^ ^

I like bashing my head...XD

Oh yeah, I've been drawing Kiyoshi a lot...and I think I've FINALLY got with the program in designing my characters. So I decided to change the way Mariko, the 'light' one, to a more like a recent kind of singer, so I'd like her to look more like the girl in this video:

So, I don't really like this song...O.o Please, no English, especially those words! TT^TT But I've always wanted to draw a girl like her, so I think it'll work out. I mean, she CAN have a side gets a bit boring after a while...and I think about it and think...,"Who's the terrible hair stylist who actually thought of that?" Well...I did...but I thought of it from a hair stylist perspective...

That hair style doesn't really fit her cute face, so I should use the kind of hairstyle in that video... I HAVE to go make scrambled eggs...UGH!!! TT^TT
