Ug...Ug.... draw...TT^TT

Well, I could probably think of something, but I have the lingering thought of that fact that I could probably start it, but then not get it done and be interrupted by the movie I'm dying to watch. I've been begging my parents to watch it all weekend and they kept on saying that we'd watch it the next day...

I have nothing do to because I don't know if I have any time to do it...TT^TT I don't know when we'll watch it...So I'm doing nothing except wasting my time...I am hungry, but I refuse to eat because I want to have nachos while watching it...

What is the movie? It's 12. The Russian version of 12 Angry Men...I want to watch it sooooo baaadly...TT^TT

Red Cliff is also ALMOST in my possession...No, actually it won't be since I didn't buy it. will come after...ermmm...I think it was a Serious Man...which is, I think, after hopefully it will get here soon. I have netflix and we can change when it comes, but my dad wants to watch a funny movie after watching a depressing/serious movie, and Red Cliff isn't very funny at all...

Ohhh!! I don't know if I've showed you guys, but I've been DYING to watch this movie again:

Ehhh...not a very good video (but it beats the crappy trailer with american music)

And this movie I REALLY want to see:

Doesn't it look awesome!? I've no clue what it's about, but it's really different from any other movie I've seen. I actually saw a bit of it a LOOOONG time ago on Graham Norton because the main actress (I think...O.o) was on there and they were talking about Heath Ledger being dead and stuff and how he had to have several different actors play his part.

It got a 65 on metacritic, which means I will watch it, and it may or may not be wrong. It was wrong with The Green Mile and Funny People which got 60's...

Count of Monte Cristo got a 61, not reasonable (the guy who gave it the lowest score said it was made from Disney, which it wasn't...O.o Why would Disney make such a movie!?)

The Green Mile got a 61, TOTALLY unreasonable. Gosh, it deserves like a 86 or something! (The reason is because it was 'racist' but THAT'S THE FREAKING TIME PERIOD)

Funny People got a 60, and it deserves better. That was a good movie, not the greatest. It at least deserves a 70.

Avatar got an 84 UNREASONABLE!! Why doesn't it switch with The Green Mile!? Really!? That makes me mad. I REALLY do not like Avatar because of all the hype and the HUGE disappointment I got. I go to see the movies because of the STORY not the action (I realized this after seeing many terrible movies like this that I claimed I'd like because I like action and effects, no, I like a deep storyline).

Atonement got an 85, which is reasonable, but I think it deserves a higher rank.

Letters from Iwo Jima got an 89, yep, that's reasonable. Almost perfect number for it! *nod* *nod* It was pretty good, except there were some parts that were boring or iffy.

Flags of Our Fathers got a...a...79!? What the heck!? This was better than Letters from Iwo Jima!! It was more interesting, more actiony, and more depressing...I'm not saying that because it was American, I'm saying that because it was a better movie. I mean, Letters from Iwo Jima was really depressing in every aspect, but some parts were boring, in this on you just get more and more depressed at the victory of America...TT^TT

Curse of the Golden Flower got a 70, also unreasonable. THAT WAS A FREAKING AWESOME MOVIE!! The complaints here were that it was weird...Ermm...WHO CARES IF IT'S WEIRD!? At least it has a story and was executed accordingly. It's a different culture and story, so suck it up idiots!

Twilight got a 56 on the first one and a 44 on the second! *laughs* Omigosh! That's hilarious! XD But I think it's unreasonable that it's so close to movies like Funny People, I think it should've had a lower score. I read some of the critiques about it. The problem is the story! XD And the directing, so basically the whole thing was a failure in my book! XD funny! XD to make some nachos! ^ ^
